Campus News
Welcome Back!
It is my pleasure to welcome all Edrington families to the new school year. I hope you had a restful and enjoyable break with family and friends and that all students are ready for an exciting year ahead.
In particular, I extend a very warm welcome to the new students and families joining us this year.
School commences on Monday, 30 January and full summer uniform is required. We ask that all students arrive by 8.20 am to allow plenty of time to find classrooms and get settled.
Please note the following important dates:
- Junior School Parent Information Session: Tuesday, 31 January at 7.00 pm
- Middle School Parent Information Session: Thursday, 2 February at 7.00 pm
- ELC Family Morning: Saturday, 4 March at 9.00 am
- Annual Edrington Family Picnic: Friday, 17 March at 3.30 pm
- Summer Sippers Parent Event: Friday, 24 March at 7.00 pm
We are looking forward to a wonderful year ahead and we thank you for allowing us the opportunity to share your child’s educational journey in 2023.
Early Learning Centre
Exploring through play
We are very much looking forward to welcoming our ELC families.
Over the coming weeks, Reception and Pre-Prep children will spend time becoming familiar with their new environment, exploring different learning experiences, meeting their educators and developing relationships with their peers. Educators support each child and their family to make a positive transition into their program and classroom through meaningful interactions and conversations.
Play is an integral part of our ELC program. It helps children develop a sense of belonging in their new environment as they explore resources and experiences that interest them. Children learn about the world and develop new skills like cooperation, expressing their feelings, negotiating different roles, acting out real life scenarios and critical thinking. Children are provided with uninterrupted periods of play during which time they are encouraged to make their own choices.
“Play is our brain’s favourite way of learning.”Diane Ackerman

Junior School
Get ready for Term 1
The new term is fast approaching and we are looking forward to seeing the children and discussing their holiday break. We hope you have been able to spend time with extended family, or even managed to get away on a holiday.
Term 1 begins on Monday, 30 January. Full summer uniform is required which includes the black hat for recess and lunch play, water bottle and sunscreen, the magenta hat for boys and the white straw hat for girls. The magenta and white hat should be worn to and from school every day.
Blazers are not required in Junior School in Term 1. Please bring all stationery items on the first day and follow your Homeroom teacher’s instructions as to what needs to be labelled. We look forward to seeing you all on the first day of school!
Junior School Information Evening
The Prep to Year 4 Information Evening will be held in week 1 on Tuesday, 31 January at 7.00 pm. More information will be communicated closer to the date.
Middle School
Getting back into ‘school mode’
We hope that all students had a fantastic break, whether you travelled or stayed at home. We look forward to hearing lots of holiday stories once students return next week.
We are excited to welcome new students to the Girls and Boys Schools. Just like last year, the first two days of school will be induction days, designed to expose all students to school expectations and norms. Last year we found this was a great way to ease into the new school year and to get back into ‘school mode’.
Students are encouraged to bring all resources from their book list, plus their sports uniform if PE is scheduled that day. Please also remember that Term 1 is full summer uniform with a blazer. A hat must also be worn at recess, lunch and during any outdoor lessons.
Some important dates
We look forward to welcoming parents to the Middle School Information Night on Thursday, 2 February at 7.00 pm. This will be followed by a short Homeroom session where parents can meet their child’s Homeroom teacher and ask questions specific to their year level.
On Friday, 3 February, our Middle School Leadership team will be inducted into their roles at a special assembly. Parents are welcome to attend the event beginning at 9.35 am.
Our first big event for the Girls Middle School in 2023 will be the ‘Girls Night In’ on Friday, 17 February from 3.30 – 8.00 pm.
This will be an opportunity for our girls to get to know their peers and teachers in a relaxed setting, while raising money for The Leukaemia Foundation. We have some very brave students and staff who are volunteering to shave or cut their hair for the World’s Greatest Shave. Tickets for ‘Girls Night In’ will go on sale next week.
Haileybury Parents & Friends Edrington (HPFE)
Happy New Year and welcome back everyone! We have an action-packed term filled with some amazing events for us all to enjoy! We will also be holding our first meeting for the year on Monday, 6 February in the Pavilion @ 9.00 am. Please come along, have a chat and get involved!
The Uniform Shop will be open every Wednesday from 9 am – 2 pm. If you have an hour to spare this term to give Di and Georgia a hand in the shop, please contact them on
Get your dancing shoes ready! On Friday, 24 March the HPFE and Haileybury Edrington invite you to join us for Summer Sippers in the Pavilion. We have amazing live music provided by Andrew Wishart, a sumptuous menu designed by our very own Jess from Chartwells, and a great range of beverages to enjoy! Tickets are available here.
Date and Time | Event | Location |
Monday, 6 Feb at 9.00 am
HPFE Meeting
The Pavilion
Tuesday, 7 Feb at 8.45 am
ELC (Reception) Parent Morning Tea
Tuesday, 14 Feb at 8.45 am
ELC (Pre-Prep) Parent Morning Tea
Friday, 17 Feb at 8.30 am
Prep Parent Morning Tea
Thursday, 23 Feb at 8.30 am
Year 5 Parent Morning Tea
Library Courtyard
Friday, 24 Feb at 8.30 am
Year 1 Parent Morning Tea
Tuesday, 28 Feb at 8.30 am
Year 2 Parent Morning Tea
Thursday, 2 March at 8.30 am
Years 3 & 4 Parent Morning Tea
Saturday, 4 March at 9.00 am
ELC Family Morning
Thursday, 16 March at 8.45 am
Years 6, 7 & 8 Parent Morning Tea
Library Courtyard
Friday, 17 March at 3.30 pm
Annual Edrington Family Picnic (ELC, JS and MS families)
Friday, 24 March at 7.00 pm
Summer Sippers (Parent Event), ELC, JS, MS and SS,
The Pavilion
Kerry Ilic & Tracy Day
HPFE Presidents