Campus News
Science Success
Edrington has an incredibly strong Science Program and once again we have had remarkable success with the Science Talent Search, which is an annual, science-based competition. The theme this year was Food: Different by Design.
The Science Talent Search results have been released and Haileybury Edrington students gained six Major Bursaries, five Minor Bursaries, seven Distinctions, 20 Merits and two Acknowledgments.
Major Bursary winners:
Dhanisha Kumar (Year 5): Games section, entry titled Animalia Antics
Clarence Antonmeryl and Lavanthan Saynthan (Year 8): Inventions section, entry titled Flora Bot AI
Gurnoor Sidhu and Movidu Gannoruwa (Year 8): Experimental Research section, entry titled How do different types of light affect plant growth?
Marley Hinson and Inuki Mannapperuma (Year 6): Experimental Research section, entry titled Sticky Situation
Shivika Kishore (Year 5): Scientific Wall Chart section, entry titled Sustainable Global Food Production
Sanjar Asad (Year 5): Scientific Wall Chart section, entry titled Sustainable Global Food Production.
Minor Bursary winners:
Shanna Lee and Sanulya Rajakaruna (Year 7): Scientific Wall Chart section, entry titled Cellular Agriculture
Ankush Roy (Year 8): Scientific Wall Chart section, entry titled Food Design: GM Crops
Ashwanth Franklin (Year 6): Scientific Wall Chart section, entry titled Growing Food on Mars
Sunny Yuen and Dhruv Chadha (Year 8): Experimental Design section, entry titled Does Acidity affect Plant Growth?
Sarah Selvanayagam (Year 8): Experimental Design section, entry titled Amazing Amylase.
Congratulations to all students and staff involved in this program—this is an outstanding achievement.
Early Learning Centre
The Wonderful World of Seeds
Welcome back to Term 4! In Reception, children have been exploring the Wonderful World of Seeds. Books such as A Fruit is a Suitcase for Seeds have spurred children’s thinking and curiosity about the shapes, sizes and colors of seeds.
Questions such as ‘why do fruit need seeds? Do all fruits have seeds? Can we eat the seeds from fruit?’ will continue to be investigated by children and educators through meaningful conversations, literature and fruit-cutting experiences.
Simultaneously, children have also been exploring how seeds germinate and grow into flowering plants, focusing on sunflowers in particular. They have been enthusiastically planting a variety of seeds in the Reception planter boxes and veggie patch.

Exploring Space
Space exploration has captivated children’s curiosity in Pre-Prep. They have been developing their understanding about astronauts and space suits and are gradually acquiring knowledge about surviving in space and the role a space suit plays in protecting our body from heat and cold while provide astronauts with air to breathe.
The inside of a space shuttle and space food is also currently being investigated by the children. They are becoming aware that the food astronauts eat in space is different from the food they eat at home, but that the principles of healthy eating are the same. The concept of freeze-dried food is a great way for children to understand how nutritional value is preserved but adds a lightweight quality to food that is essential for space travel.

Junior School
Music Extravaganza
Our Junior School students dressed up as rock stars, played bucket drums, made their own musical instruments and learned a hip hop dance routine during our Online Music Extravaganza. What a fabulous event it was!

Middle School
What a wonderful time it is in the Middle School as we prepare to see our students return to onsite learning.
We are so proud of how our Middle School students committed themselves to their online learning. They have given their best, displayed persistence, continued to be involved and supported each other through every aspect of the journey.
Years 7 and 8 examinations are approaching from Friday, 5 November to Tuesday, 9 November. Over the coming weeks, staff will work to assist students with how to manage their time, study effectively and prepare for and sit their examinations.
The Middle school Help Desk will be open to students each afternoon during the two weeks leading into the exam period.
Jeanette Rawlings
Head of Edrington (Berwick)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Edrington (HPFE)
We’re Back!
Hello gorgeous Edrington community!! The sun is out and we are teetering on the edge of TOTAL FREEDOM!
Term 3 was certainly hectic but we made it through with the unwavering support of our teachers! They cooked with us, laughed with us, played dress-ups with us, endured our cats invading the kids’ screens with some very un-ladylike photo angles and felt the highs and the lows with us. For that we are truly grateful. What a crazy ride!
We will all be back on campus soon (HOORAY!) to knock Term 4 out of the park. So, dust off the summer uniforms and get ready to slip, slop, slap.
Stay safe out there!
Kerry Ilic
HPFE President