CEO | Principal's Report
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a reality and as it becomes an increasingly important part of future workplaces, Haileybury is ensuring that students are well-versed in its potential.
Online news from Haileybury
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a reality and as it becomes an increasingly important part of future workplaces, Haileybury is ensuring that students are well-versed in its potential.
As education evolves, driven in part by new technologies and changing expectations for post-school study and work, Haileybury continues to focus on developing students’ core skills in literacy and numeracy to the highest levels possible.
Our School does this while embracing innovation that will enhance critical and creative thinking so students are prepared for life after school. This approach has seen Haileybury rank among the very highest top-performing schools in the country on national testing and by Australian Tertiary Admissions Results.
It has also seen the School introduce compulsory studies, such as Start-Up in Year 8 and the Haileybury Incubator Project in Year 9, where students develop the skills and dispositions to solve complex problems including design thinking, project management and developing an entrepreneurial mindset.
In the discussion about changes to education, in recent months there has been a focus on artificial intelligence (AI) — in particular ChatGPT, the latest AI language model.
Haileybury’s brilliant teachers are looking forward to leveraging the best elements of AI in our education delivery. The students of today will be working in a future where AI is the reality, and it is important that our students are exposed to it and engage with the most effective ways of using AI.
However, it is important to note that ChatGPT’s current Terms of Use restrict it to ages 18+. As such, to meet our compliance requirements with school regulators, ChatGPT will not be able to be accessed by students on school Wi-Fi. However, it is acknowledged that some students will be accessing it on their own devices or from home. We certainly anticipate that the 18+ restriction will be removed at some point, at which time it will be available to students on the School network.
Teachers have engaged in forums and discussions to understand the tools available for student use and to explore new technologies so they can have open and informed conversations in the classroom. Staff will have full access to ChatGPT and may use it on the projector in the classroom to support class discussions and they are encouraged to discuss ChatGPT’s use with students.
There are many areas in which AI can assist teachers to provide differentiated programs for students. It is a useful tool in potentially boosting vocabulary, providing writing prompts, in second language acquisition, assisting with problem-solving tasks, helping to explain concepts and in many other areas to be explored further.
AI will also have an impact on assessment in education. Ironically, this may be in making supervised off-line assessments, such as the VCE testing regime currently in place, more significant.
It is important to note that ChatGPT can produce inaccurate responses or ‘hallucinations’ as well as biases, and information within ChatGPT is only relevant up until the end of 2021. This should be kept in mind when using the tool or when parents are discussing it with their children.
Haileybury continues to embrace the evolution of technology; the launch of Haileybury Pangea is an example of how the School has a strong desire to evolve and stay ahead of the curve. It is, however, essential that we ensure every student matters every day and, at times, that means moving considerately to ensure their safety and security.
Haileybury will embrace the use of AI where it is appropriate and where it enhances the capacity for students to be prepared for the future of study and work.
Derek Scott
CEO | Principal
Insight is one of the School’s key methods of sharing news, information, events and celebrations with the Haileybury community.
So that we can keep evolving and improving our practices, we are seeking feedback on how Insight is used and delivered.
If you have feedback that you would like to share, please complete this form by Friday, 10 February 2023. We will be in contact with you in due course to obtain your feedback.
It can seem like a step into the unknown…the move to senior school. Classrooms and teachers will be different. Routines and expectations might change. Uncertainty and unfamiliarity can be a little daunting.
While it’s perfectly natural for a young person to experience some nerves about what lies ahead, it’s important to remember that thousands of children across the country make that same step up into senior school every year – and they survive and can thrive.
“Parents and families can provide plenty of practical support to help the move to senior school run smoothly.”Diane Furusho, Haileybury Deputy Principal – Student Wellbeing
"Emphasising what young people are looking forward to and the opportunities and experiences that await them in senior school is a good starting point."
“Take a positive perspective from the beginning and ask your child what they are looking forward to in senior school,” says Diane.
“Spend some time together looking at what is available to them in this next chapter. Talk about what will be different and what they’ll be able to do that they haven’t done before.”
“While moving to senior school may seem a big step and there can be a little anxiety, it’s actually not as big a change as many people think,” says Diane.
Our 2023 school year began brilliantly. Day one saw our parents and students enter the school grounds with smiles of excitement and nervousness. Now, just over a week later, the students are still smiling and they have settled into the routines and rigour of our academic program.
Information sessions have been conducted across the schools, giving our parents the opportunity to meet the Heads of School and Homeroom Teachers. Many questions were asked and answered. We appreciate the partnership we have with our families and these will continue to grow and develop across the journey of each child at Castlefield.
Our Parent-Teacher Interviews and conversations between the Homeroom Teacher and parents have given us a further opportunity to know your child. Every child matters every day and starting strongly is so important. We look forward to you sharing your important insights about your child with us on Monday, 13 and Wednesday, 15 February.
Parking around the property is, at times, difficult. Our priority is the safety and wellbeing of our Haileybury community. Parents leaving via the South Road exit, please take care when turning onto South Road, particularly as the pedestrian crossing is so close to the exit.
Remember that all exits from the School to Villeroy and Rouen Streets close at 6.00 pm nightly. If you are attending an evening function, we encourage you to park on South Road and enter through the front gate.
There are clearly signed two-minute parking spaces outside our Villeroy Street gate and this is to be used as a ‘kiss and go’ zone, rather than disembarking from your car.
Please be considerate of the residents in the streets surrounding our School.
There has been a mix of emotions as students start a new year in the Early Learning Centre — anticipation, excitement and joy have all been part of how the children, families and educators have been feeling as we begin a new school year.
During Term 1, there is a focus on building relationships and creating a sense of safety, security and belonging. The children are settling well, getting to know their peers and educators and they are learning about the environments that make up their Haileybury ELC community.
We look forward to many joyful moments as we all embark on a year of learning and development.
There are a number of children in the centre with food allergies and who are anaphylactic. We ask that you please be mindful of the foods packed for your child’s morning tea and lunch.
If you are in doubt, or have any queries, please speak with your class educators. It is important that we are aware of any potential risks for effective management. We appreciate your assistance with this important matter.
There are many ways that we stay connected with families, starting with our Parent Information sessions and orientation sessions at the end of last year. We look forward to catching up individually with families in our upcoming Parent-Teacher Interviews.
The myHaileybury and Haileybury ELC apps are essential forms of regular communication. Please ensure you have set up both apps so you receive important updates and precious moments.
Part of the thrill of being in Year 4 is the opportunity to lead your House. Clements, Jackson, Kennedy and Russell House Leaders were inducted into their roles in a formal assembly in Week 1. These leaders will run assemblies, offer recess and lunchtime clubs to the Junior School, and assist during whole school House events.
Congratulations to the following students:
We value the importance of all Middle School students having a positive start to their new year. So often when commencing a new year at school there are nerves and apprehension about what the next day, week or year may hold.
This is why running our two-day Induction Program is such an important feature of our Middle School experience. The first two days of school are about ensuring that all students have full access to a day in the life of a Haileybury student. From forging connections within the Homeroom, finding new faces, attending House meetings and specialist subjects, and attending their first assembly, our students are shown all that Castlefield offers.
After these first two days we began a regular timetable, giving our students a strong start within our Culture of Learning.
Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
Thank you to everyone who attended the Junior School Parent Information Evening and Middle School Summer Drinks. It was so lovely to see you all.
Please keep a close eye on the myHaileybury app for all upcoming parent events, including:
As always, the Second-hand Uniform Shop (SHUS) is open for uniform requirements. We have lots of high-quality items available.
We look forward to building strong relationships with all our members of the Castlefield Community.
Want to know more? Come to a meeting with the HPFC team who will discuss the year’s events and welcome our class social representatives. Everyone is invited. This is a great opportunity to meet parents and find out how you can get involved in the school community. The meeting will be held on Monday, 6 February at 6.00 pm in Dickinson Hall.
Monique Chapman
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield
Our students and families recently celebrated the Chinese New Year (CNY) with the traditional greeting ‘Kung Hei Fat Choi’. The CNY is also called the Lunar New Year or Spring Festival and it is the most important celebration in the Chinese Calendar.
It marks the first moon of the lunisolar calendar that is traditional to China and many east Asian countries that are regulated by the cycles of the moon and sun.
Chinese New Year is celebrated by visits to family and friends, special meals, fireworks and gift giving. Each year is named after one of 12 animals that feature in the Chinese zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. This CNY is the Year of the Rabbit.
The rabbit ushers in the fourth year of a 12-year cycle, following the Year of the Tiger. In ancient Chinese culture, legend has it that the Rabbit was proud — arrogant even — of its speed and that it represents the moon due to the shadows of the moon resembling a rabbit.
Chinese people regard people born under the sign of the rabbit to possess traditional values of diligence, dependability, strength and determination. Their quiet personality hides their confidence and strength and ability to always move towards their goals, irrespective of any negativity they experience.
The kind nature and trustworthiness of a rabbit is what sets them apart from the other zodiac animals. Their family, friends and colleagues can always depend on them. Rabbits are popular among their friends because of their reliability and tender-hearted nature. They are excellent at giving advice and would never hesitate to offer help where it is needed.
I look forward to hearing how staff and students celebrated CNY with traditional firecrackers and fireworks, the giving of red envelopes, their family reunion dinner and with many other rituals that prepare them for prosperity, good luck and happiness in the new year.
Yanni Galanis
International Principal, Haileybury International School, Tianjin
Our City students have been delighted to see each other, to meet their teachers, and to get started on their learning. Our brilliant teachers have done so much work to prepare for the start of the year and to ensure it is highly engaging for students.
We have enjoyed welcoming students, staff and families and so much learning has already been enjoyed in the first week of 2023.
We continue to focus on growth and celebrate each important step on our learning journey as we work towards our 2023 Haileybury City goal — excellence in character and contribution.
It was lovely to see our parent community attend our recent Parent Information Night for our Junior and Middle Schools. We enjoyed sharing the learning we have planned for 2023 and our goals as a campus, School and Year group.
Your engagement in the learning program and in how we develop and nurture your child’s abilities and skills academically, socially, emotionally and physically is always appreciated.
With a wonderful sense of belonging established within the ELC, children have thrived with the start of our Term 1 program. Counting has been an interest of many children in Reception who have been busy building on these skills.
A clear love of counting and dinosaurs has been combined at group time and children have been presented with a numeral before carefully collecting and counting dinosaurs to represent this number.
Meanwhile, Pre-Prep have been busy focusing on their collaborative learning skills through numeracy experiences such as partnered bingo and demonstrating recognition of one- and two-digit numbers.
Outside the classroom, mathematical language continues to drive our play-based learning program. Children have been enjoying the warmer weather and engaging with water in the outdoor environment.
The use of buckets as we water and care for our terrace garden has introduced words such as heavier, full, half-full and lighter.
We look forward to many more numeracy opportunities throughout the year that help foster a love of learning in this important area for our ELC children.
The Junior Staff at City have been eagerly preparing to welcome back their classes and to kickstart the 2023 academic year! Just like their teachers, please encourage your child to help prepare themselves for each day of school. There are so many ways to build positivity and readiness. They can label their belongings, pack their own lunchbox and set out their uniform for the day.
It’s important that they take ownership of this process to feel excited and at ease. Remember to also ensure your child has their sun hat at School as we enforce a ‘no hat, no outdoor play’ policy in the Junior School. We also encourage students to apply sunscreen in the morning and throughout the day to protect their skin.
We enjoyed seeing many parents at our recent Junior School Parent Information Evening and Parent Meet and Greet. It was a wonderful opportunity to reconnect and maintain the strong partnership between School and home.
We have some new families who joined our City Junior School community this year and we know they have already been warmly welcomed by our existing parent community.
Lastly, a gentle reminder to please complete the online form sent within earlier myHaileybury correspondence to designate the pick-up locations for your child/ren on each day of the week. Thank you to those who have already entered their preferences.
We would like to congratulate our Middle School students for a very successful start to the year. Our Induction Days on Monday, 30 January and Tuesday, 31 January upskilled our students and provided them with a solid grounding for the year ahead.
Students learnt important skills in organisation and device usage and began to lay the foundations for friendships to flourish among their Homeroom peers. The LEAP/STEM showcase held on these days allowed the students to hear about the amazing opportunities on offer through the Curious Minds program. If you want further information about the Curious Minds program, including a timetable of available activities, please visit the myHaileybury app.
Our Boys Middle School and Girls Middle School have introduced their 2023 visions and have begun unpacking how these important messages will shape the year ahead.
The Boys Middle School will focus on ‘being their best self’ and have already begun laying the necessary foundations and culture for each student to thrive.
The Girls Middle School focus will be ‘fearlessly be yourself,’ and this mantra has already provided much food for thought among our students and staff.
We look forward to working with our Middle School on these important messages for 2023.
Caroline Merrick
Head of City
It was such a lovely start to the year with the eager new faces and returning students entering Haileybury City. We hope you have a great start to the wonderful year of learning that lies ahead.
We also look forward to developing connections in person across our community in a safe and responsible manner. Please keep an eye out for events on the myHaileybury app or via your Social Representatives.
Our first HPF City Social Representative and Community meeting will be held on Monday, 13 February at 7.30 pm via Zoom. Everyone is welcome to join the discussion.
These meetings are held once a term and highlight upcoming events and updates from the Head of Campus and Head of Senior School. They are also an opportunity to make connections with other parents and carers and to discover how to get involved. We hope to see you there. For the Zoom details, please go to the myHaileybury app.
The second-hand uniform shop will be held on Friday, 31 March from 8.00 am – 9.00 am. It is a great chance to top up the wardrobe with a few extra uniform pieces. Keep an eye on the myHaileybury app for details on how items will be collected if you wish to sell any items that your child has outgrown.
It is time to get out, meet new people, catch up with old friends and party! The very popular HPF City Rooftop Party will be held on Friday, 17 March. The fun begins at 6.30 pm. Enjoy the fantastic views across Flagstaff Gardens to the city and Docklands and watch the sun set while enjoying delicious food. The event will finish at 9.00 pm.
If you would like to contact HPF City, please email:
I hope that everyone has a successful and smooth start to the 2023 school year.
Melissa Fisher
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends City
Our school year has just begun and it has been exciting to welcome 30 new staff to Haileybury Rendall School.
Due to continued growth in our enrolment numbers, new staff were needed to teach new classes, while, post-COVID, other teachers have joined us because they have returned to their home region after working interstate. Of course, Darwin also has the most transitory workforce of any capital city in our nation, too.
The new staff included 21 teachers with the remainder being corporate staff or teaching assistants. They have joined us from across Australia and New Zealand and at a time of national teacher shortage, we were thrilled with the quality and quantity of applicants wanting to join HRS.
Two staff are from Haileybury Melbourne and several others join us from Victoria. We also have three staff members from New Zealand and new teachers from Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia to join our talented group of locals.
They enjoyed a two-day induction run by our Deputy Principal, Felicity Pearson. The experience was a true Territory affair and included a special Welcome to Country and Saltwater Ceremony at Lake Alexander in Fannie Bay. This was run by Larrakia elder, Trent Lee, and several Executive staff also attended.
In true Darwin style, staff then attended the Sailing Club for dinner and drinks and to enjoy the sunset and the obligatory downpour — after all, it is the wet season. Beautiful!
The 2022 VCE ATAR results achieved by our small cohort of 28 students were pleasing, and overall, 36 students graduated from HRS last year. We were also pleased that 10 of these 2022 graduates were Indigenous students who worked through the VCE to achieve an ATAR or completed the VCAL certificate.
As we now move into our sixth year, our Year 12 cohort sizes will grow and we have around 120 students in each year of our Middle School who are progressing through HRS.
Our destination data showed that many of our graduates are commencing further study and are entering universities across Australia — Adelaide and Melbourne are the most popular destinations. In the last three years we have seen an average of 16% of our VCE graduates achieve ATARs over 95, which is a great endorsement of our learning programs and wonderful teaching.
We look forward to another exciting year in Darwin!
Andrew McGregor
Principal, Haileybury Rendall School
It is wonderful to see everyone back at school and with so much energy and enthusiasm for the year ahead.
Sincere thanks to the Junior School and Middle School parents for attending the Parent Information Sessions last week. Your engagement and support are greatly appreciated as we look forward to a successful and productive school year.
I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the 2022 Year 12 Berwick students on their remarkable results. We are incredibly proud of your achievements, and we wish you all the very best for your future endeavours.
There are several upcoming social events this term that I encourage everyone to attend. These include morning teas at drop-off time, class dinners, the ELC Family Morning, the Annual Edrington Picnic, and the HPFE Summer Sippers evening.
These community events are an excellent opportunity to come together, build relationships and enjoy each other’s company.
School photo day is on Thursday, 16 February. All students are reminded to be in full summer uniform with neat and tidy hair which should be tied back if below the shoulder.
This year is sure to be a year of great learning and fun and a time for many wonderful relationships to develop and create opportunities for our great community to connect. The first few weeks are such a crucial time and we want to ensure they are positive for all. This is why staff will spend this time focusing on observing and getting to know each child to build positive relationships with each child and family.
A friendly reminder for parents to please make sure that all of your child’s items are clearly labelled and that you have applied sunscreen before they arrive at school. It is also important that your child has adequate spare items in their bag such as uniform, socks and underwear.
“No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship.”James Comer
Junior School Captains: | |
Kassidy Clements
Ahaan Gupta
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House Captains
Prisha Shrestha
Ryker Holl
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Laura Henderson
Luka Salapura
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Kiarra Suriya Arachchige
Andy Hao
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Zarah Lettieri
Zavier Sousa
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Assembly Captain
Anuki Fernando
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Middle School Captain
Amberlee Montague
Xavier Alessio
Sports Captain
Karina Hun
Archer Sherritt
Flag Bearer
Rebekah Curphey
Oliver Schreurs
Social Justice Captain
Kiandra Brizmohun
Nilavan Jeyatheepan
Music Captain
Sophie Kimm
Ryley Dang
Drama Captain
Hailey Pike
Thisum Wijendra
Art Captain
Caroline Warszawski
Alex Falkingham
Publications Captain
Theekshitha Karthik
Aahil Fazlaan
Anderson Captain
Inuki Mannapperuma
Harper McCullough
Campbell Captain
Siyansa Weerasinghe
Nevin Weeratunga
Reynolds Captain
Bethany Anderson
Jett Keeley
Thompson Captain
Alessia Lettieri
Vinu Pirapakaran
STEM Captain
Diyenka Fernando
Jaiden Cooray
LEAP Captain
Mathura Mohanarajah
Eshan Nakarmi
A reminder to purchase tickets for our first big event for the Girls Middle School in 2023, the Girls Night In, on Friday, 17 February from 3.30 pm – 8.00 pm.
Jeanette Rawlings
Head of Edrington (Berwick)
We have an action-packed term filled with some amazing events for us all to enjoy! Our first call for helping hands is to flip pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, 21 February. Please complete this form if you can provide support.
The Uniform Shop will be open every Wednesday from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm. If you have an hour to spare to give Di and Georgia a hand in the shop, please contact them on the following email:
Get your dancing shoes ready! On Friday, 24 March the HPFE and Haileybury Edrington invite you to join us for Summer Sippers in the Pavilion. We have amazing live music being provided by Andrew Wishart, a sumptuous menu designed by our very own Jess from Chartwells, and a great range of beverages for all to enjoy! Tickets are available now, follow this link to book.
Kerry Ilic & Tracy Day
HPFE Presidents
It was so pleasing to meet families from all sections of the School at last week’s ELC/JS Information session and at the Middle School Meet and Greet evening. Your presence and engagement are greatly appreciated and help to strengthen the connection between home and school.
We believe that the partnership between parents and educators is crucial for the success and well-being of our students. Your involvement in your child’s education is vital and we look forward to working together to ensure that all students reach their full potential.
As you are aware, parking is limited at drop-off and pick-up times. To ensure the safety of our students, please note parking is available in the following areas:
A reminder to keep the bus parking areas clear.
The primary focus for each child at the ELC is to develop a sense of belonging to their class, to the ELC and to the wider Haileybury community. We also welcome families to Haileybury through invitations to take part in classroom activities, social events and information sessions.
Through genuine partnerships with families, children’s learning is enhanced, the curriculum is strengthened and, in the past, feedback from parents has led to innovative change.
With the start of our new year, we would like to invite ELC parents to attend a morning tea.
The National Quality Framework provides a foundation for the program and practices within the ELC. One of the seven elements covered by the framework is a focus on supporting families with resources to inform parenting practices and family wellbeing.
This year the ELC educators will host a series of Parent Information Sessions to support and promote parenting and family wellbeing by providing families with current information on a range of relevant topics.
We start Term 1 with an evening focused on child development with Dr Sarah Arachchi, a Melbourne-based paediatrician. Her presentation will discuss the role of a paediatrician and when to seek paediatric support for issues such as asthma, allergies, sleep difficulties, dietary concerns, challenging behaviours, toileting concerns and developmental delay.
We have also planned a session with Helen McGrath, Haileybury’s long-standing first aid trainer, who will share information about caring for children who present with a range of illnesses and injuries.
Dates and times for these sessions will be sent via the Haileybury ELC app, Moments.
The Preps have had a successful beginning to their Junior School journey. They loved playing in the Junior School playground with the older students at lunchtime and experiencing new activities and subjects. An exciting part of their time in Prep so far has been developing their independence by unpacking their bags in their very own locker. We are all very proud of how the children have settled into Prep life.
Year 1 students quickly settled back into school and were thrilled to be spending time among their peers after the school holidays. The teachers and students thoroughly enjoyed sharing their holiday experiences and then writing a reflection piece to document those experiences.
The Year 2 students have settled into their new routines in the first week of 2023. Their teachers were very excited to welcome everyone back and to settle into the new year level. The students are eagerly awaiting their first strings lesson — the first instrumental experience for many of them. It promises to be a big year and the students are ready to take it on with tremendous enthusiasm!
The students in Year 3 have been busy building positive relationships with themselves and their teachers. They came together as a cohort on Friday morning to take part in a variety of creative ‘getting to know you’ activities.
Finally, Year 4 also had a fabulous start to the year. All students are looking forward to becoming leaders of the Junior School, not only in name, but in how they conduct themselves and the example they set to all Junior School students. The Leadership Induction Assembly will see the Semester 1 Leaders inducted on Friday, 10 February at 2:50 pm in Berthon Hall.
Years 1, 2 and 4 will take part in swimming sessions this term. Lessons will begin in Week 3 on Monday, 13 February and run for two weeks.
Swimming lessons are extremely beneficial for children over the age of five, as they increase knowledge of safety around water and enhance further swimming skills and stroke development.
They also build confidence and self-esteem, provide another avenue of exercise, and promote health and wellbeing.
Since children develop at different rates, lessons provide students with the opportunity to learn to swim at their own level and in a group of students with a similar level of skills.
The swimming program for Preps and Year 3 students will be offered towards the end of 2023.
Please see the myHaileybury app notice for more information.
Parent Teacher Interviews will be held via Zoom on Monday, 13 February from 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm and Wednesday, 15 February from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm.
ELC bookings are via the classroom booking form.
For all Junior School bookings, access myPortal on the myHaileybury app.
Session 1 bookings will close Thursday, 9 February 5:00 pm and Session 2 Monday, 13 February at 5:00 pm.
Our Year 5 students will go to camp at Phillip Island this week. This is a wonderful time early in the year for our students to build connections with their new peers and teachers through a range of exciting activities. Surfing, flying fox, canoeing, A Maze’N Things and more will keep our students on their toes! We wish them a wonderful camp.
Year 6 students are participating in an incursion called Belong presented by Project Rockit on Thursday, 9 February. It unites students to build inclusive school communities, and encourages strategies and empathy to combat social exclusion and increase awareness of diverse perspectives. This incursion will support the students’ unit on Friendship.
Mark Harrop
Acting Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
We would like to invite all parents to a Year Level Coffee Morning from 9.00 am – 10.30 am at Match & Co, 109/79 Centre Dandenong Road, Dingley Village. A parent from each year level has volunteered to help the committee host each morning and the HPFK invites you to enjoy a complimentary hot or cold drink when you attend.
We hope this is an opportunity for you to meet other parents in your child’s year level and to find out about the exciting events the HPFK will be hosting in 2023.
Monday, 6 February
Tuesday, 7 February
Year 5
Wednesday, 8 February
Year 7
Monday, 13 February
Year 1
Tuesday, 14 February
Year 2
Wednesday, 15 February
We would like to invite all our Year 5 families to our very popular Year 5 Bowling Night. This is always a great evening to connect to new and existing families. Tickets on sale until Monday, 13 February only.
Tickets are available to purchase here.
Please join Mark Harrop, Acting Head of Newlands, and Theo Georgakopoulos, Acting Head of Haileybury Senior School, for the HPFK Meeting.
This is a great opportunity to meet other parents, and all parents from ELC to Year 12 are welcome.
Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough
Haileybury Pangea, Victoria’s first private online school, officially opened its doors to students on Monday, 30 January. Our virtual campus aims to provide a brilliant education to students from all over Victoria, regardless of their location.
Haileybury Pangea provides another choice for families, which we know is so important for lifting educational outcomes.
Our founding students and staff gathered on Monday, 30 January for the official commencement address from Haileybury CEO | Principal Derek Scott, marking a historic day for Haileybury and for education in Australia.
Prior to commencement, students and staff engaged in a range of orientation sessions to ensure they were equipped with the knowledge and technology to enable a smooth start to the academic year. It has been incredible to see the energy and enthusiasm students and staff have shown in adapting to new online environments and tools such as video conferencing, interactive whiteboards and more.
Support and professional development will continue throughout Term 1, with students and staff undertaking online courses in Digital Learning and other important skills to set them up for success in this environment.
We know that starting at any new school can be a daunting experience for students and families, and especially when launching into a new way of learning online. To ensure our students are supported to develop the skills and dispositions of independent, self-regulated learners, the Haileybury Pangea Digital Learning team have created a comprehensive Pangea Passport course.
Supported by their tutors, students move through three phases of learning over the course of Term 1: Learning to Fly, Taking Off, and Going Places. They achieve ‘badges’ along the way.
The course integrates high-quality digital, study and wellbeing resources developed by Haileybury’s brilliant staff, as well as resources specifically designed for students learning in an online environment.
Joanna Baker
Head of Campus
I would like to thank the students and academic staff of Senior School who have transitioned back into school life seamlessly and effectively over the past week.
One of the biggest advantages of Haileybury’s Term 1A program is that the settling in period which accompanies any new school year is completed in November of the previous year. This allows our students and teachers to begin productive work from day one of the new school year.
There have been very few changes of teachers, outside those necessary to replace staff who have left the School, or transferred to other campuses. I must also add a particular welcome to those students and families who have started within our Senior Schools. I hope you feel that you are part of the Haileybury community already and I look forward to meeting many of you at School functions in the coming months.
Victoria’s highest-achieving VCE students were offered a Melbourne Chancellor’s Scholarship to study at the University of Melbourne, in recognition of their outstanding academic achievement in 2022.
The Melbourne Chancellor’s Scholarship offers a generous fee exemption to students, as well as a guaranteed place in the graduate program of their choice including the Doctor of Medicine, Juris Doctor (Law) and other professional entry graduate programs.
Congratulations to:
Top VCE students awarded Melbourne Chancellor’s Scholarship (
What a great achievement!
Parent-Teacher Interviews for Brighton, Berwick, City and Keysborough students in Years 9–12 will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, 7 March. Students will finish their formal classes for the day at 1.00 pm.
Online bookings for the interviews will open at 12.00 pm on Monday, 13 February and close at 12.00 pm on the day of the interviews. Zoom interviews are five-minutes in duration, and we recommend you leave time between interviews to allow you to move from one teacher to another.
Throughout the interview process, please keep in mind that all staff will have waiting rooms enabled. Please wait for staff to let you in for your interview at the scheduled time.
You must enter both your first and last name when logging in to enable teachers to recognise you in their waiting room. If you require assistance with your booking (once the system opens), please call the Senior School Office at any of the campuses: Keysborough 03 9904 6003, Brighton 03 9904 6005, City 03 9904 6008, and Berwick 03 9904 6007.
Parents, carers, schools and community all play an important role in protecting children and young people from, and educating them about, the harmful effects of smoking and vaping.
Research from the Royal Children’s Hospital shows that many parents and carers are not aware of the harmful effects, or how their views about smoking and vaping can impact the likelihood of a young person taking up smoking or vaping.
The Department of Education and Training has developed resources to help you learn more about the health risks of smoking and vaping. It also has some suggestions about how to talk to children and young people about vaping and where to get support. To access the resources, please use this link.
You can also view this video on smoking and vaping from experts at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. It contains health advice and tips for starting a conversation with young people.
As part of Haileybury’s ongoing commitment to the wellbeing of your children, we have installed vape sensors in our Senior School bathrooms. Should a child be identified as vaping or smoking, parents/guardians will be contacted and disciplinary procedures followed.
Should you have any queries, please liaise with your Head of Senior School.
Theo Georgakopoulos
Acting Head of Haileybury Senior Schools
Rehearsals have begun for the Years 9–12 musical, SpongeBob.
Over the holidays the enthusiastic cast and production team began work on this hilarious and ridiculous musical. With themes around sustainability, friendship, community and the role of the media and government in catastrophising current events, this show has a great deal of substance below the surface.
Below some of the cast made an S-shape for SpongeBob! You can also see them working on the choreography for the production’s opening number, Bikini Bottom Day!
Each Haileybury campus offers a wonderful After School Dance program as an optional extra for Prep to Grade 6 students. Weekly classes include different activities and approaches to learning, and students can refine their choreography and have some fun. Students build their technique, learn different genres of dance and, in Grades 5 and 6, they build routines for competition and for the end of year Dance Gala in November.
Please visit myDance on the myHaileybury app (within Performing Arts) for information about the program including class times, locations and fees.
Enrolments for the 2023 After School Dance program opened on Wednesday, 25 January 2023 for Prep to Grade 6 dance classes at all campuses. Enrolments close on Friday, 17 February. To enrol your child, please:
Once you have submitted your enrolment form your relevant campus dance coordinator will be in touch via email to confirm they have received the enrolment form and they will provide details of the first lesson.
Please note that even if you enrolled in the 2022 program, you need to re-enrol for 2023.
If you have any queries please contact After School Dance Coordinators, Teri Batis and Cassie Peele, via email at
Nick Waxman
Head of Drama and Theatre Studies
This is set to be a very exciting year for the Haileybury Music Department.
A highlight of the year’s concert program will be the return of the biannual Melbourne Recital Centre Concert in the prestigious Elizabeth Murdoch Hall. The concert on Thursday, 24 August will showcase Haileybury’s finest musicians in Melbourne’s premier concert venue.
In 2023, over 1,000 students will receive an instrumental music lesson every week and will participate in one or more of the 60+ ensembles on offer. Places within the program are extremely limited, so if you would like to enroll for lessons, please do so asap.
This first full week back at School has seen ensemble rehearsals begin in earnest. Involvement in an ensemble is fundamental to learning a musical instrument at Haileybury. Through weekly rehearsals, students use their advancing skills in a practical and collaborative way.
Importantly, it is only after focused group rehearsals, in preparation for a concert event, that students can showcase their talent and determination to improve as musicians to large, appreciative audiences.
Punctual attendance at rehearsals and instrumental lessons is fundamental to the collaborative potential of the 2023 program. When a student must miss a rehearsal or instrumental lesson, please ensure the relevant music staff are contacted well-prior to the impending absence.
Our heartfelt congratulations to Michael Sun who, in 2022, received the highest possible ATAR score of 99.95. Throughout his years at Haileybury, Michael participated in numerous music activities including Symphony Orchestra, String Orchestra, Viva Voce, Haileybury Singers and numerous VCE programs where he supported his peers.
Consistently, a significant percentage of Haileybury’s highest scoring academic students are active participants in the Music program throughout their school life. For these students, music provides a fun yet challenging creative pursuit and research has repeatedly shown that it also enhances strong academic outcomes.
Our fortnightly Lunchtime Chapel Concert series in the David Bradshaw Chapel at 855 Springvale Road, Keysborough is a free concert series open to the public. The concerts feature our current leading music students, Old Haileyburians and members of the music staff.
Come and be inspired by some of the finest classical and Romantic music performed in one of the architectural jewels of south-east Melbourne. The first concert will take place on Wednesday, 8 February at 1.20 pm. Please note that visitors must sign in at Reception before entering the concert.
Rod Marshall
Director of Performing Arts & Head of Haileybury Music
Congratulations to our 2022 VCE Units 1 to 4 students for the success of the inaugural Victorian Artists Society Haileybury Studio Arts exhibition. The event ran from Tuesday, 6 December to Wednesday, 14 December in the Mackley Members’ Room at the VAS headquarters in East Melbourne.
This final exhibition closed out a year of incredible engagement from our Visual Arts students with many occasions to celebrate and promote their art outside of school. We look forward to another big year of competitions and exhibitions that provide learning opportunities, such as writing exhibition proposals and articulating the ideas that are expressed through the students’ work, while also growing our network of creative connections and industry supporters.
From the VAS website dedicated to the Haileybury exhibition:
‘In celebration of the wonderful achievement of Haileybury’s Studio Arts students, we are proud to present a selection of their work for their families, friends and the public — including industry members at the Victorian Artists Society.
The artworks created by the VCE students range in style and ideas, bringing to light key themes for young contemporary artists today. Themes and concepts explored include relationships, the impermanence of life, gender, the impact of technology and more.
Students explored and experimented with materials and techniques in their studio process, as outlined in their exploration proposal. The art forms utilised to convey these ideas include painting, drawing, photography, textiles, digital and sculpture.’
“Sensored is a painting depicting my relationship with technology and the digital world and how it encourages the creation of online personas on platforms such as social media. Especially in lockdown, I found myself having excessive screen time, and it wasn’t until I addressed how this caused a disconnect between my family and friends that I could reduce my time spent in the digital world and increase my time in the real world. This is what I attempted to portray in my painting. This painting is both critical and empathetic as it represents humanity as immersed in the wonders of digital technology. However, it also communicates the danger of becoming too attached to the digital world.”Ashley Tonelli
Rachelle Rae
Head of Visual Arts Senior School
The 2023 Haileybury Pipes and Drums camp was a blast, with members of the band sharpening their skills and working their fingers to the bone to prepare for the upcoming competition season. The camp was held over several days at the Oasis Camp in Mount Evelyn and was attended by seasoned veterans and fresh-faced rookies. This was our first full in-person camp since 2020.
Participants worked on their technique and musicality through activities including group rehearsals, individual practice sessions and ensemble performances. Ten dedicated Pipes & Drums staff members provided guidance and feedback to help each player improve their skills.
A highlight was the opportunity for band members to perform in an ensemble setting. The group worked on several pieces of music, focusing on precision and timing to create a cohesive sound. The final result was a true showcase of the band’s hard work and dedication, with each player giving it their all to create an impressive and dynamic performance.
In addition to rehearsals and performances, the camp also featured social activities and team building exercises. These helped build camaraderie and a sense of community among the band members and were a great way for everyone to get to know each other better. It was also a great opportunity to find out who snores the loudest!
The Haileybury Pipes and Drums camp was an extremely successful and enjoyable experience. The band is now well-prepared for the upcoming competition season and members are eager to show off their hard work and their ability to play in sync on the competition stage.
Congratulations to all band members for their hard work — and for not breaking any instruments during the camp! Best of luck to everyone in the upcoming competitions.
Lincoln Hilton
Director, Pipes & Drums
As our students return to school this week, it was wonderful to note that 28 of these boys and girls are the recipients of Haileybury Foundation Scholarships. Of these 28 students, eight are new to Haileybury in 2023 and we wish them and their families the very best as they immerse themselves in the Haileybury culture.
At the end of 2022, one of our Foundation Scholarship students, Charlie Gillott, graduated from Haileybury. Charlie was the beneficiary of the Ian Cox Memorial Scholarship.
Following his passing, Ian, a former Haileybury School Captain and Chairman of Council, left a bequest to the School. He would have been proud of the contribution that Charlie made to life at Haileybury and we look forward to seeing what the future holds for Charlie as he explores his passion in the musical arena.
In 2022, over $1 million was raised to support Haileybury Foundation’s three funds: Building, Library and Scholarship. These funds have had, and will have, a major impact on the education, resources and buildings that assist our students in achieving their very best.
Our donors are changing lives forever, regardless of the size of their gift.
All gifts to Haileybury Foundation are tax deductible.
Donations can be made here.
Thank you.
Parents who have a child or children who graduate from Haileybury are entitled to membership of the Haileybury Society.
The Haileybury Society provides a wonderful opportunity for past parents and long-serving past staff members to remain connected to Haileybury. They have contributed significantly to the life of Haileybury and are keen to maintain a connection with the School and with each other.
In 2023, the Haileybury Society will invite members to a range of events including:
Membership to the Haileybury Society is free and open to any parent who has had a child graduate from Haileybury and who wishes to remain connected with the School and fellow parents. Membership includes invitations to society events, School events and sporting fixtures, and a range of other membership benefits.
For further information on Haileybury Foundation or Haileybury Society, please contact Russell Davidson, Director of Development and Alumni Relations, at
The OHA congratulates Giles Gunesekera (OH 1991) on being awarded an Order of Australia Medal for his contribution to social welfare and community services. Giles’ life in community service started with his Mum and helping her to deliver Meals on Wheels to the elderly at the age of seven.
His recognition of an Order of Australia acknowledges the incredible amount of time Giles has spent volunteering.
“I have volunteered and served on many Boards, but I have received so much more in return,” said Giles.
“I have volunteered and served on many Boards, but I have received so much more in return.”Giles Gunesekera
“Volunteering has provided me with new skills and, more importantly, the opportunity to be surrounded by diverse people and organisations doing extraordinary things. I am thankful for the life that I have been gifted and believe that every human being is special, but sadly injustice and discrimination endure.”
Giles has served a large number of organisations. More recently these have included Amnesty International, University of Technology (Sydney), The Sunrise Project and Volunteers to Assist Children with Disabilities (VACD USA).
Giles is a proud migrant and he has a huge appreciation for the sacrifices made by his parents.
“My parents left their country of birth in Sri Lanka to seek a better life in Australia and I will always be grateful for the enormous sacrifice they made for their family,” he said.
Kylie Phillips
Development Office Operations Lead
Over the break the Haileybury Rowing Club participated in a five-day training camp on the Nicholson River. The days were broken into three sessions — two on water and one land session. The days started at 6.00 am and concluded by 3:30 pm, giving the students some free time before dinner. The last morning session on Friday included an internal regatta to bring the camp to a close.
The week culminated in the traditional Family Day which was an opportunity for many parents to witness the racing and the impressive efforts of their child. It was a very personal experience for the parents who all enjoyed the event. Thanks to Nat Calea, Belinda Malone and Al Aikman for their efforts over the week.
It is extremely important that the benefits of sport and activity are made available to all, which is why, during the holiday period, students from Aikman House volunteered their time with the Disabled Surfers Association Mornington Peninsula (DSAMP).
The aims of DSAMP are simple — to ‘put smiles on dials’ and to provide a safe and enjoyable surfing experience for people with any disability, to provide disabled members with greater access to beaches year-round and to unite the local community.
The day was a huge success with everyone benefiting from the experience.
Tommy Lane (Year 12) has won a silver medal in the Australian 10km Open Water Swimming Championships in Busselton, WA. This is Tommy’s first national medal in this event, after finishing 4th in 2022, and he is now the highest ranked Victorian swimmer in this event.
He had to travel to Queensland and New South Wales to get race practice as there is no 10km event in Victoria. Well done, Tommy!
Nathan Ephraums (OH 2017) is currently representing Australia in the Hockey World Cup in India. Australia has proven to be a power house in hockey and is looking to take the World Championship title from the likes of India and the Netherlands.
Nathan has proven to be an ‘X’ factor for the Australian team, scoring and setting up many opportunities with his skill and speed. We wish the Australians and Nathan all the best in their pursuit of gold!
Congratulations to Amy Bunnage (OH 2022) on winning the Women’s U20 selection race at the Athletics Australia Australian Cross Country trials at Mt Stromolo in Canberra in mid-January.
Amy is earmarked as an emerging young talent and she triumphed with true grit and determination, winning by substantial margins over the 6km course. Her exceptional achievement secures her an automatic place representing Australia at the 2023 World Cross Country Championships in mid-February.
Sean Allcock
Director of Haileybury Sport
Online news from Haileybury
As education evolves, driven in part by new technologies and changing expectations for post-school study and work, Haileybury continues to focus on developing students’ core skills in literacy and numeracy to the highest levels possible.
Our School does this while embracing innovation that will enhance critical and creative thinking so students are prepared for life after school. This approach has seen Haileybury rank among the very highest top-performing schools in the country on national testing and by Australian Tertiary Admissions Results.
It has also seen the School introduce compulsory studies, such as Start-Up in Year 8 and the Haileybury Incubator Project in Year 9, where students develop the skills and dispositions to solve complex problems including design thinking, project management and developing an entrepreneurial mindset.
In the discussion about changes to education, in recent months there has been a focus on artificial intelligence (AI) — in particular ChatGPT, the latest AI language model.
Haileybury’s brilliant teachers are looking forward to leveraging the best elements of AI in our education delivery. The students of today will be working in a future where AI is the reality, and it is important that our students are exposed to it and engage with the most effective ways of using AI.
However, it is important to note that ChatGPT’s current Terms of Use restrict it to ages 18+. As such, to meet our compliance requirements with school regulators, ChatGPT will not be able to be accessed by students on school Wi-Fi. However, it is acknowledged that some students will be accessing it on their own devices or from home. We certainly anticipate that the 18+ restriction will be removed at some point, at which time it will be available to students on the School network.
Teachers have engaged in forums and discussions to understand the tools available for student use and to explore new technologies so they can have open and informed conversations in the classroom. Staff will have full access to ChatGPT and may use it on the projector in the classroom to support class discussions and they are encouraged to discuss ChatGPT’s use with students.
There are many areas in which AI can assist teachers to provide differentiated programs for students. It is a useful tool in potentially boosting vocabulary, providing writing prompts, in second language acquisition, assisting with problem-solving tasks, helping to explain concepts and in many other areas to be explored further.
AI will also have an impact on assessment in education. Ironically, this may be in making supervised off-line assessments, such as the VCE testing regime currently in place, more significant.
It is important to note that ChatGPT can produce inaccurate responses or ‘hallucinations’ as well as biases, and information within ChatGPT is only relevant up until the end of 2021. This should be kept in mind when using the tool or when parents are discussing it with their children.
Haileybury continues to embrace the evolution of technology; the launch of Haileybury Pangea is an example of how the School has a strong desire to evolve and stay ahead of the curve. It is, however, essential that we ensure every student matters every day and, at times, that means moving considerately to ensure their safety and security.
Haileybury will embrace the use of AI where it is appropriate and where it enhances the capacity for students to be prepared for the future of study and work.
Derek Scott
CEO | Principal
Insight is one of the School’s key methods of sharing news, information, events and celebrations with the Haileybury community.
So that we can keep evolving and improving our practices, we are seeking feedback on how Insight is used and delivered.
If you have feedback that you would like to share, please complete this form by Friday, 10 February 2023. We will be in contact with you in due course to obtain your feedback.
It can seem like a step into the unknown…the move to senior school. Classrooms and teachers will be different. Routines and expectations might change. Uncertainty and unfamiliarity can be a little daunting.
While it’s perfectly natural for a young person to experience some nerves about what lies ahead, it’s important to remember that thousands of children across the country make that same step up into senior school every year – and they survive and can thrive.
“Parents and families can provide plenty of practical support to help the move to senior school run smoothly.”Diane Furusho, Haileybury Deputy Principal – Student Wellbeing
"Emphasising what young people are looking forward to and the opportunities and experiences that await them in senior school is a good starting point."
“Take a positive perspective from the beginning and ask your child what they are looking forward to in senior school,” says Diane.
“Spend some time together looking at what is available to them in this next chapter. Talk about what will be different and what they’ll be able to do that they haven’t done before.”
“While moving to senior school may seem a big step and there can be a little anxiety, it’s actually not as big a change as many people think,” says Diane.
Our 2023 school year began brilliantly. Day one saw our parents and students enter the school grounds with smiles of excitement and nervousness. Now, just over a week later, the students are still smiling and they have settled into the routines and rigour of our academic program.
Information sessions have been conducted across the schools, giving our parents the opportunity to meet the Heads of School and Homeroom Teachers. Many questions were asked and answered. We appreciate the partnership we have with our families and these will continue to grow and develop across the journey of each child at Castlefield.
Our Parent-Teacher Interviews and conversations between the Homeroom Teacher and parents have given us a further opportunity to know your child. Every child matters every day and starting strongly is so important. We look forward to you sharing your important insights about your child with us on Monday, 13 and Wednesday, 15 February.
Parking around the property is, at times, difficult. Our priority is the safety and wellbeing of our Haileybury community. Parents leaving via the South Road exit, please take care when turning onto South Road, particularly as the pedestrian crossing is so close to the exit.
Remember that all exits from the School to Villeroy and Rouen Streets close at 6.00 pm nightly. If you are attending an evening function, we encourage you to park on South Road and enter through the front gate.
There are clearly signed two-minute parking spaces outside our Villeroy Street gate and this is to be used as a ‘kiss and go’ zone, rather than disembarking from your car.
Please be considerate of the residents in the streets surrounding our School.
There has been a mix of emotions as students start a new year in the Early Learning Centre — anticipation, excitement and joy have all been part of how the children, families and educators have been feeling as we begin a new school year.
During Term 1, there is a focus on building relationships and creating a sense of safety, security and belonging. The children are settling well, getting to know their peers and educators and they are learning about the environments that make up their Haileybury ELC community.
We look forward to many joyful moments as we all embark on a year of learning and development.
There are a number of children in the centre with food allergies and who are anaphylactic. We ask that you please be mindful of the foods packed for your child’s morning tea and lunch.
If you are in doubt, or have any queries, please speak with your class educators. It is important that we are aware of any potential risks for effective management. We appreciate your assistance with this important matter.
There are many ways that we stay connected with families, starting with our Parent Information sessions and orientation sessions at the end of last year. We look forward to catching up individually with families in our upcoming Parent-Teacher Interviews.
The myHaileybury and Haileybury ELC apps are essential forms of regular communication. Please ensure you have set up both apps so you receive important updates and precious moments.
Part of the thrill of being in Year 4 is the opportunity to lead your House. Clements, Jackson, Kennedy and Russell House Leaders were inducted into their roles in a formal assembly in Week 1. These leaders will run assemblies, offer recess and lunchtime clubs to the Junior School, and assist during whole school House events.
Congratulations to the following students:
We value the importance of all Middle School students having a positive start to their new year. So often when commencing a new year at school there are nerves and apprehension about what the next day, week or year may hold.
This is why running our two-day Induction Program is such an important feature of our Middle School experience. The first two days of school are about ensuring that all students have full access to a day in the life of a Haileybury student. From forging connections within the Homeroom, finding new faces, attending House meetings and specialist subjects, and attending their first assembly, our students are shown all that Castlefield offers.
After these first two days we began a regular timetable, giving our students a strong start within our Culture of Learning.
Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
Thank you to everyone who attended the Junior School Parent Information Evening and Middle School Summer Drinks. It was so lovely to see you all.
Please keep a close eye on the myHaileybury app for all upcoming parent events, including:
As always, the Second-hand Uniform Shop (SHUS) is open for uniform requirements. We have lots of high-quality items available.
We look forward to building strong relationships with all our members of the Castlefield Community.
Want to know more? Come to a meeting with the HPFC team who will discuss the year’s events and welcome our class social representatives. Everyone is invited. This is a great opportunity to meet parents and find out how you can get involved in the school community. The meeting will be held on Monday, 6 February at 6.00 pm in Dickinson Hall.
Monique Chapman
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield
Our students and families recently celebrated the Chinese New Year (CNY) with the traditional greeting ‘Kung Hei Fat Choi’. The CNY is also called the Lunar New Year or Spring Festival and it is the most important celebration in the Chinese Calendar.
It marks the first moon of the lunisolar calendar that is traditional to China and many east Asian countries that are regulated by the cycles of the moon and sun.
Chinese New Year is celebrated by visits to family and friends, special meals, fireworks and gift giving. Each year is named after one of 12 animals that feature in the Chinese zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. This CNY is the Year of the Rabbit.
The rabbit ushers in the fourth year of a 12-year cycle, following the Year of the Tiger. In ancient Chinese culture, legend has it that the Rabbit was proud — arrogant even — of its speed and that it represents the moon due to the shadows of the moon resembling a rabbit.
Chinese people regard people born under the sign of the rabbit to possess traditional values of diligence, dependability, strength and determination. Their quiet personality hides their confidence and strength and ability to always move towards their goals, irrespective of any negativity they experience.
The kind nature and trustworthiness of a rabbit is what sets them apart from the other zodiac animals. Their family, friends and colleagues can always depend on them. Rabbits are popular among their friends because of their reliability and tender-hearted nature. They are excellent at giving advice and would never hesitate to offer help where it is needed.
I look forward to hearing how staff and students celebrated CNY with traditional firecrackers and fireworks, the giving of red envelopes, their family reunion dinner and with many other rituals that prepare them for prosperity, good luck and happiness in the new year.
Yanni Galanis
International Principal, Haileybury International School, Tianjin
Our City students have been delighted to see each other, to meet their teachers, and to get started on their learning. Our brilliant teachers have done so much work to prepare for the start of the year and to ensure it is highly engaging for students.
We have enjoyed welcoming students, staff and families and so much learning has already been enjoyed in the first week of 2023.
We continue to focus on growth and celebrate each important step on our learning journey as we work towards our 2023 Haileybury City goal — excellence in character and contribution.
It was lovely to see our parent community attend our recent Parent Information Night for our Junior and Middle Schools. We enjoyed sharing the learning we have planned for 2023 and our goals as a campus, School and Year group.
Your engagement in the learning program and in how we develop and nurture your child’s abilities and skills academically, socially, emotionally and physically is always appreciated.
With a wonderful sense of belonging established within the ELC, children have thrived with the start of our Term 1 program. Counting has been an interest of many children in Reception who have been busy building on these skills.
A clear love of counting and dinosaurs has been combined at group time and children have been presented with a numeral before carefully collecting and counting dinosaurs to represent this number.
Meanwhile, Pre-Prep have been busy focusing on their collaborative learning skills through numeracy experiences such as partnered bingo and demonstrating recognition of one- and two-digit numbers.
Outside the classroom, mathematical language continues to drive our play-based learning program. Children have been enjoying the warmer weather and engaging with water in the outdoor environment.
The use of buckets as we water and care for our terrace garden has introduced words such as heavier, full, half-full and lighter.
We look forward to many more numeracy opportunities throughout the year that help foster a love of learning in this important area for our ELC children.
The Junior Staff at City have been eagerly preparing to welcome back their classes and to kickstart the 2023 academic year! Just like their teachers, please encourage your child to help prepare themselves for each day of school. There are so many ways to build positivity and readiness. They can label their belongings, pack their own lunchbox and set out their uniform for the day.
It’s important that they take ownership of this process to feel excited and at ease. Remember to also ensure your child has their sun hat at School as we enforce a ‘no hat, no outdoor play’ policy in the Junior School. We also encourage students to apply sunscreen in the morning and throughout the day to protect their skin.
We enjoyed seeing many parents at our recent Junior School Parent Information Evening and Parent Meet and Greet. It was a wonderful opportunity to reconnect and maintain the strong partnership between School and home.
We have some new families who joined our City Junior School community this year and we know they have already been warmly welcomed by our existing parent community.
Lastly, a gentle reminder to please complete the online form sent within earlier myHaileybury correspondence to designate the pick-up locations for your child/ren on each day of the week. Thank you to those who have already entered their preferences.
We would like to congratulate our Middle School students for a very successful start to the year. Our Induction Days on Monday, 30 January and Tuesday, 31 January upskilled our students and provided them with a solid grounding for the year ahead.
Students learnt important skills in organisation and device usage and began to lay the foundations for friendships to flourish among their Homeroom peers. The LEAP/STEM showcase held on these days allowed the students to hear about the amazing opportunities on offer through the Curious Minds program. If you want further information about the Curious Minds program, including a timetable of available activities, please visit the myHaileybury app.
Our Boys Middle School and Girls Middle School have introduced their 2023 visions and have begun unpacking how these important messages will shape the year ahead.
The Boys Middle School will focus on ‘being their best self’ and have already begun laying the necessary foundations and culture for each student to thrive.
The Girls Middle School focus will be ‘fearlessly be yourself,’ and this mantra has already provided much food for thought among our students and staff.
We look forward to working with our Middle School on these important messages for 2023.
Caroline Merrick
Head of City
It was such a lovely start to the year with the eager new faces and returning students entering Haileybury City. We hope you have a great start to the wonderful year of learning that lies ahead.
We also look forward to developing connections in person across our community in a safe and responsible manner. Please keep an eye out for events on the myHaileybury app or via your Social Representatives.
Our first HPF City Social Representative and Community meeting will be held on Monday, 13 February at 7.30 pm via Zoom. Everyone is welcome to join the discussion.
These meetings are held once a term and highlight upcoming events and updates from the Head of Campus and Head of Senior School. They are also an opportunity to make connections with other parents and carers and to discover how to get involved. We hope to see you there. For the Zoom details, please go to the myHaileybury app.
The second-hand uniform shop will be held on Friday, 31 March from 8.00 am – 9.00 am. It is a great chance to top up the wardrobe with a few extra uniform pieces. Keep an eye on the myHaileybury app for details on how items will be collected if you wish to sell any items that your child has outgrown.
It is time to get out, meet new people, catch up with old friends and party! The very popular HPF City Rooftop Party will be held on Friday, 17 March. The fun begins at 6.30 pm. Enjoy the fantastic views across Flagstaff Gardens to the city and Docklands and watch the sun set while enjoying delicious food. The event will finish at 9.00 pm.
If you would like to contact HPF City, please email:
I hope that everyone has a successful and smooth start to the 2023 school year.
Melissa Fisher
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends City
Our school year has just begun and it has been exciting to welcome 30 new staff to Haileybury Rendall School.
Due to continued growth in our enrolment numbers, new staff were needed to teach new classes, while, post-COVID, other teachers have joined us because they have returned to their home region after working interstate. Of course, Darwin also has the most transitory workforce of any capital city in our nation, too.
The new staff included 21 teachers with the remainder being corporate staff or teaching assistants. They have joined us from across Australia and New Zealand and at a time of national teacher shortage, we were thrilled with the quality and quantity of applicants wanting to join HRS.
Two staff are from Haileybury Melbourne and several others join us from Victoria. We also have three staff members from New Zealand and new teachers from Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia to join our talented group of locals.
They enjoyed a two-day induction run by our Deputy Principal, Felicity Pearson. The experience was a true Territory affair and included a special Welcome to Country and Saltwater Ceremony at Lake Alexander in Fannie Bay. This was run by Larrakia elder, Trent Lee, and several Executive staff also attended.
In true Darwin style, staff then attended the Sailing Club for dinner and drinks and to enjoy the sunset and the obligatory downpour — after all, it is the wet season. Beautiful!
The 2022 VCE ATAR results achieved by our small cohort of 28 students were pleasing, and overall, 36 students graduated from HRS last year. We were also pleased that 10 of these 2022 graduates were Indigenous students who worked through the VCE to achieve an ATAR or completed the VCAL certificate.
As we now move into our sixth year, our Year 12 cohort sizes will grow and we have around 120 students in each year of our Middle School who are progressing through HRS.
Our destination data showed that many of our graduates are commencing further study and are entering universities across Australia — Adelaide and Melbourne are the most popular destinations. In the last three years we have seen an average of 16% of our VCE graduates achieve ATARs over 95, which is a great endorsement of our learning programs and wonderful teaching.
We look forward to another exciting year in Darwin!
Andrew McGregor
Principal, Haileybury Rendall School
It is wonderful to see everyone back at school and with so much energy and enthusiasm for the year ahead.
Sincere thanks to the Junior School and Middle School parents for attending the Parent Information Sessions last week. Your engagement and support are greatly appreciated as we look forward to a successful and productive school year.
I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the 2022 Year 12 Berwick students on their remarkable results. We are incredibly proud of your achievements, and we wish you all the very best for your future endeavours.
There are several upcoming social events this term that I encourage everyone to attend. These include morning teas at drop-off time, class dinners, the ELC Family Morning, the Annual Edrington Picnic, and the HPFE Summer Sippers evening.
These community events are an excellent opportunity to come together, build relationships and enjoy each other’s company.
School photo day is on Thursday, 16 February. All students are reminded to be in full summer uniform with neat and tidy hair which should be tied back if below the shoulder.
This year is sure to be a year of great learning and fun and a time for many wonderful relationships to develop and create opportunities for our great community to connect. The first few weeks are such a crucial time and we want to ensure they are positive for all. This is why staff will spend this time focusing on observing and getting to know each child to build positive relationships with each child and family.
A friendly reminder for parents to please make sure that all of your child’s items are clearly labelled and that you have applied sunscreen before they arrive at school. It is also important that your child has adequate spare items in their bag such as uniform, socks and underwear.
“No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship.”James Comer
Junior School Captains: | |
Kassidy Clements
Ahaan Gupta
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House Captains
Prisha Shrestha
Ryker Holl
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Laura Henderson
Luka Salapura
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Kiarra Suriya Arachchige
Andy Hao
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Zarah Lettieri
Zavier Sousa
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Assembly Captain
Anuki Fernando
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Middle School Captain
Amberlee Montague
Xavier Alessio
Sports Captain
Karina Hun
Archer Sherritt
Flag Bearer
Rebekah Curphey
Oliver Schreurs
Social Justice Captain
Kiandra Brizmohun
Nilavan Jeyatheepan
Music Captain
Sophie Kimm
Ryley Dang
Drama Captain
Hailey Pike
Thisum Wijendra
Art Captain
Caroline Warszawski
Alex Falkingham
Publications Captain
Theekshitha Karthik
Aahil Fazlaan
Anderson Captain
Inuki Mannapperuma
Harper McCullough
Campbell Captain
Siyansa Weerasinghe
Nevin Weeratunga
Reynolds Captain
Bethany Anderson
Jett Keeley
Thompson Captain
Alessia Lettieri
Vinu Pirapakaran
STEM Captain
Diyenka Fernando
Jaiden Cooray
LEAP Captain
Mathura Mohanarajah
Eshan Nakarmi
A reminder to purchase tickets for our first big event for the Girls Middle School in 2023, the Girls Night In, on Friday, 17 February from 3.30 pm – 8.00 pm.
Jeanette Rawlings
Head of Edrington (Berwick)
We have an action-packed term filled with some amazing events for us all to enjoy! Our first call for helping hands is to flip pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, 21 February. Please complete this form if you can provide support.
The Uniform Shop will be open every Wednesday from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm. If you have an hour to spare to give Di and Georgia a hand in the shop, please contact them on the following email:
Get your dancing shoes ready! On Friday, 24 March the HPFE and Haileybury Edrington invite you to join us for Summer Sippers in the Pavilion. We have amazing live music being provided by Andrew Wishart, a sumptuous menu designed by our very own Jess from Chartwells, and a great range of beverages for all to enjoy! Tickets are available now, follow this link to book.
Kerry Ilic & Tracy Day
HPFE Presidents
It was so pleasing to meet families from all sections of the School at last week’s ELC/JS Information session and at the Middle School Meet and Greet evening. Your presence and engagement are greatly appreciated and help to strengthen the connection between home and school.
We believe that the partnership between parents and educators is crucial for the success and well-being of our students. Your involvement in your child’s education is vital and we look forward to working together to ensure that all students reach their full potential.
As you are aware, parking is limited at drop-off and pick-up times. To ensure the safety of our students, please note parking is available in the following areas:
A reminder to keep the bus parking areas clear.
The primary focus for each child at the ELC is to develop a sense of belonging to their class, to the ELC and to the wider Haileybury community. We also welcome families to Haileybury through invitations to take part in classroom activities, social events and information sessions.
Through genuine partnerships with families, children’s learning is enhanced, the curriculum is strengthened and, in the past, feedback from parents has led to innovative change.
With the start of our new year, we would like to invite ELC parents to attend a morning tea.
The National Quality Framework provides a foundation for the program and practices within the ELC. One of the seven elements covered by the framework is a focus on supporting families with resources to inform parenting practices and family wellbeing.
This year the ELC educators will host a series of Parent Information Sessions to support and promote parenting and family wellbeing by providing families with current information on a range of relevant topics.
We start Term 1 with an evening focused on child development with Dr Sarah Arachchi, a Melbourne-based paediatrician. Her presentation will discuss the role of a paediatrician and when to seek paediatric support for issues such as asthma, allergies, sleep difficulties, dietary concerns, challenging behaviours, toileting concerns and developmental delay.
We have also planned a session with Helen McGrath, Haileybury’s long-standing first aid trainer, who will share information about caring for children who present with a range of illnesses and injuries.
Dates and times for these sessions will be sent via the Haileybury ELC app, Moments.
The Preps have had a successful beginning to their Junior School journey. They loved playing in the Junior School playground with the older students at lunchtime and experiencing new activities and subjects. An exciting part of their time in Prep so far has been developing their independence by unpacking their bags in their very own locker. We are all very proud of how the children have settled into Prep life.
Year 1 students quickly settled back into school and were thrilled to be spending time among their peers after the school holidays. The teachers and students thoroughly enjoyed sharing their holiday experiences and then writing a reflection piece to document those experiences.
The Year 2 students have settled into their new routines in the first week of 2023. Their teachers were very excited to welcome everyone back and to settle into the new year level. The students are eagerly awaiting their first strings lesson — the first instrumental experience for many of them. It promises to be a big year and the students are ready to take it on with tremendous enthusiasm!
The students in Year 3 have been busy building positive relationships with themselves and their teachers. They came together as a cohort on Friday morning to take part in a variety of creative ‘getting to know you’ activities.
Finally, Year 4 also had a fabulous start to the year. All students are looking forward to becoming leaders of the Junior School, not only in name, but in how they conduct themselves and the example they set to all Junior School students. The Leadership Induction Assembly will see the Semester 1 Leaders inducted on Friday, 10 February at 2:50 pm in Berthon Hall.
Years 1, 2 and 4 will take part in swimming sessions this term. Lessons will begin in Week 3 on Monday, 13 February and run for two weeks.
Swimming lessons are extremely beneficial for children over the age of five, as they increase knowledge of safety around water and enhance further swimming skills and stroke development.
They also build confidence and self-esteem, provide another avenue of exercise, and promote health and wellbeing.
Since children develop at different rates, lessons provide students with the opportunity to learn to swim at their own level and in a group of students with a similar level of skills.
The swimming program for Preps and Year 3 students will be offered towards the end of 2023.
Please see the myHaileybury app notice for more information.
Parent Teacher Interviews will be held via Zoom on Monday, 13 February from 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm and Wednesday, 15 February from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm.
ELC bookings are via the classroom booking form.
For all Junior School bookings, access myPortal on the myHaileybury app.
Session 1 bookings will close Thursday, 9 February 5:00 pm and Session 2 Monday, 13 February at 5:00 pm.
Our Year 5 students will go to camp at Phillip Island this week. This is a wonderful time early in the year for our students to build connections with their new peers and teachers through a range of exciting activities. Surfing, flying fox, canoeing, A Maze’N Things and more will keep our students on their toes! We wish them a wonderful camp.
Year 6 students are participating in an incursion called Belong presented by Project Rockit on Thursday, 9 February. It unites students to build inclusive school communities, and encourages strategies and empathy to combat social exclusion and increase awareness of diverse perspectives. This incursion will support the students’ unit on Friendship.
Mark Harrop
Acting Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
We would like to invite all parents to a Year Level Coffee Morning from 9.00 am – 10.30 am at Match & Co, 109/79 Centre Dandenong Road, Dingley Village. A parent from each year level has volunteered to help the committee host each morning and the HPFK invites you to enjoy a complimentary hot or cold drink when you attend.
We hope this is an opportunity for you to meet other parents in your child’s year level and to find out about the exciting events the HPFK will be hosting in 2023.
Monday, 6 February
Tuesday, 7 February
Year 5
Wednesday, 8 February
Year 7
Monday, 13 February
Year 1
Tuesday, 14 February
Year 2
Wednesday, 15 February
We would like to invite all our Year 5 families to our very popular Year 5 Bowling Night. This is always a great evening to connect to new and existing families. Tickets on sale until Monday, 13 February only.
Tickets are available to purchase here.
Please join Mark Harrop, Acting Head of Newlands, and Theo Georgakopoulos, Acting Head of Haileybury Senior School, for the HPFK Meeting.
This is a great opportunity to meet other parents, and all parents from ELC to Year 12 are welcome.
Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough
Haileybury Pangea, Victoria’s first private online school, officially opened its doors to students on Monday, 30 January. Our virtual campus aims to provide a brilliant education to students from all over Victoria, regardless of their location.
Haileybury Pangea provides another choice for families, which we know is so important for lifting educational outcomes.
Our founding students and staff gathered on Monday, 30 January for the official commencement address from Haileybury CEO | Principal Derek Scott, marking a historic day for Haileybury and for education in Australia.
Prior to commencement, students and staff engaged in a range of orientation sessions to ensure they were equipped with the knowledge and technology to enable a smooth start to the academic year. It has been incredible to see the energy and enthusiasm students and staff have shown in adapting to new online environments and tools such as video conferencing, interactive whiteboards and more.
Support and professional development will continue throughout Term 1, with students and staff undertaking online courses in Digital Learning and other important skills to set them up for success in this environment.
We know that starting at any new school can be a daunting experience for students and families, and especially when launching into a new way of learning online. To ensure our students are supported to develop the skills and dispositions of independent, self-regulated learners, the Haileybury Pangea Digital Learning team have created a comprehensive Pangea Passport course.
Supported by their tutors, students move through three phases of learning over the course of Term 1: Learning to Fly, Taking Off, and Going Places. They achieve ‘badges’ along the way.
The course integrates high-quality digital, study and wellbeing resources developed by Haileybury’s brilliant staff, as well as resources specifically designed for students learning in an online environment.
Joanna Baker
Head of Campus
I would like to thank the students and academic staff of Senior School who have transitioned back into school life seamlessly and effectively over the past week.
One of the biggest advantages of Haileybury’s Term 1A program is that the settling in period which accompanies any new school year is completed in November of the previous year. This allows our students and teachers to begin productive work from day one of the new school year.
There have been very few changes of teachers, outside those necessary to replace staff who have left the School, or transferred to other campuses. I must also add a particular welcome to those students and families who have started within our Senior Schools. I hope you feel that you are part of the Haileybury community already and I look forward to meeting many of you at School functions in the coming months.
Victoria’s highest-achieving VCE students were offered a Melbourne Chancellor’s Scholarship to study at the University of Melbourne, in recognition of their outstanding academic achievement in 2022.
The Melbourne Chancellor’s Scholarship offers a generous fee exemption to students, as well as a guaranteed place in the graduate program of their choice including the Doctor of Medicine, Juris Doctor (Law) and other professional entry graduate programs.
Congratulations to:
Top VCE students awarded Melbourne Chancellor’s Scholarship (
What a great achievement!
Parent-Teacher Interviews for Brighton, Berwick, City and Keysborough students in Years 9–12 will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, 7 March. Students will finish their formal classes for the day at 1.00 pm.
Online bookings for the interviews will open at 12.00 pm on Monday, 13 February and close at 12.00 pm on the day of the interviews. Zoom interviews are five-minutes in duration, and we recommend you leave time between interviews to allow you to move from one teacher to another.
Throughout the interview process, please keep in mind that all staff will have waiting rooms enabled. Please wait for staff to let you in for your interview at the scheduled time.
You must enter both your first and last name when logging in to enable teachers to recognise you in their waiting room. If you require assistance with your booking (once the system opens), please call the Senior School Office at any of the campuses: Keysborough 03 9904 6003, Brighton 03 9904 6005, City 03 9904 6008, and Berwick 03 9904 6007.
Parents, carers, schools and community all play an important role in protecting children and young people from, and educating them about, the harmful effects of smoking and vaping.
Research from the Royal Children’s Hospital shows that many parents and carers are not aware of the harmful effects, or how their views about smoking and vaping can impact the likelihood of a young person taking up smoking or vaping.
The Department of Education and Training has developed resources to help you learn more about the health risks of smoking and vaping. It also has some suggestions about how to talk to children and young people about vaping and where to get support. To access the resources, please use this link.
You can also view this video on smoking and vaping from experts at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. It contains health advice and tips for starting a conversation with young people.
As part of Haileybury’s ongoing commitment to the wellbeing of your children, we have installed vape sensors in our Senior School bathrooms. Should a child be identified as vaping or smoking, parents/guardians will be contacted and disciplinary procedures followed.
Should you have any queries, please liaise with your Head of Senior School.
Theo Georgakopoulos
Acting Head of Haileybury Senior Schools
Rehearsals have begun for the Years 9–12 musical, SpongeBob.
Over the holidays the enthusiastic cast and production team began work on this hilarious and ridiculous musical. With themes around sustainability, friendship, community and the role of the media and government in catastrophising current events, this show has a great deal of substance below the surface.
Below some of the cast made an S-shape for SpongeBob! You can also see them working on the choreography for the production’s opening number, Bikini Bottom Day!
Each Haileybury campus offers a wonderful After School Dance program as an optional extra for Prep to Grade 6 students. Weekly classes include different activities and approaches to learning, and students can refine their choreography and have some fun. Students build their technique, learn different genres of dance and, in Grades 5 and 6, they build routines for competition and for the end of year Dance Gala in November.
Please visit myDance on the myHaileybury app (within Performing Arts) for information about the program including class times, locations and fees.
Enrolments for the 2023 After School Dance program opened on Wednesday, 25 January 2023 for Prep to Grade 6 dance classes at all campuses. Enrolments close on Friday, 17 February. To enrol your child, please:
Once you have submitted your enrolment form your relevant campus dance coordinator will be in touch via email to confirm they have received the enrolment form and they will provide details of the first lesson.
Please note that even if you enrolled in the 2022 program, you need to re-enrol for 2023.
If you have any queries please contact After School Dance Coordinators, Teri Batis and Cassie Peele, via email at
Nick Waxman
Head of Drama and Theatre Studies
This is set to be a very exciting year for the Haileybury Music Department.
A highlight of the year’s concert program will be the return of the biannual Melbourne Recital Centre Concert in the prestigious Elizabeth Murdoch Hall. The concert on Thursday, 24 August will showcase Haileybury’s finest musicians in Melbourne’s premier concert venue.
In 2023, over 1,000 students will receive an instrumental music lesson every week and will participate in one or more of the 60+ ensembles on offer. Places within the program are extremely limited, so if you would like to enroll for lessons, please do so asap.
This first full week back at School has seen ensemble rehearsals begin in earnest. Involvement in an ensemble is fundamental to learning a musical instrument at Haileybury. Through weekly rehearsals, students use their advancing skills in a practical and collaborative way.
Importantly, it is only after focused group rehearsals, in preparation for a concert event, that students can showcase their talent and determination to improve as musicians to large, appreciative audiences.
Punctual attendance at rehearsals and instrumental lessons is fundamental to the collaborative potential of the 2023 program. When a student must miss a rehearsal or instrumental lesson, please ensure the relevant music staff are contacted well-prior to the impending absence.
Our heartfelt congratulations to Michael Sun who, in 2022, received the highest possible ATAR score of 99.95. Throughout his years at Haileybury, Michael participated in numerous music activities including Symphony Orchestra, String Orchestra, Viva Voce, Haileybury Singers and numerous VCE programs where he supported his peers.
Consistently, a significant percentage of Haileybury’s highest scoring academic students are active participants in the Music program throughout their school life. For these students, music provides a fun yet challenging creative pursuit and research has repeatedly shown that it also enhances strong academic outcomes.
Our fortnightly Lunchtime Chapel Concert series in the David Bradshaw Chapel at 855 Springvale Road, Keysborough is a free concert series open to the public. The concerts feature our current leading music students, Old Haileyburians and members of the music staff.
Come and be inspired by some of the finest classical and Romantic music performed in one of the architectural jewels of south-east Melbourne. The first concert will take place on Wednesday, 8 February at 1.20 pm. Please note that visitors must sign in at Reception before entering the concert.
Rod Marshall
Director of Performing Arts & Head of Haileybury Music
Congratulations to our 2022 VCE Units 1 to 4 students for the success of the inaugural Victorian Artists Society Haileybury Studio Arts exhibition. The event ran from Tuesday, 6 December to Wednesday, 14 December in the Mackley Members’ Room at the VAS headquarters in East Melbourne.
This final exhibition closed out a year of incredible engagement from our Visual Arts students with many occasions to celebrate and promote their art outside of school. We look forward to another big year of competitions and exhibitions that provide learning opportunities, such as writing exhibition proposals and articulating the ideas that are expressed through the students’ work, while also growing our network of creative connections and industry supporters.
From the VAS website dedicated to the Haileybury exhibition:
‘In celebration of the wonderful achievement of Haileybury’s Studio Arts students, we are proud to present a selection of their work for their families, friends and the public — including industry members at the Victorian Artists Society.
The artworks created by the VCE students range in style and ideas, bringing to light key themes for young contemporary artists today. Themes and concepts explored include relationships, the impermanence of life, gender, the impact of technology and more.
Students explored and experimented with materials and techniques in their studio process, as outlined in their exploration proposal. The art forms utilised to convey these ideas include painting, drawing, photography, textiles, digital and sculpture.’
“Sensored is a painting depicting my relationship with technology and the digital world and how it encourages the creation of online personas on platforms such as social media. Especially in lockdown, I found myself having excessive screen time, and it wasn’t until I addressed how this caused a disconnect between my family and friends that I could reduce my time spent in the digital world and increase my time in the real world. This is what I attempted to portray in my painting. This painting is both critical and empathetic as it represents humanity as immersed in the wonders of digital technology. However, it also communicates the danger of becoming too attached to the digital world.”Ashley Tonelli
Rachelle Rae
Head of Visual Arts Senior School
The 2023 Haileybury Pipes and Drums camp was a blast, with members of the band sharpening their skills and working their fingers to the bone to prepare for the upcoming competition season. The camp was held over several days at the Oasis Camp in Mount Evelyn and was attended by seasoned veterans and fresh-faced rookies. This was our first full in-person camp since 2020.
Participants worked on their technique and musicality through activities including group rehearsals, individual practice sessions and ensemble performances. Ten dedicated Pipes & Drums staff members provided guidance and feedback to help each player improve their skills.
A highlight was the opportunity for band members to perform in an ensemble setting. The group worked on several pieces of music, focusing on precision and timing to create a cohesive sound. The final result was a true showcase of the band’s hard work and dedication, with each player giving it their all to create an impressive and dynamic performance.
In addition to rehearsals and performances, the camp also featured social activities and team building exercises. These helped build camaraderie and a sense of community among the band members and were a great way for everyone to get to know each other better. It was also a great opportunity to find out who snores the loudest!
The Haileybury Pipes and Drums camp was an extremely successful and enjoyable experience. The band is now well-prepared for the upcoming competition season and members are eager to show off their hard work and their ability to play in sync on the competition stage.
Congratulations to all band members for their hard work — and for not breaking any instruments during the camp! Best of luck to everyone in the upcoming competitions.
Lincoln Hilton
Director, Pipes & Drums
As our students return to school this week, it was wonderful to note that 28 of these boys and girls are the recipients of Haileybury Foundation Scholarships. Of these 28 students, eight are new to Haileybury in 2023 and we wish them and their families the very best as they immerse themselves in the Haileybury culture.
At the end of 2022, one of our Foundation Scholarship students, Charlie Gillott, graduated from Haileybury. Charlie was the beneficiary of the Ian Cox Memorial Scholarship.
Following his passing, Ian, a former Haileybury School Captain and Chairman of Council, left a bequest to the School. He would have been proud of the contribution that Charlie made to life at Haileybury and we look forward to seeing what the future holds for Charlie as he explores his passion in the musical arena.
In 2022, over $1 million was raised to support Haileybury Foundation’s three funds: Building, Library and Scholarship. These funds have had, and will have, a major impact on the education, resources and buildings that assist our students in achieving their very best.
Our donors are changing lives forever, regardless of the size of their gift.
All gifts to Haileybury Foundation are tax deductible.
Donations can be made here.
Thank you.
Parents who have a child or children who graduate from Haileybury are entitled to membership of the Haileybury Society.
The Haileybury Society provides a wonderful opportunity for past parents and long-serving past staff members to remain connected to Haileybury. They have contributed significantly to the life of Haileybury and are keen to maintain a connection with the School and with each other.
In 2023, the Haileybury Society will invite members to a range of events including:
Membership to the Haileybury Society is free and open to any parent who has had a child graduate from Haileybury and who wishes to remain connected with the School and fellow parents. Membership includes invitations to society events, School events and sporting fixtures, and a range of other membership benefits.
For further information on Haileybury Foundation or Haileybury Society, please contact Russell Davidson, Director of Development and Alumni Relations, at
The OHA congratulates Giles Gunesekera (OH 1991) on being awarded an Order of Australia Medal for his contribution to social welfare and community services. Giles’ life in community service started with his Mum and helping her to deliver Meals on Wheels to the elderly at the age of seven.
His recognition of an Order of Australia acknowledges the incredible amount of time Giles has spent volunteering.
“I have volunteered and served on many Boards, but I have received so much more in return,” said Giles.
“I have volunteered and served on many Boards, but I have received so much more in return.”Giles Gunesekera
“Volunteering has provided me with new skills and, more importantly, the opportunity to be surrounded by diverse people and organisations doing extraordinary things. I am thankful for the life that I have been gifted and believe that every human being is special, but sadly injustice and discrimination endure.”
Giles has served a large number of organisations. More recently these have included Amnesty International, University of Technology (Sydney), The Sunrise Project and Volunteers to Assist Children with Disabilities (VACD USA).
Giles is a proud migrant and he has a huge appreciation for the sacrifices made by his parents.
“My parents left their country of birth in Sri Lanka to seek a better life in Australia and I will always be grateful for the enormous sacrifice they made for their family,” he said.
Kylie Phillips
Development Office Operations Lead
Over the break the Haileybury Rowing Club participated in a five-day training camp on the Nicholson River. The days were broken into three sessions — two on water and one land session. The days started at 6.00 am and concluded by 3:30 pm, giving the students some free time before dinner. The last morning session on Friday included an internal regatta to bring the camp to a close.
The week culminated in the traditional Family Day which was an opportunity for many parents to witness the racing and the impressive efforts of their child. It was a very personal experience for the parents who all enjoyed the event. Thanks to Nat Calea, Belinda Malone and Al Aikman for their efforts over the week.
It is extremely important that the benefits of sport and activity are made available to all, which is why, during the holiday period, students from Aikman House volunteered their time with the Disabled Surfers Association Mornington Peninsula (DSAMP).
The aims of DSAMP are simple — to ‘put smiles on dials’ and to provide a safe and enjoyable surfing experience for people with any disability, to provide disabled members with greater access to beaches year-round and to unite the local community.
The day was a huge success with everyone benefiting from the experience.
Tommy Lane (Year 12) has won a silver medal in the Australian 10km Open Water Swimming Championships in Busselton, WA. This is Tommy’s first national medal in this event, after finishing 4th in 2022, and he is now the highest ranked Victorian swimmer in this event.
He had to travel to Queensland and New South Wales to get race practice as there is no 10km event in Victoria. Well done, Tommy!
Nathan Ephraums (OH 2017) is currently representing Australia in the Hockey World Cup in India. Australia has proven to be a power house in hockey and is looking to take the World Championship title from the likes of India and the Netherlands.
Nathan has proven to be an ‘X’ factor for the Australian team, scoring and setting up many opportunities with his skill and speed. We wish the Australians and Nathan all the best in their pursuit of gold!
Congratulations to Amy Bunnage (OH 2022) on winning the Women’s U20 selection race at the Athletics Australia Australian Cross Country trials at Mt Stromolo in Canberra in mid-January.
Amy is earmarked as an emerging young talent and she triumphed with true grit and determination, winning by substantial margins over the 6km course. Her exceptional achievement secures her an automatic place representing Australia at the 2023 World Cross Country Championships in mid-February.
Sean Allcock
Director of Haileybury Sport
In the spirit of reconciliation, Haileybury acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of country throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay our respect to their elders past and present and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today.
© Haileybury 2025 Compliance
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