Campus News
Let’s work hard and be kind
Happy New Year! I extend a warm welcome to the entire Newlands community as Term 1 begins. We are looking forward to our students returning on Monday, 30 January and we hope they are feeling enthused about the year ahead. The beginning of a new year is always an exciting time and our staff have been actively planning over recent weeks to ensure a successful start to the year.
myHaileybury app
Please ensure you have downloaded the myHaileybury app before the term begins. This is our main communication tool and provides updates on events, year level notices and calendar information from the School. All student absences must also be notified to the School through the myHaileybury app > Absent/Late.
Medical information
It is very important that all medical information about your child is updated regularly.
Consent2Go allows parents, guardians and the School to accurately and securely record health information about students. It can also be used for online excursion approvals, risk management and online permissions for school activities.
This can be accessed via myHaileybury app> myPortal > update myDetails. If you cannot login to the myHaileybury app or require technical assistance, please email
Newlands SchoolPix photos
On Wednesday, 1 and Thursday, 2 February, SchoolPix will be taking individual and family portraits and Homeroom group shots. These create important mementos for each student during their time at Newlands.
A catch-up day for photographs will also be offered on Thursday, 9 February.
We kindly ask that students wear full summer uniform in accordance with the Haileybury uniform policy. Should families wish to purchase these photos, SchoolPix will provide each student with a unique code that can be used for online ordering. Please don’t hesitate to contact the Newlands Reception if you have any questions.
Wednesday, 1 February
- Sibling photo session 1: 7:45 am – 8:35 am, surname A-K in the Newlands Sports Hall
- Class photos Prep – Year 4, ELC and Years 7 and 8 from Period 1
Thursday, 2 February
- Sibling photo session 2: 7:45 am – 8:35 am, surname L-Z in the Newlands Sports Hall
- Class photos Years 5 and 6 and ELC from Period 1
Thursday, 9 February
- Sibling photo and individual portrait catch-up session: 7:45 am – 8:35 am in the Newlands Sports Hall
Please look out for the myHaileybury app notice for information on how to order online with SchoolPix.
Early Learning Centre
Welcome to another exciting year
Over the past few weeks, ELC educators have spent time individually welcoming children and their families to the ELC. This quality interaction time ensured that children began to settle positively into their new learning environment.
During the first weeks of term the children are provided with opportunities to explore and discover their play environments and they begin to share interest areas. The focus is on the development of a sense of connection and belonging to their new classroom, classmates and educators.
Program planning commenced with educators observing the children based on the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework’s five outcome areas. These observations will form the foundation for the program as the children are encouraged to lead their learning and to share new interests with their educators and peers. The observations will also inform discussions with parents at the forthcoming Parent – Teacher Interviews.
ELC Parent Information Evening
ELC parents are warmly invited to attend the ELC and Junior School Information Night in Berthon Hall on Tuesday, 31 January from 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm. Lead Educators will discuss the ELC curriculum, clarify day-to-day operational procedures for their classroom and answer any questions parents may have.
Junior School
ABC Education
Late last year, Junior School Year 2 classes were involved in testing a series of interactive mathematics games being developed by ABC Education. The Year 2 students enjoyed testing the games and providing feedback to the ABC Education team to support their design process. It is wonderful to see Haileybury students and staff contributing to this innovative project.

ELC and Junior School Information Night
Our 2023 ELC and Junior School Information Night will be held on Tuesday, 31 January from 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm at Berthon Hall.
The evening provides detailed information about the Junior School Program and is an opportunity for parents to find out specific information relevant to their child’s year level and class. Light refreshments will be provided.
Summer Uniform
During Term 1, students should wear their summer uniform as indicated on the myHaileybury app under ‘Uniform’. During recess and lunch outside, Junior School students must wear a Haileybury sun hat.
Middle School
Young ICT Explorers National Finals competition
It is with great pleasure that we congratulate the ‘Bee Monitoring System’ established by Newlands students Vinuka Gamage, Ashmit Pharande, Evan Jin, and Swarit Dwivedi. Their creation claimed first prize in the Young ICT National Finals (Years 7 and 8 Division).
This is an incredible effort from these students and the hard work, persistence and commitment of the students and staff involved is to be commended.
This year’s results build on the incredible success of Haileybury’s Digitech Explorers students in this competition. The Young ICT Explorers initiative encourages students to solve real-world problems using technology.
Since 2015, Haileybury students have won eight national awards and 27 state awards.
National Prizes include;
- 2022 – 1st Place in Years 7 to 8 Division, 2nd Place in Years 9 to 10 Division
- 2021 – 1st Place in Years 7 to 8 Division
- 2020 – 1st Place in Years 9 to 10 Division and 3rd Place in Years 7 to 8 Division
- 2019 – 1st Place in Years 7 to 8 Division
- 2018 – Two National finalists
- 2017 – 1st Place in Years 9 to 10 Division
- 2016 – 2nd Place in Years 9 to 10 Division
Leadership and team building session
Year 8 students will take part in a leadership and team building session at the Melbourne Cable Park on Monday, 30 January. Students will work in teams and test themselves physically and mentally by completing a range of aquatic activities.
The session will be fun and challenging, and it will provide students with a valuable opportunity to join together, set goals and appreciate that excellence is achieved by applying yourself and aiming high.
Please ensure ‘Consent2Go’ has been completed for your child.
Prepare for Year 5 Camp
During the second week of term, Year 5 students will attend a three-day camp at Phillip Island Adventure Resort. Situated on 80 acres, the resort offers a variety of adventure activities and is close to many of Phillip Island’s attractions and beaches. Students will take part in canoeing and raft making, surfing, flying fox and ropes course and team building initiatives.
Year 5 Girls Middle School depart Monday, 6 and return Wednesday, 8 February.
Year 5 Boys Middle School depart Wednesday, 8 and return Friday, 10 February.
Please respond to the Consent2Go email for your child to attend.
Off to Canberra
This term, Year 6 students will enjoy a curriculum-based tour of Canberra. They will travel to and from Canberra by plane and take part in hands-on activities, guided tours and education programs while visiting Questacon, the National Gallery of Australia, the Australian Institute of Sport, the Electoral Education Centre, CSIRO Discovery Centre, Parliament House, the Deep Space Tracking Station, the National Dinosaur Museum and the Australian War Memorial. Students will stay close to the centre of Canberra.
Year 6 Boys Middle School depart Monday, 20 and return Friday, 24 February.
Year 6 Girls Middle School depart Monday, 27 February and return Friday, 3 March.
Please respond to the Consent2Go email for your child to attend.
Middle School ‘Meet and Greet’
Parents of Middle School students are invited to our ‘Meet and Greet’ evening on Thursday, 2 February at 6.00 pm. The evening will start in Berthon Hall and parents will be able to meet Homeroom teachers for 2023 and meet other families from their class.
Drinks and canapes will then be served in the Library Quadrangle where the co-curricular staff will be available to answer further questions. We look forward to seeing you there.
- Date: Thursday, 2 February
- Time: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
- Location: Berthon Hall and Library Quadrangle
Uniforms and hats
The presentation of our students is something that we take pride in at Haileybury. We encourage your support of this by ensuring that your child wears the correct uniform. The summer uniform is recommended during Terms 1 and 4, and blazers must be worn to and from school throughout the year.
Some allowances will be made for extreme weather days in regards to wearing the blazer home and this will be communicated to students. A school cap or bucket hat is compulsory when outdoors during Terms 1 and 4.
Please see the myhaileybury app for the School Uniform Policy.
Mark Harrop
Acting Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough (HPFK)
HPFK Coffee Mornings
We would like to invite all parents to a Year Level Coffee Morning from 9.00 am – 10.30 am at Match & Co. 109/79 Centre Dandenong Road, Dingley Village. A parent from each year level has volunteered to help the committee host each morning and the HPFK invites you to enjoy a complimentary hot or cold drink.

We hope this is an opportunity for you to meet other parents in your child’s year level and to find out about the exciting events that the HPFK will be hosting in 2023.
Monday, 6 February
Tuesday, 7 February
Year 5
Wednesday, 8 February
Year 7
Monday, 13 February
Year 1
Tuesday, 14 February
Year 2
Wednesday, 15 February
HPFK Year 5 Bowling Night

We would like to invite all our Year 5 families to our very popular Year 5 Bowling Night. This is always a great evening to connect to new and existing families. Tickets on sale until Monday, 13 February only.
- Date: Friday, 24 February
- Time: 6:00 pm
- Location: General Public Melbourne, 366 Boundary Road, Dingley
Tickets are available to purchase here.
Save the date: HPFK Term One Meeting
Please join Mark Harrop, Acting Head of Newlands, and Theo Georgakopoulos, Acting Head of Haileybury Senior School, for the HPFK Meeting.
- Date: Thursday, 2 March
- Time: 7:00 pm
- Location: Newlands Resource Centre
This is a great opportunity to meet other parents, and all parents from ELC to Year 12 are welcome.
Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough