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Senior School

Experiential Learning

Haileybury’s entire Year 9 cohort will spend the final two weeks of term engaged in a range of experiential learning activities at various locations around Australia and the world more broadly. Our students from Haileybury College will complete their options which have seen groups travel to places as diverse as Uluru, Cairns and the Barrier Reef. It provides a wonderful opportunity for them to expand their travel experiences. The Year 9 Haileybury Girls College students will be out on expeditions which involve them completing challenging hikes and sleeping out under canvas. Our students are really building their resilience under difficult circumstances.

R U OK? Day at Berwick Senior School

Berwick Senior School acknowledged R U OK? Day this year in a range of different ways. The day commenced with a Tutor Group Kahoot, designed to raise awareness and also provide students with the tools to support their peers. Students were given the opportunity to contribute to the Gratitude Wall prepared by our student leaders and many students also wore a touch of yellow with their school uniform to highlight their support for each other. At lunchtime we held a BBQ (always a hit at our campus!) and the students from Sholto, Black and Edrington Houses engaged in some friendly rivalry in a ‘bake off’ to see who could raise the most money. The Edrington girls reigned supreme and between the BBQ and the bake sales we raised over $600 which will be donated to the R U OK? organisation.

French Exchange Program

The journey began in December 2023 when a group of students embarked on a linguistic and cultural exchange in Bordeaux. Strong connections were formed with their host families, and regular lessons with their VCE French teachers, alongside mainstream classes, provided a solid foundation for improving their language skills. The excursion program in Bordeaux was diverse and immersive, featuring museum visits where students could interact with the artwork, exploring Christmas markets and iconic landmarks, and enjoying meals at renowned local restaurants.

“I always heard and wrote about French culture in my assessments but to witness it firsthand was a thrilling experience.”
Christian (Year 12 Keysborough)

Year 12 Haileybury students

In Term 3 of 2024, the French correspondents from Bordeaux visited Haileybury, where they experienced the warm hospitality of our host families. They engaged in various incursions and excursions, and enjoyed a full immersion in the English language and culture.

“I would like to thank you once again for this opportunity, which allowed us to fully enjoy our stay and discover the iconic places of this beautiful country.”
Marius, Bordeaux

French exchange students from Bordeaux

Earlier, at the end of Term 2, we also welcomed a group of French students from Aix-en-Provence. They followed a similar linguistic and cultural program, further strengthening the exchange. Some of our students will visit them in December, reconnecting with their correspondents and attending our sister school, Georges Duby, in Luynes, near Aix-en-Provence. Later in the year, another group will travel to Bordeaux to join our sister school, Le Lycée de l’Assomption.

“Thank you Haileybury for permitting this wonderful exchange to take place. I believe this was a meaningful and extraordinary experience for us all. You welcomed us with open arms and showed us the Australian life.”
Gustave, Aix-en-Provence

French exchange students from Aix-en-Provence

This exchange program fosters meaningful connections between students, families and French culture, offering an enriching experience through language, traditions, cuisine and shared customs.

Ms Maud Fugiere-Sola
Head of French

Term 4 logistics

While the September break offers some time for Senior School students to relax and unwind it is also an important time for revision and preparation. Haileybury academic staff will run a series of revision activities for Units 3 and 4 studies throughout the September school holidays. While attendance at these sessions is not compulsory, families may want to take this into account when planning holidays. A timetable which details the times for these revision lectures will be made available to students through Canvas.

Summer uniform 

Summer uniform may be worn in Term 4, 1A and 2.  No scarves permitted.

Year 12s are required to wear full winter uniform for Graduation.   

Last Day of School – Year 12

Friday, 18 October will be the last day when all our Year 12 students are at school together. Berwick, Brighton and City students will all travel to Keysborough to participate in the final Whole School Assembly.

Graduation Ceremonies

It is Haileybury tradition that our Year 12 cohorts have separate final day celebrations along with individual graduation ceremonies and valedictory dinners. Our Haileybury College Year 12 students graduate on Monday, 21 October, so all Haileybury College students from Years 10–12 will go to Keysborough on that day (there are no Haileybury Girls College Years 10–12 students at school that day). Our Haileybury Girls College Year 12 students graduate on Tuesday, 22 October, so all Haileybury Girls College students from Years 10–12 will go to Keysborough on that day (there are no Haileybury College Years 10–12 students at school that day).

Exams and New Academic Year

Following these celebratory days, all students will move into internal Haileybury examination periods or preparations for Units 3 and 4 VCE examinations.

Term 1A (new academic year) will begin on Monday, 18 November with all students starting their 2025 academic program.

Tertiary Pathways Information for Years 9 and 10 Students

As students move into the VCE years both students and their families often have questions about how their academic pathways at Haileybury match up against university pre-requisites in the coming years. In the past, each Year 10 student has received a copy of a VTAC Year 10 Guide to help with this planning. VTAC has now moved all information contained within this guide to its website. This website contains information about VCE subject selection, scaling of VCE study scores and a section called prerequisite and course explorer which provides information on tertiary entry requirements for students who will enter universities or other tertiary institutions. While Haileybury will continue to provide both students and parents with information about subject selection and university entrance throughout the next three years, this guide is an effective way for Year 9 and 10 families to familiarise themselves with the jargon associated with the VCE and tertiary entrance.

Spirit of Anzac Prize

Congratulations to all students who entered this year’s Premier’s Spirit of Anzac Prize. From an amazing 107 applications, 12 students were selected to receive the prize.  

The winning students will shortly embark on a fully funded journey to Türkiye, where they will engage with the Anzac history and spirit by retracing the experiences of Australian men and women across significant commemorative sites.  

Please join us in congratulating William on receiving this award.

Dr Nicholas Grigsby

Deputy Principal
Head of Senior Schools