Our community is the heart of who we are and what we strive to be — a source of strength, connection and unity.
It was wonderful to witness the unity and spirit of our school community as we came together to celebrate our mothers and significant others. We had some fabulous events from ELC to Year 8, that enabled our students to create memorable, shared experiences.
Another exciting aspect of being part of Haileybury is the chance to unite with fellow students from other campuses. This opportunity not only expands our social circles, but also enriches our experiences through diverse perspectives and shared traditions.
We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to welcome all campuses from the broader Haileybury community as we host the Middle School Cross Country. By coming together, we strengthen our bonds, celebrate our diversity, and foster a sense of belonging that transcends individual campuses. The cross country event promises to deepen connections across our entire Haileybury family, enriching the fabric of our community with shared experiences and collective achievements.

Early Learning Centre
Mother’s Day celebrations
A healthy identity is the cornerstone to children’s learning, development, and wellbeing. Children learn about themselves and construct their own identity within the context of relationships with other children, their families and communities. Special celebrations within the ELC environment, such as Mother’s Day, can be a heartwarming experience that strengthens relationships between children, families and the school community.
On Monday, 6 May the ELC children visited the Mother’s Day stall run by the HPFE. The children were full of smiles as they looked eagerly around to choose the most special gifts for their mum.
On Tuesday, 7 May staff opened the classroom doors, and what was waiting for the children and their mums was nothing short of amazing. From bracelet making to cookie decorating, photo booth to guess my portrait, the energy and involvement in all the planned activities across the ELC was high.
Occasions such as these are a special opportunity to bond with your child in their school environment. It is a time when the staff and children can show appreciation for the role you play in their life, highlighting your importance and impact. It creates lasting memories, as these events are often cherished and remembered fondly by adults and children.
Thank you to all the parents, children and staff for making this such a special celebration.
Junior School
Mother’s Day morning
Thank you to all our mums and any special friends who attended our Junior School Mother’s Day morning. It is always so special to have our mums on campus and have the happy smiles of the children as they wander from activity to activity. We hope you had a fabulous time here at Edrington.
Teddy Bear’s Picnic – Prep, Year 4 and Year 6
Our Prep and Year 4 students were very excited to join our Year 6 boys and girls for a Teddy Bear’s Picnic on the undercover tennis courts. There was lots of chatter about their bears, books were read, and bonding between students happened during the lunch. It was lovely to see our Junior School and Middle School come together for this activity.
Middle School
Mother’s Day Breakfast
The Middle School Mother’s Day event occurred last Friday, with over 200 mums, special friends and their children taking advantage of photo booths and a delicious breakfast. The Edrington Singers performed 'Stand by Me', which was superb.
Upcoming Middle School Camps
During Week 8 ( 3–7 June), we will have our Year 5, Year 7 and Year 8 students out on camp. Student briefings will occur on Monday, 20 May for our Years 7 and 8 students and will be hosted by the Outdoor Education Group on campus. These sessions will provide our students with information on how to set up a tent, what clothes to wear, and how to deal with cold or wet weather.
Year 5 Girls Camp
5–7 June
Year 5 Boys Camp
5–7 June
Year 7 Camp Jungai
3–7 June
Year 8 Camp Marysville
3–7 June
Parents, please ensure you have responded via Consent2Go for your child’s attendance at these camps.
Whole School Cross Country
On Tuesday 21 May, the Edrington campus will be hosting all Haileybury Middle School students to participate in the Whole School Cross Country. We are very excited to be hosting this annual event and can’t wait to see the enjoyment our students will receive from this.
Parents, please be mindful to pack a spare pair of socks and runners if the weather is wet.

Adam Tobin
Acting Head of Edrington (Berwick)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Edrington (HPFE)
Hello Edrington. Thank you so much to our Mother’s’ Day stall volunteers! We could not do it without you. It is always such a fun morning, and the kids love it. Special mention to Kate Haakman, who clocked up her eighth Mother’s Day stall with us this year. We hope all the mum’s loved the specially selected gifts the students chose for you.
We are ready to get our sausage sizzle skills for the Cross Campus Cross Country event coming up. We will be sizzling 2,000 sausages for all the students and staff at Edrington’s biggest event of the year! If you have an hour or two to spare, please volunteer here.
The uniform shop is open every Wednesday from 8.15 am to 10.45 am. Pop in to see Janelle for your uniform requirements. If you have some spare time to help in the Second-hand Uniform Shop, contact Janelle.
Kerry Ilic & Tracy Day
HPFE Presidents