Campus News
Term 1A
As the holidays draw to a close, I hope this newsletter finds all our families looking forward to classes commencing on Monday, 30 January. Our academic year is well underway, thanks to Term 1A and this makes for a much smoother start in January.
Welcome especially to new families, students and staff joining us this year. I hope your time at Haileybury is happy and successful.
Monday, 30 January will begin with tutor groups where Heads of Houses and Tutors will have an opportunity to remind our young Haileyburians about our expectations. Sometimes it takes a few reminders about hair and uniform before everyone is back into the swing of things!
I ask all parents and guardians to help ensure our students have their hair neat and tidy and shoes and uniform clean and well-presented. If you have any queries about our expectations, please feel free to contact me or our Head of Senior Girls, Ms Helen Wadden, or our Head of Senior Boys, Mr Graham Leys.
2022 result excellence
The academic results achieved by Haileybury students in 2022 were exemplary. Congratulations to all students who worked hard to achieve excellence in their VCE subjects and to those who did all they could to excel in their preparatory studies.
We were proud to celebrate the success of seven Haileybury students who registered perfect ATAR scores of 99.95. Only 39 students in Victoria were awarded a perfect ATAR, so we couldn’t be prouder of the duces of Haileybury College: Yan Chen, Jiaqi Lu, Michael Sun, Kerry Zhu and Kim Zhu and the duces of Haileybury Girls College: Abigail Gardiner and Chloe Lay. They all attained an ATAR of 99.95.
It is a true pleasure to be part of a community that collectively values education and achievement, yet also understands that a true education is about more than letter grades and ATAR scores.
The Haileybury community understands that working hard to achieve one’s best is one of the keys to a happy and successful life. I look forward to our Honours Assemblies where we will acknowledge their achievements.

Please remember that all absentees are recorded through the myHaileybury app. We recognise it may be difficult when a child is unable to attend school, with parents juggling to sort out their day. In less than 10 seconds, submit your child’s absence quickly and easily via the app.
Senior School sport expectations
Sport at Haileybury is an enjoyable and integral component in developing a well-rounded Haileyburian. Training and competition are so much more than winning — they not only improve our students’ mental and physical health and fitness, but enable them to develop their leadership and communication skills, ability to work in a team and respect for themselves and others.
Building a culture based on these core skills will ultimately result in success on the sporting field and in the classroom.
Team success is, of course, dependent on all students attending Tuesday training and Saturday competition. Should your son or daughter need to leave school for an appointment and miss Tuesday sport training, a medical certificate will need to be emailed to the Heads of Boys and Girls Sport the following day.
Haileybury strongly discourages students and parents from making regular appointments on Tuesday afternoon during sport training.
If you have any queries about our sport program, please contact either:
- John Headlam (Head of Boys Sport)
- Kylie Leys (Head of Girls Sport)
Duke of Edinburgh – end of year expedition
As part of the Outdoor Experiences offered at Senior School, in December, students had the opportunity to attend our end of year expedition. The program was available to all Senior School students and supports those undertaking the internationally recognised Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. The program allows students to complete their practice and qualifying expedition journeys.
Eight students from Keysborough and City campuses, along with Eliza Weinberg and two OEG staff, took on the challenge of Australia’s most famous trek — the Cradle Mountain Overland Track. The track takes in some of Tasmania’s most stunning scenery. Consisting of eight days hiking, the students prepared meals and were geared up for all weather conditions. Many of the students are using this expedition as part of their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award expedition section. Students taking part were:
- Charles Bamford (Year 12) – Gold
- Thomas Battye (Year 10) – Bronze
- Nathan Su (Year 12) – Gold
- Michael Sun (OH 2022) – Gold
- Viduwantha Suraweera (Year 12) – Gold
- Kausalya Gautaman (Year 12) – Gold
- Jarrah Kearney (Year 11)
- Izac Ooi (Year 12) – Bronze
Tamsin Visick, Coordinator, Duke of Ed Program
Theo Georgakopoulos
Acting Head of Haileybury Senior Schools