Year 8 celebrations
In Assembly, we marked the significant transition of our Year 8 students as they move out of the Middle School and into the Pre-Senior (Year 9) program from Term 1A.

This special Assembly featured speeches from students reflecting on their achievements and experiences thus far, as well as tributes and best wishes from their teachers. Head of Middle School, Mathew Shill coordinated this event and acknowledged each of our Year 8 students individually. We congratulate our Year 8 students, and we thank Mr Shill and the Year 8 teachers for their dedicated support of this cohort as they make their transition to Year 9.

Term 1A for Years 8–12 2025
Haileybury Pangea students moving into Years 8–12 2025 commenced Term 1A on Monday 18 November. This provides students with the opportunity to ‘step up’ into their academic classes for 2025 and gain a solid grounding in their new courses.
As part of this program, students participated in transition sessions on Monday 18 November designed to welcome new students to the campus and support all students with setting up effective routines and habits for the coming academic year. As part of this program, Year 12 students were also introduced to the nomination process for Year 12 Captains roles.
We are thrilled to welcome so many new students and families to our community, and we look forward to a productive final few weeks of the year. The academic year concludes on Thursday 12 December.
Joanna Baker
Head of Campus