Campus News
The theme for this year’s LEAP week is Reconciliation and it will begin a week before National Reconciliation Week. There will be a broad range of activities and presentations for students and staff. Students can find the LEAP Week timetable of events displayed outside the library and on bulletin boards throughout the School.
Some of the highlights of LEAP Week are:
Junior School
- Junior School students will be guided to design their own personal Acknowledgement of Country.
- At the Junior School Assembly on Friday, students will be entertained by Didgeridoo Australia who present engaging educational programs on Australia’s First People for schools.

Middle School
- The $20 Boss Market and Environment Club Recycled Goods stalls will run again in the Boys Middle School Quad. All proceeds will be donated to a selected charity.
- On Friday, students will be entertained by our student buskers at the market.
- Lionel Launch, CEO of Living Culture and a proud Gunditjmara Kirrae Wurrung-Bundjalung man residing in his home country on the Mornington Peninsula will visit and give a presentation on Indigenous bush tucker and medicine plants.

- During the Middle School Assembly on Thursday, students will be introduced to a local Indigenous dance group from the City of Casey, Bandok Tati (Small Ant Bros). These young men range in age from 8 to 20 years old and will present traditional dances they have been taught by their elders, and talk to students.

- Art Club, Drama Club, Debating, National History Challenge, Tournament of the Minds and Compass all have sessions throughout LEAP Week.
All students and staff are welcome to come along, find out more about these amazing programs and join in the activities here.
Early Learning Centre
Linguistic diversity within the ELC
Newlands campus has many bilingual children and families within our ELC community. We proudly deliver a Mandarin program to the Pre-Prep children who continue their learning in Junior School.
During a recent staff professional development day, Linton Roe, a Language Education Consultant, presented information and research highlighting the importance of maintaining children’s first language. A recent analysis of NAPLAN results shows bilingual learners outperform other learners in literacy, numeracy and in learning and cognitive performance generally. Our educators have many practical ideas on how to support children’s home language in the English-speaking ELC environment.
Activities for Mother’s Day
The children took great delight in welcoming their mothers and special friends to an afternoon of activities to celebrate Mother’s Day and the children were encouraged to share their knowledge about their mums and special friends with their classmates.
Alex: “Mum is 10. She likes to work and always eats carrots. I like to play with her.”
Elijah: “My mum always wants mushrooms and carrots and she is a beautiful girl.”
Leon: “Mum likes to cuddle me and eat happy meals.”
Vinya: “I love my mum because she makes me milk in the night.”
We thank HPFK for providing the children with the opportunity to purchase gifts for their mums at the annual Mother’s Day stall.
Junior School
Junior School celebrations
Junior School celebrated a wonderful Mother’s Day afternoon last Friday. Mums arrived for a delicious afternoon tea and catch up, before heading off to take part in a multitude of activities. Mothers collected their children from classrooms before setting off to areas around the school to play games like Can You Draw It? and to make art and craft masterpieces and complete challenges together.
It was an enjoyable end to the school week and the students loved being able to share it with their mums. We hope all mums had a lovely Mother’s Day and were truly spoilt.
Junior School makes music
Junior School students and teachers are eagerly anticipating the upcoming Junior School House Music competition. The annual event will take place on Wednesday, 21 June from 2.05 pm – 3.30 pm in Berthon Hall.
Students will don their coloured tops as they represent their House in a singing competition. House singing is a great opportunity for students to showcase the amazing repertoire of songs and choral techniques learned during Music and Choir lessons. Sadly, due to number restrictions in Berthon Hall, we are not able to invite parents and spectators.
Good luck to all our Junior School participants and may the best House win!
Middle School
Middle School exam Help Desk
During Weeks 3 and 4 students will be offered Help Desk sessions for all subjects involving an examination.
A schedule has been sent to students offering sessions in person during lunchtime or after school from 5:00 pm – 5:30 pm on Zoom.
We strongly recommend students meet with teachers to gain feedback.
Environment Club recycle stall
Students in the Environment Club are running a recycled goods stall during LEAP week from Monday, 22 to Friday, 26 May. They would like to collect donated goods in clean condition to sell. All money from the stall will be donated to a wildlife charity.
Collection tubs will be in the foyer at Berthon Hall until Friday, 19 May.

Aerobics regional winners
Our Newlands Years 5–8 Dance and Aerobics teams went to Rowville Secondary College and competed in the Regional Competition recently and we are pleased to announce that many teams will be going through to the State Finals in June.

Mother’s Day Breakfast
What a wonderful, record-breaking turnout for the first Mother’s Day and special friends breakfast at the leafy green Southern Golf Club. It was a special morning with guests treated to a light breakfast against a backdrop of beautiful music and surrounds.
Well done and thank you to all involved for your tremendous effort celebrating this special day.
Mark Harrop
Acting Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough (HPFK)
HPFK Luncheon
We hope to see many new Newlands families across all year levels join the annual Haileybury Parents and Friends Keysborough luncheon.
When: Friday, 26 May
Time: 11.30 am – 2.00 pm
Location: Haileybury, Altera Terra Keysborough
Tickets include a glass of sparkling wine on arrival, two courses plus a dessert platter to share.
Book here.
Save the Date!
Join Mr Mark Harrop, Acting Head of Newlands and Dr Nicolas Grigsby, Deputy Principal of Senior School for the HPFK Term 2 Meeting.
When: Thursday, 8 June
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Newlands Resource Centre
We look forward to seeing many Newlands parents there.
HPFK Second Hand Uniform Shop
Week 4
Friday, 19 May 2pm – 4pm
Saturday, 20 May – Closed
To keep up to date with the opening hours please see the myhaileybury app or visit the Haileybury HPFK Facebook page
Thank you to the HPFK!
Our wonderful Mother’s Day stall almost sold out this year! A big thank you to all involved — without you the HPFK Mother’s Day stall would not run.

Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough