Vale Tom Poulton. We pay tribute to former Haileybury Chairman, Tom Poulton, who passed recently. A significant part of his legacy will see our students return to a school delivering exceptional academic outcomes with a strong spirit of entrepreneurship and enterprise.
Haileybury lost one of its finest when former Chairman Tom Poulton died surrounded by his family on 12 January.
Tom was the Chairman of Haileybury from 2009 through until the end of 2023. It was my privilege to be the Principal throughout that time.
Tom was a Haileybury student from 1961–1966 and had a passion and talent for literature and history. He became a Probationer Prefect, was Platoon Commander in the Cadets, and participated enthusiastically in sports. He studied law at the University of Melbourne from which he graduated LL B (Hons.). From there he established a distinguished career in the legal profession, finishing as Managing Partner of Allens Arthur Robinson (now Allens) law firm in 2007.
During my early years as Principal, Tom was a great mentor and source of advice and guided us through the challenges of the global financial crises. He brought his extraordinary commercial law expertise to the role and ensured that Haileybury was always in a sound financial position so it could serve its families well.
Tom was determinedly focussed on academic excellence as being at the core of great education. Haileybury is, today, one of the leading academic schools in Australia because of Tom’s constant encouragement, support, and his drive to ensure that students made the most of the opportunities afforded them through teachers applying evidence-based practice to our classrooms.
As an outstanding lawyer he had a sharp eye for risk, but it never prevented him from pushing to take up great opportunities that would ensure a Haileybury education could be delivered for more students. Tom’s support and professional expertise were instrumental in setting up Haileybury Tianjin (2013), Haileybury City (2016), Haileybury Rendall School – Darwin (2017) and Haileybury Pangea (2023).
Haileybury students — whichever campus they attend — will commence 2025 in a school that has a razor-sharp focus on delivering exceptional academic outcomes through focused, evidence-based teaching programs; an extraordinary range of co-curricular (particularly music and the arts) and sport opportunities; and a strong spirit of entrepreneurship and enterprise. A significant part of this is the legacy of Tom Poulton.
Our thoughts, of course, are with his wife Wendy Peter, and children Alice and Robert.
Derek Scott CEO | Principal
Welcome back, Castlefield!
We are pleased to extend a warm welcome to all Castlefield families as we commence the 2025 school year. We especially acknowledge and welcome our new students, who are joining our vibrant school community, where connection and learning are our priorities. The school premises have been carefully prepared by our dedicated staff for the first day on Wednesday, 29 January 2025.
Information regarding the arrangements for student arrival on the first day is available on the myHaileybury app, under myNews. Parking will be available on the oval for the morning, so parents are able to assist with the carrying of book boxes to the classrooms. We ask that all items are brought into school on Day 1.
New student afternoon
Students who are in Years 1–8 and commencing with us for the first time this year will have received an invitation regarding our new student afternoon. We welcome new students to join us on Tuesday, 28 January, at 3.30 pm to refamiliarise themselves with the layout of the school, their Homeroom teachers and classrooms before their first day.
School uniform
Summer uniform is to be worn for Term 1, and the link for Uniform Student Expectations can be found on myHaileybury here. Please note, Junior School students are not required to wear the blazer with the summer uniform. As a SunSmart school, the School cap or bucket hat is compulsory for all outdoor activities during Terms 1 and 4.
Don’t forget the Haileybury ELC app
As well as the whole school Haileybury app, myHaileybury, we ask families to download the Haileybury ELC app before the term begins. This is the main communication tool for educators and parents. It provides updates on ELC specific events and our class curriculum and there are opportunities to share the magical moments your child experiences in the ELC.
Traffic and parking reminder
A reminder for families that South Road is the preferred pick-up and drop-off location for students in Junior and Middle Schools and the roundabout is an efficient way to collect your child. Staff are on duty before and after school to help children remain safe within our grounds.
For Senior School students, South Road is the only drop-off and pick-up area for parents who drive their child to school. We encourage older students to walk, ride or take public transport, rather than being driven to school. The PTV planner can be found here.
Katrina Manson Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
Welcome back, City!
Our Haileybury City team are delighted to welcome you to 2025. There are great things planned for our new and returning students. Every student and staff member matters every day at Haileybury, and we know the first day is particularly special. We invite you to take time to take a special photo of your child or young person’s first day outside our campus. Please note the staggered start times for your age and stage. Learning starts at 8.30 am and we look forward to our students all returning in summer uniform and ready to go.
Our Heads of School will be with me on King Street to welcome all our families to City campus from 8.00 am. We can’t wait to see you all.
School uniform
Summer uniform is to be worn for Term 1, and the link for Uniform — Student Expectations can be found on myHaileybury. Please note, Junior School students are not required to wear the blazer with the summer uniform. As a SunSmart school, the School cap or bucket hat is compulsory for all outdoor activities during Terms 1 and 4.
myHaileybury app
As we embark on another exciting school year in 2024, we would like to remind you to make the most of our School app, myHaileybury. This powerful tool is your gateway to staying informed about all the key dates for your child and is the main communication tool for educators and parents.
Setting goals
The start of the year brings a wonderful sense of renewed enthusiasm and the chance to set new goals. As the school year starts, please remind your child that:
Academic rigour is important. Set goals for your learning and commit to working hard to achieve them. There are many people who will support you, including your parents and family.
Be curious about the world around you. Ask questions and interrogate answers to grow your sharp mind. Approach opportunity with a gung-ho attitude and a growth mindset.
This is your year to try something new and when the going gets tough, know that you are resilient and capable. With an open mind, you will achieve great things.
Treating others with kindness will make your world a better place — that is a responsibility of being a member of our Haileybury community, as you grow a kind heart.
Smile and find joy in what you do because there is no greater reward.
Caroline Merrick Head of City
Welcome back!
It is my pleasure to welcome all Edrington families to the 2025 school year. I hope you had a restful and enjoyable break with family and friends, and that all students are ready for an exciting year ahead. A very warm welcome to the new students and families joining us this year — we are delighted to have you as part of the Haileybury community.
School commences on Wednesday, 29 January, and full summer uniform is required. We ask that all Prep to Year 8 students arrive by 8.20 am to allow plenty of time to find their classrooms and settle in. On this first morning, the front oval will be open for parking, enabling parents to assist their children with their books. ELC sessions commence at 8.45 am, with parking available in the ELC carpark.
Parent Information Sessions will be held as follows:
Middle School: Thursday, 30 January, at 7.00 pm in JT Hall, followed by classroom sessions and refreshments
Junior School: Wednesday, 5 February, at 7.00 pm in JT Hall, followed by classroom sessions and refreshments
All communication from Haileybury is via the myHaileybury app.
We look forward to a wonderful year ahead and thank you for the opportunity to share in your children’s educational journey in 2025.
School uniform
Summer uniform is to be worn for Term 1, and the link for Uniform — Student Expectations can be found on myHaileybury. Please note, Junior School students are not required to wear the blazer with the summer uniform. As a SunSmart school, the School cap or bucket hat is compulsory for all outdoor activities during Terms 1 and 4.
myHaileybury app
As we embark on another exciting school year in 2025, we would like to remind you to make the most of our School app, myHaileybury. This powerful tool is your gateway to staying informed about all the key dates for your child and is the main communication tool for educators and parents.
Jeanette Rawlings Head of Edrington (Berwick)
Welcome back, Newlands!
Welcome back to the 2025 school year. I hope your holidays were filled with memorable moments spent with loved ones. A warm welcome also to our new students, families and staff joining the Newlands community. We are thrilled that you have chosen Haileybury.
This year we are proud to unveil our new Early Learning Centre (ELC) Reception classroom, along with the beautiful, purpose-built playground designed to inspire creativity and exploration for our youngest learners. In addition, our campus facilities have received significant upgrades, including enhancements to our Newlands Sports Hall. These additions and improvements reflect our commitment to fostering a nurturing environment where every student’s journey begins with excitement and curiosity.
In 2025 I encourage our wonderful families to actively participate in our Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough (HPFK) events. With a new executive this year, led by Amy Ching as President, the HPFK plays a vital role in building connections and enriching our school community. At numerous times throughout the year the HPFK will host opportunities to come together to connect, support, and celebrate the educational experience of all our students.
It is with excitement that I look forward to welcoming our students, families and staff back to Newlands for the 2025 academic year. Let us continue to pursue our approach to education at Newlands through the eyes of excellence, embracing opportunities with optimism and vigour.
This year is sure to be another remarkable year at Newlands.
School uniform
Summer uniform is to be worn for Term 1, and the link for Uniform — Student Expectations can be found on myHaileybury. Please note, Junior School students are not required to wear the blazer with the summer uniform. As a SunSmart school, the School cap or bucket hat is compulsory for all outdoor activities during Terms 1 and 4.
myHaileybury app
Please ensure you have downloaded the myHaileybury app before the term begins. This is our main communication tool and provides updates on events, year level notices and calendar information from the School. All student absences must also be notified to the School through the myHaileybury app > Absent/Late.
Hugo Engele Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
Senior School
Welcome back, Senior School!
As the summer break comes to an end, I hope this newsletter finds all our families well and looking forward to the resumption of school on Wednesday, 29 January 2025. We look forward to your safe return very much.
Our academic year is already well underway, thanks to Term 1A, making for a considerably smoother commencement in January 2025. Welcome especially to our new families, students and staff who are joining us this year. We trust that your time at Haileybury is happy and filled with success.
Wednesday, 29 January 2025 begins with tutor groups which are held prior to classes. This is where Heads of Houses and tutors will get an opportunity to remind our young Haileyburians about our high expectations of them. Sometimes, it takes a few timely reminders about hair and uniform presentation and personal appearance before everyone is back into the swing of things, ready for successful living and learning at school.
I ask all our parents and guardians to assist us in ensuring that our students are immaculate and well-presented, ready for school on day one.
We are justifiably proud of our Haileybury uniform, and we trust that all our students will wear it with evident pride. If you have any queries about our day-to-day expectations or regarding the start of the new year, please feel free to contact your child’s Head of House as the first port of call. The Head of Senior School Culture, Ms Catherine McCraith and Head of Senior School Wellbeing, Ms Anna Wassell, may be contacted for more specific matters.
Tips for a successful VCE
Create a study routine – Sit down and plan your workload. Consider when exams or assignments are due. Work back from those dates and draw up a work and study plan that breaks tasks into manageable chunks.
Sleep well – A good night’s sleep is essential, according to the Australian Institute of Family Studies. A 2019 report found that half of 16–17-year-olds do not get enough sleep on school nights. Government health guidelines recommend that children up to age 13 should have 9–11 hours of sleep, and students aged 14 and upwards have 8–10 hours each night.
Eat well – The London School of Economics recommends that students look at what they eat as they prepare for exams. Some foods are known to improve alertness, memory and energy levels — all important during busy study times. Aim to hydrate with around 1.2 litres of water a day to help brain function. Avoid high-sugar foods as after a sugar rush, blood sugar levels can suddenly drop and cause tiredness. Eat plenty of protein-rich foods such as nuts, oats, eggs, dried fruits and yoghurt and avoid too much caffeine, which can lead to headaches.
Make time for friends and relaxation – Keeping up activities beyond school study is important. Maintaining an involvement in sport or other recreational activities is important to wellbeing and helps to maintain a sense of balance. Whilst we promote a culture of hard work, it is also essential to live alongside learning.
Focus on what you can control – Dr Chelsea Hyde, Educational Psychologist at Melbourne Graduate School of Education at the University of Melbourne, says it is important to help students reduce stress by encouraging them to focus on what they can do and what they can control, such as keeping up with schoolwork and setting goals for the future.
Ask for help when you need it – Remember you are surrounded by people who want the best for you and want to see you succeed — your family, friends and teachers. If you need help or guidance throughout this time, it is important to speak to someone you trust and work through a solution together.
All absences must be promptly recorded using the myHaileybury app. We understand the challenges parents face when their child is unable to attend school, and we appreciate your cooperation in swiftly submitting your child’s absence through the app, taking less than 10 seconds. Your prompt action is crucial for effective record-keeping and communication.
Senior School sport expectations
Sport at Haileybury is an enjoyable and integral component in developing a well-rounded Haileyburian. Training and competition are so much more than winning — they not only improve our students’ mental and physical health and fitness, but enable them to develop their leadership and communication skills, ability to work in a team and respect for themselves and others.
Building a culture based on these core skills will ultimately result in success on the sporting field and in the classroom.
Team success is, of course, dependent on all students attending Tuesday training and Saturday competition. Should your son or daughter need to leave school for an appointment and miss Tuesday sport training, a medical certificate will need to be emailed to the Heads of Boys and Girls Sport the following day.
Haileybury strongly discourages students and parents from making regular appointments on Tuesday afternoon during sport training.
If you have any queries about our sport program, please contact either:
Haileybury lost one of its finest when former Chairman Tom Poulton died surrounded by his family on 12 January.
Tom was the Chairman of Haileybury from 2009 through until the end of 2023. It was my privilege to be the Principal throughout that time.
Tom was a Haileybury student from 1961–1966 and had a passion and talent for literature and history. He became a Probationer Prefect, was Platoon Commander in the Cadets, and participated enthusiastically in sports. He studied law at the University of Melbourne from which he graduated LL B (Hons.). From there he established a distinguished career in the legal profession, finishing as Managing Partner of Allens Arthur Robinson (now Allens) law firm in 2007.
During my early years as Principal, Tom was a great mentor and source of advice and guided us through the challenges of the global financial crises. He brought his extraordinary commercial law expertise to the role and ensured that Haileybury was always in a sound financial position so it could serve its families well.
Tom was determinedly focussed on academic excellence as being at the core of great education. Haileybury is, today, one of the leading academic schools in Australia because of Tom’s constant encouragement, support, and his drive to ensure that students made the most of the opportunities afforded them through teachers applying evidence-based practice to our classrooms.
As an outstanding lawyer he had a sharp eye for risk, but it never prevented him from pushing to take up great opportunities that would ensure a Haileybury education could be delivered for more students. Tom’s support and professional expertise were instrumental in setting up Haileybury Tianjin (2013), Haileybury City (2016), Haileybury Rendall School – Darwin (2017) and Haileybury Pangea (2023).
Haileybury students — whichever campus they attend — will commence 2025 in a school that has a razor-sharp focus on delivering exceptional academic outcomes through focused, evidence-based teaching programs; an extraordinary range of co-curricular (particularly music and the arts) and sport opportunities; and a strong spirit of entrepreneurship and enterprise. A significant part of this is the legacy of Tom Poulton.
Our thoughts, of course, are with his wife Wendy Peter, and children Alice and Robert.
Derek Scott CEO | Principal
Castlefield - Issue 01
Welcome back, Castlefield!
We are pleased to extend a warm welcome to all Castlefield families as we commence the 2025 school year. We especially acknowledge and welcome our new students, who are joining our vibrant school community, where connection and learning are our priorities. The school premises have been carefully prepared by our dedicated staff for the first day on Wednesday, 29 January 2025.
Information regarding the arrangements for student arrival on the first day is available on the myHaileybury app, under myNews. Parking will be available on the oval for the morning, so parents are able to assist with the carrying of book boxes to the classrooms. We ask that all items are brought into school on Day 1.
New student afternoon
Students who are in Years 1–8 and commencing with us for the first time this year will have received an invitation regarding our new student afternoon. We welcome new students to join us on Tuesday, 28 January, at 3.30 pm to refamiliarise themselves with the layout of the school, their Homeroom teachers and classrooms before their first day.
School uniform
Summer uniform is to be worn for Term 1, and the link for Uniform Student Expectations can be found on myHaileybury here. Please note, Junior School students are not required to wear the blazer with the summer uniform. As a SunSmart school, the School cap or bucket hat is compulsory for all outdoor activities during Terms 1 and 4.
Don’t forget the Haileybury ELC app
As well as the whole school Haileybury app, myHaileybury, we ask families to download the Haileybury ELC app before the term begins. This is the main communication tool for educators and parents. It provides updates on ELC specific events and our class curriculum and there are opportunities to share the magical moments your child experiences in the ELC.
Traffic and parking reminder
A reminder for families that South Road is the preferred pick-up and drop-off location for students in Junior and Middle Schools and the roundabout is an efficient way to collect your child. Staff are on duty before and after school to help children remain safe within our grounds.
For Senior School students, South Road is the only drop-off and pick-up area for parents who drive their child to school. We encourage older students to walk, ride or take public transport, rather than being driven to school. The PTV planner can be found here.
Katrina Manson Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
City - Issue 01
Welcome back, City!
Our Haileybury City team are delighted to welcome you to 2025. There are great things planned for our new and returning students. Every student and staff member matters every day at Haileybury, and we know the first day is particularly special. We invite you to take time to take a special photo of your child or young person’s first day outside our campus. Please note the staggered start times for your age and stage. Learning starts at 8.30 am and we look forward to our students all returning in summer uniform and ready to go.
Our Heads of School will be with me on King Street to welcome all our families to City campus from 8.00 am. We can’t wait to see you all.
School uniform
Summer uniform is to be worn for Term 1, and the link for Uniform — Student Expectations can be found on myHaileybury. Please note, Junior School students are not required to wear the blazer with the summer uniform. As a SunSmart school, the School cap or bucket hat is compulsory for all outdoor activities during Terms 1 and 4.
myHaileybury app
As we embark on another exciting school year in 2024, we would like to remind you to make the most of our School app, myHaileybury. This powerful tool is your gateway to staying informed about all the key dates for your child and is the main communication tool for educators and parents.
Setting goals
The start of the year brings a wonderful sense of renewed enthusiasm and the chance to set new goals. As the school year starts, please remind your child that:
Academic rigour is important. Set goals for your learning and commit to working hard to achieve them. There are many people who will support you, including your parents and family.
Be curious about the world around you. Ask questions and interrogate answers to grow your sharp mind. Approach opportunity with a gung-ho attitude and a growth mindset.
This is your year to try something new and when the going gets tough, know that you are resilient and capable. With an open mind, you will achieve great things.
Treating others with kindness will make your world a better place — that is a responsibility of being a member of our Haileybury community, as you grow a kind heart.
Smile and find joy in what you do because there is no greater reward.
Caroline Merrick Head of City
Edrington - Issue 01
Welcome back!
It is my pleasure to welcome all Edrington families to the 2025 school year. I hope you had a restful and enjoyable break with family and friends, and that all students are ready for an exciting year ahead. A very warm welcome to the new students and families joining us this year — we are delighted to have you as part of the Haileybury community.
School commences on Wednesday, 29 January, and full summer uniform is required. We ask that all Prep to Year 8 students arrive by 8.20 am to allow plenty of time to find their classrooms and settle in. On this first morning, the front oval will be open for parking, enabling parents to assist their children with their books. ELC sessions commence at 8.45 am, with parking available in the ELC carpark.
Parent Information Sessions will be held as follows:
Middle School: Thursday, 30 January, at 7.00 pm in JT Hall, followed by classroom sessions and refreshments
Junior School: Wednesday, 5 February, at 7.00 pm in JT Hall, followed by classroom sessions and refreshments
All communication from Haileybury is via the myHaileybury app.
We look forward to a wonderful year ahead and thank you for the opportunity to share in your children’s educational journey in 2025.
School uniform
Summer uniform is to be worn for Term 1, and the link for Uniform — Student Expectations can be found on myHaileybury. Please note, Junior School students are not required to wear the blazer with the summer uniform. As a SunSmart school, the School cap or bucket hat is compulsory for all outdoor activities during Terms 1 and 4.
myHaileybury app
As we embark on another exciting school year in 2025, we would like to remind you to make the most of our School app, myHaileybury. This powerful tool is your gateway to staying informed about all the key dates for your child and is the main communication tool for educators and parents.
Jeanette Rawlings Head of Edrington (Berwick)
Newlands - Issue 01
Welcome back, Newlands!
Welcome back to the 2025 school year. I hope your holidays were filled with memorable moments spent with loved ones. A warm welcome also to our new students, families and staff joining the Newlands community. We are thrilled that you have chosen Haileybury.
This year we are proud to unveil our new Early Learning Centre (ELC) Reception classroom, along with the beautiful, purpose-built playground designed to inspire creativity and exploration for our youngest learners. In addition, our campus facilities have received significant upgrades, including enhancements to our Newlands Sports Hall. These additions and improvements reflect our commitment to fostering a nurturing environment where every student’s journey begins with excitement and curiosity.
In 2025 I encourage our wonderful families to actively participate in our Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough (HPFK) events. With a new executive this year, led by Amy Ching as President, the HPFK plays a vital role in building connections and enriching our school community. At numerous times throughout the year the HPFK will host opportunities to come together to connect, support, and celebrate the educational experience of all our students.
It is with excitement that I look forward to welcoming our students, families and staff back to Newlands for the 2025 academic year. Let us continue to pursue our approach to education at Newlands through the eyes of excellence, embracing opportunities with optimism and vigour.
This year is sure to be another remarkable year at Newlands.
School uniform
Summer uniform is to be worn for Term 1, and the link for Uniform — Student Expectations can be found on myHaileybury. Please note, Junior School students are not required to wear the blazer with the summer uniform. As a SunSmart school, the School cap or bucket hat is compulsory for all outdoor activities during Terms 1 and 4.
myHaileybury app
Please ensure you have downloaded the myHaileybury app before the term begins. This is our main communication tool and provides updates on events, year level notices and calendar information from the School. All student absences must also be notified to the School through the myHaileybury app > Absent/Late.
Hugo Engele Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
Senior School - Issue 01
Welcome back, Senior School!
As the summer break comes to an end, I hope this newsletter finds all our families well and looking forward to the resumption of school on Wednesday, 29 January 2025. We look forward to your safe return very much.
Our academic year is already well underway, thanks to Term 1A, making for a considerably smoother commencement in January 2025. Welcome especially to our new families, students and staff who are joining us this year. We trust that your time at Haileybury is happy and filled with success.
Wednesday, 29 January 2025 begins with tutor groups which are held prior to classes. This is where Heads of Houses and tutors will get an opportunity to remind our young Haileyburians about our high expectations of them. Sometimes, it takes a few timely reminders about hair and uniform presentation and personal appearance before everyone is back into the swing of things, ready for successful living and learning at school.
I ask all our parents and guardians to assist us in ensuring that our students are immaculate and well-presented, ready for school on day one.
We are justifiably proud of our Haileybury uniform, and we trust that all our students will wear it with evident pride. If you have any queries about our day-to-day expectations or regarding the start of the new year, please feel free to contact your child’s Head of House as the first port of call. The Head of Senior School Culture, Ms Catherine McCraith and Head of Senior School Wellbeing, Ms Anna Wassell, may be contacted for more specific matters.
Tips for a successful VCE
Create a study routine – Sit down and plan your workload. Consider when exams or assignments are due. Work back from those dates and draw up a work and study plan that breaks tasks into manageable chunks.
Sleep well – A good night’s sleep is essential, according to the Australian Institute of Family Studies. A 2019 report found that half of 16–17-year-olds do not get enough sleep on school nights. Government health guidelines recommend that children up to age 13 should have 9–11 hours of sleep, and students aged 14 and upwards have 8–10 hours each night.
Eat well – The London School of Economics recommends that students look at what they eat as they prepare for exams. Some foods are known to improve alertness, memory and energy levels — all important during busy study times. Aim to hydrate with around 1.2 litres of water a day to help brain function. Avoid high-sugar foods as after a sugar rush, blood sugar levels can suddenly drop and cause tiredness. Eat plenty of protein-rich foods such as nuts, oats, eggs, dried fruits and yoghurt and avoid too much caffeine, which can lead to headaches.
Make time for friends and relaxation – Keeping up activities beyond school study is important. Maintaining an involvement in sport or other recreational activities is important to wellbeing and helps to maintain a sense of balance. Whilst we promote a culture of hard work, it is also essential to live alongside learning.
Focus on what you can control – Dr Chelsea Hyde, Educational Psychologist at Melbourne Graduate School of Education at the University of Melbourne, says it is important to help students reduce stress by encouraging them to focus on what they can do and what they can control, such as keeping up with schoolwork and setting goals for the future.
Ask for help when you need it – Remember you are surrounded by people who want the best for you and want to see you succeed — your family, friends and teachers. If you need help or guidance throughout this time, it is important to speak to someone you trust and work through a solution together.
All absences must be promptly recorded using the myHaileybury app. We understand the challenges parents face when their child is unable to attend school, and we appreciate your cooperation in swiftly submitting your child’s absence through the app, taking less than 10 seconds. Your prompt action is crucial for effective record-keeping and communication.
Senior School sport expectations
Sport at Haileybury is an enjoyable and integral component in developing a well-rounded Haileyburian. Training and competition are so much more than winning — they not only improve our students’ mental and physical health and fitness, but enable them to develop their leadership and communication skills, ability to work in a team and respect for themselves and others.
Building a culture based on these core skills will ultimately result in success on the sporting field and in the classroom.
Team success is, of course, dependent on all students attending Tuesday training and Saturday competition. Should your son or daughter need to leave school for an appointment and miss Tuesday sport training, a medical certificate will need to be emailed to the Heads of Boys and Girls Sport the following day.
Haileybury strongly discourages students and parents from making regular appointments on Tuesday afternoon during sport training.
If you have any queries about our sport program, please contact either: