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A wonderful start to the year

It has been a positive and exciting start to the 2025 school year. The students have settled in beautifully and are already approaching their learning with enthusiasm and focus.

My thanks to the family members who attended the parent information evenings. These were very well attended and provided a great opportunity for parents to hear about the teaching and learning program, as well as the many ways their children can be involved in the life of Haileybury.

We have also held two significant assemblies to induct our new Junior School and Middle School leaders into their roles. I look forward to seeing how they will contribute to our campus this year with positivity, leadership and optimism.

Edrington has a strong sense of community, where our people are at the heart of everything we do. Thank you all for your ongoing trust in our School and I look forward to a wonderful year ahead.

Early Learning Centre

We extend a warm welcome to all our ELC families, both new and returning. What an exciting time for all, as families eagerly organise the children and staff are busily preparing stimulating and engaging classrooms. This year is sure to be a year of great relationships, fun and wonderful learnings, which will promote opportunities for connection to our great community. The first few weeks are such a crucial time, and we want to ensure it is a positive one for all. This is why staff will spend this time with a focus on observing and getting to know each child, both individually and within the group setting, to promote positive relationships with each child and family.

It has been so fulfilling to see how quickly the children have settled into both their Reception and Pre-Prep classes, getting accustomed to their new environments and routines. This is mainly due to educators and families working in collaboration. Forming a strong partnership between educators, children and the family helps to establish an understanding about expectations and attitudes, and provides a foundation for building on the knowledge of all parties.

We look forward to working with you throughout your child’s ELC journey.

Junior School

Junior School Leaders (Semester 1)

We would like to congratulate our 2025 Semester 1 Junior School Captains, House Captains and Assembly Captain on their election. We are sure they will do a wonderful job in their leadership roles.

Boys Junior School Girls Junior School
Junior School Captains
Anderson House
Campbell House
Reynolds House
Thompson House
Assembly Captain

Middle School

Congratulations to our Year 8 leadership team who were inducted into their leadership positions during our first assembly for 2025. Led by Keira (Girls Middle School Captain) and Armaan (Boys Middle School Captain), this group will be great ambassadors for our Middle School and will work closely with staff and students this year to contribute to the culture of our Middle School.

These students will take part in a workshop this week designed to hone their leadership skills in preparation for a fantastic 2025 school year.

Boys Middle School Girls Middle School
Middle School Captains
Sports Captains
Flag Bearers
Social Justice Captains
Music Captains
Drama Captains
Art Captains
Publications Captains
Anderson Captains
Campbell Captains
Reynolds Captains
Thompson Captains
STEM Captains
LEAP Captains
Sustainability Captains

Alice In Wonderland

After much anticipation, our 2025 play has been announced — Alice in Wonderland. This is sure to be a hit, with familiar songs and characters being brought to life by our Middle School students. Auditions for lead roles began this week, so look out for an announcement of lead roles soon.

Jeanette Rawlings
Head of Edrington (Berwick)

Haileybury Parents & Friends Edrington (HPFE)

Welcome back Edrington. I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and New Year with your families. I would also like to extend a warm welcome to all the new families joining us here at Edrington in 2025. We have an action-packed term planned. Below is a table of the upcoming events being hosted for Term 1. In addition to the morning teas and dinners, this term we also have our Pancake Day. If you are available to help us flip some pancake magic for the students on Tuesday, 4 March from 9.00 am to 12.00pm, we would be very appreciative. Please register your availability by clicking here. It is a fun morning, a great way to meet other parents, morning tea for our volunteers is provided and always a guaranteed laugh.

Date and Time Event Location
Monday, 10 February, 8:45AM to 9:30AM
Reception Morning Tea
Junior School Quad
Friday, 14 February, 8.30AM to 9.45AM
Prep Morning Tea
Junior School Quad
Friday, 14 February, 6:00PM
Reception Dinner
Berwick Springs Hotel
Saturday, 15 February, 6:00PM
Prep Dinner
Berwick Springs Hotel
Monday, 17 February, 8:45AM to 9:30AM
Pre-Prep Morning Tea
Junior School Quad
Friday, 16 February, 6:00PM
Pre-Prep Dinner
Berwick Springs Hotel
Tuesday, 25 February, 8:30AM to 9:45AM
Year 5 Morning Tea
Library Quad
Friday, 28 February, 8:30AM to 9:45AM
Years 1 to 4 Morning Tea
Junior School Quad
Saturday, 1 March, 6:00PM
Year 5 Dinner
Berwick Springs Hotel
Tuesday, 4 March, 9:00AM to 12:00PM
Shrove Tuesday – pancake cooking and serving *
John Twist Hall
Tuesday, 11 March, 8:30AM to 9:45AM
Years 6 to 8 Morning Tea
Library Quad
Saturday, 15 March, 9:00AM – 10:30AM
ELC Family Morning Tea
Junior School Quad
Friday, 21 March, 6:30PM to 10:.30PM
HPFE Parent Social Event
Venue TBC
Tuesday, 25 March, 9:30AM to 11:30AM
Grandparents’ Day *
Sports Hall

*= volunteers needed

Every Wednesday you will find Jenelle and Amphil at the SHUS from 8.30 am to 10.45 am. The SHUS is always looking for an extra hand, so if you have an hour to spare on a Wednesday to give Amphil and Jenelle a hand in the shop please contact them at

Kerry Ilic & Tracy Day
HPFE Presidents