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Expand students’ thinking in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

STEM at Haileybury provides our students and community with the best opportunities available in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics educational space. The range of activities and competitions is highly diverse and well resourced, meaning there is something of interest to all students in which they can grow and develop their STEM skills.

From Junior School, through to Middle and Senior, Haileybury has a progression of exciting experiences including Robotics Club, Digitech Explorers, Drone Academy, Aerospace and Rocket Engineering and Esports. Our competitive spirit shines across well-known competitions such as Science Talent Search, Maths Talent Quest, Human Powered Vehicle, ICAS Science, Australian Maths Competition and the National Computer Science School Challenge. A number of other activities round out our robust program including Chess Club, Astronomy Club SHINE Space Program, Neuroscience Club and the thrilling F1 in Schools.

Each year our students participate in STEM Week, the Science Fair and experience multiple guest speakers who are leaders in their field and inspire our next generation to explore, think, try and succeed. Of course, all of this is made possible by a large body of dedicated staff who are extremely passionate about driving these programs and providing unique learning experiences to our students. In a broader sense, our community is highly supportive and we appreciate the unseen efforts from our parents and carers in facilitating student participation and enjoyment of the activities.