Experiential Learning is an integral part of the Haileybury experience, enabling students to further their learning and social skills development in an off-campus setting. Experiential learning includes a variety of physically and mentally challenging activities.
Years 3-8 camps
Each year between Years 3-8, students participate in a cross-campus camp experience where they undertake physically and mentally challenging activities
to develop teamwork, leadership and initiative. These camps also give students the opportunities to create friendships beyond their own campus and appreciate the diversity within our School community.
Year 9 Explore and Expeditions
Explore and Expeditions is a unique and exciting part of the Pre-Senior (Year 9) program. The offerings take place in Terms 2 and 3 and consist of 10-12-day offsite (including interstate and overseas) experiences. These experiences are designed to ‘burst the bubble’ of familiarity and encourage students to develop skills that they would not usually acquire in the classroom or at home.
International trips
Each year, Haileybury curates several international trips for students as an extension of specific Academic and Co-curricular programs. While the exact offerings vary year by year, examples of past international trips include:
- VCE Languages trips to China, Japan, France and Mauritius
- Sport trips to Sri Lanka and the UK
- Music trips to the USA
Partnerships with Haileybury UK
It is only fitting that Haileybury Australia has a partnership with its ancestor, Haileybury UK (the founding Headmaster of Haileybury in Melbourne, Charles Rendall, was an alumnus of Haileybury UK). Two Year 12 students are selected each year to spend up to a month in the English country town of Hertford where they attend classes with their fellow English Haileyburians.
A range of other sporting and music exchanges (such as an Organ Scholar Exchange) and academic partnerships are also being developed between the Haileybury schools in England and Australia.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award (Duke of Ed)
The Duke of Ed is part of an international program running in 140 countries and is the largest structured youth development program in Australia. The Award encourages and supports young people to build resourcefulness and develop important and relevant life skills outside the classroom.
Students who participate in the Duke of Ed will be able to learn new skills, get active, explore new places, help out in their community, and meet new friends.