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Campus News

A very special guest

We recently had the pleasure of welcoming Mr John Twist, Edrington’s founding Head of Campus, back to our school. Mr Twist’s legacy is woven into the fabric of our campus, and it was a wonderful opportunity to thank him for the care, vision and leadership he brought during his time here. The strong foundation he built has enabled Edrington to grow into the thriving, successful and beautiful campus it is today.

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OHA Generations’ Breakfast

We recently had the pleasure of hosting the OHA Generations’ Breakfast, an event celebrating families with a deep connection to Haileybury. With parents — and even some grandparents — who were once students themselves, the morning was a wonderful opportunity to come together, share stories and reflect on the rich history of our campus. This is an annual event, and I always enjoy seeing the next generation of Haileyburians developing a deeper connection to the school and their place within its legacy. An enjoyable morning for all.

Early Learning Centre

Building Connections

In all ELC classrooms the start of the year programs focus on building connections with each other and their Haileybury community. Warm and respectful relationships with children and their families form the foundation for effective early childhood education programs. Strong connections with and between educators help to generate a sense of belonging and nurture learning and development for children.

The beginning of a new year also promotes opportunity for the children to make new connections with peers or build on current friendships. Staff use intentional teaching strategies within their curriculum to support children to make friends, self-regulate and build confidence to speak up in a group situation. This occurs both within and outside of the classroom as children attend multiple specialist classes each week promoting opportunity to develop and refine learning and skills in a variety of contexts.

We look forward to watching friendships and connections grow through the year.

Junior School

Harmony Day

The Junior School will be celebrating for a full week in Week 8 from Monday, 17 to Friday, 21 March. Harmony Week is a celebration of our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. It is about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.​ On Friday, 21 March — Harmony Day — students are asked to dress in casual clothes with a touch of orange to represent the diversity of our nation.

Family games afternoon

Our Junior School Family Community Event this year will take place on Friday, 28 March from 3.30 pm to 5.00 pm. We invite families to bring a blanket or chairs and purchase food from the various food trucks: Mr Whippy, Baked Twister, OMG Donuts, Boost Juice and a coffee van.

There will be a variety of games set up around the main oval (near the pavilion) which we invite parents to participate in with their children. We suggest comfortable shoes and lots of family engagement.

We will be raising money for the Monash Children’s Hospital during this event by selling cans of drink ($2) and would also like to thank the Dhaliwal family (Boost Juice) for donating all proceeds of their sales to Haileybury and our charity.

Middle School

Both the Year 6 boys and girls have now returned from their camps to Canberra. The students were kept busy with visits to Parliament House, the National Dinosaur Museum, the Australian Institute of Sport, the Deep Space Communication Complex and more. The highlight, however, was their visit to Questacon, a facility that explores science, technology and innovation in interactive and engaging ways.

On Tuesday, 18 February, our Year 8 Captains across Boys and Girls Schools participated in a leadership workshop run by Tripod. This gave our captains an opportunity to explore and develop their ideas, whilst building leadership skills like public speaking and building relationships. We look forward to seeing some of the ideas they came up with actioned — we have such an impressive group of leaders this year who have already demonstrated their enthusiasm and passion for their respective roles.

We wish our Years 7 and 8 students all the best as they head out to their respective camps over the next couple of weeks. With mild weather, this is a great time of year for camps, and an opportune time to further develop new friendships through shared experiences and challenges. The camping program is a valuable learning experience for all students to challenge themselves to step outside of their comfort zones and try something new and challenging with the support of teachers and peers, whilst starting to form their own identity away from the comforts of home.

Finally, we look forward to our Middle School Athletics carnival on Tuesday, 1 April. Students are reminded to wear their House tops, bring a water bottle and hat, and cheer on all those involved regardless of House.

Jeanette Rawlings
Head of Edrington (Berwick)

Haileybury Parents & Friends Edrington (HPFE)

Hello Edrington. Thank you to everyone who helped make our Pancake Day such a huge success. We raised $1,400 for Uniting Care and that is a lot of pancakes. The students brought their smiling faces and ‘A-game’ manners. Thank you to all our volunteers who came to help shake and flip. We really could not do this without you. Teamwork makes the dream work.

We have our Cross Campus Cross Country coming up in May and we will have over 2,000 sausages to cook. Thank you to those who have already volunteered to help cook and hand out sausages to the students. We could really use some more volunteers though. If you are available to help on Tuesday, 20 May from 8.30 am, please register here.

Every Wednesday you will find Jenelle and Amphil at the Second-hand Uniform Shop (SHUS) from 8.30 am to 10.45 am. The SHUS is always looking for an extra hand, so if you have an hour to spare on a Wednesday to give Amphil and Jenelle a hand in the shop please contact them at

Kind Regards,

Kerry Ilic
HPFE President