Campus News
OHA Generations Breakfast
It was a delight to welcome back our Old Haileyburians who now have children at the City campus. We currently have 23 City families who are OHA parents. We love welcoming them back to reminisce about the good old days!
Sam Redston (OHA 1990), who was School Captain, shared fond memories about time at Keysborough and the excitement of living Haileybury 2.0 through Santrix, who is in Year 11 at City. You may have heard Santrix sing or play one of five instruments at the Middle School Music Concert, Jazz Night, the SpongeBob Musical or many other performances.
We are so proud to hear how school has changed to be even better in the 2.0 version. There was a lot of love and pride in the room at our breakfast!
Our Years 3, 5, 7, and 9 have completed NAPLAN and our staff have been carefully analysing the data. We are delighted with the growth of our students and their strong academic performance, especially compared to the national average and to similar schools. Parents should have received their child’s NAPLAN results by now.
Start to the term
Thank you to our City families for supporting your children to make such a positive start to the term. We love welcoming back our students and setting goals for each term. Routines are so important to help our young people eat, sleep, and learn well.
Early Learning Centre
Connecting with the community
Building connections within our community promotes a sense of belonging for children and Reception children made the most of a chance to visit Haileybury’s Inside Out court, part of our Out and About Program.
We discussed road safety and how we can keep each other safe, and the children were especially excited as we arrived at the court, and they noticed there was a fire station close by!
Reception children practised their gross motor skills as they rolled, threw, and bounced balls and used the parachute. We look forward to our next visit to Inside Out and invite families to join us.

Self-portraits in Pre-Prep
Pre-Prep children are deepening their knowledge and understanding as they explore similarities and differences between themselves and their peers. Children are learning that we are all unique through the exploration of abstract art styles, including self-portraits. This has inspired discussions as children build an understanding of their self-identity and the importance of being different.
Children have been presented with many opportunities in the classroom as they learn more about themselves, their peers, and the impact they have on the world.

Junior School
100 days of Prep
Prep students have reached a very special milestone — 100 days of school!
Led by Tracey Cronin, the Preps prepared a sentence to read aloud at a celebratory event on the City’s rooftop that featured parent guests, music, chocolate freckles and fairy bread!
- “My favourite parts of Prep have been Drama and Science. In Science we looked at bugs, it was awesome. In Drama, we played magic playdough.” - Christos
- “My favourite parts of Prep have been PE, the school disco, Ms Cronin, Music and Assembly.” - Vikram
- “My favourite part of Prep has been Jolly Phonics because we get to learn how to write letters.” - Jaelyn
- “My favourite parts of Prep have been Art, my teachers and making friends.” - Ella
- “My favourite parts of Prep have been the Athletics Carnival, PE and going to Flagstaff Gardens.” - Asher
- “My favourite parts of Prep have been Spelling Mastery, Jolly Phonics, Assembly, Wellbeing, Choir and Computer Science.” - Harvey
We’re so proud of each of our Preps and look forward to supporting their growth as they continue their Junior School journey.
Semester 2 Leaders inducted
A new semester has seen the formal induction of our Year 4 Junior School Leaders for Semester 2. Supported by their peers who took on leadership roles in Semester 1, we look forward to seeing these students thrive in their new roles:
- Flag Bearer – Magnus Flynn
- Newton House Captain – Will Weir
- Main House Captain – Philippa Lynn
- Na House Captain – Madeleine Clark
- Elliot House Captain – Alexander Fang
- Arts Captain – Olivia Stragan
- Sports Captain – Sally Brooks
- Environment Captain – Raphael Bagnara
- Library Captain – Alexander Kwong and Florian Inkmann
- Social Justice Captain – Fidel Jayamaha
Important Assembly information
Please note that some Junior School Assemblies listed in Term 3 Key Dates have been replaced with incursions and events and so some parents will not be required to attend.
- Thursday, 17 August 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm – STEM Week Incursion (students only)
- Friday, 15 September 2:45 pm – 3:30 pm – End of Term Assembly (MS and JS)
Middle School
Year 5's get 'The Brief'
On Thursday, 27 July our Year 5 students took part in an incursion run by The Mini BOSS Team. Throughout the day, they had to be innovative, creative and enterprising to address a real-world design challenge for a global brand. Our students enjoyed working in teams to brainstorm, design, create, market, and pitch their product to their teachers and peers.
Melbourne Big Ideas Challenge
On Tuesday, 1 August Haileybury City Campus hosted the Melbourne Big Ideas Challenge. Powered by Future Anything, the Challenge is a fast-paced, hands-on day of entrepreneurial learning and doing. It culminates in teams of students pitching their innovative solutions to a complex, local issue.
Haileybury City Campus hosted 140 students from seven Melbourne schools for this special event. Representing Haileybury, 20 entrepreneurially minded Year 7 and 8 students took part and thoroughly enjoyed hearing from some of Australia’s most inspiring changemakers.
Thank you to Damien Meunier, Head of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, for organising this wonderful event.
Well done, Tharuli!
Congratulations to Year 8 student Tharuli Wimalasooriya for achieving Level 4 of the Compass Awards and for undertaking a program of physical activity, hobbies, volunteering and exploration.
Through the Compass Program, students aged 10 to 13 choose their own interesting and challenging activities. The award gives participants the opportunity to try new activities and learn new skills, while developing their initiative and commitment.
We congratulate Tharuli for the significant contribution she has made to the community.
Caroline Merrick
Head of City
Haileybury Parents & Friends City (HPF City)
Welcome back
It has been a very busy start to Term 3, and I am grateful for the lovely break that was a time to recharge and relax. I hope everyone had a chance to enjoy a bit of down time over the winter holidays.
The end of Term 2 brought the return of the Pre-Senior Students from their Options and Expeditions camps. Ten nights away is a big chunk of time, but the chatter at the tables on the night of their return demonstrated that many lifelong memories were created during the time away. How lucky our students are to have such wonderful experiences.
Thanks to the Haileybury staff for all the effort they put in to make the camps so successful. It was lovely to have my teenager back in the house!
Second-Hand Uniform Shop POS system
The City Second-Hand Uniform Shop is catching up with technology. The next time the shop opens, a new Point of Sale system will be in use. It will be very exciting to not have to use calculators or hand write labels. The new system will also have a complete record of all items we have in stock. It will reduce the administration time required from volunteers to run the shop. We will notify you of the next pop-up shop day via the myHaileybury app.
In the coming week, we will send out a quick survey asking for feedback on the Second-Hand Uniform Shop and to help us plan shop dates going forward. Also, if you can volunteer to assist on pop-up shop days, or to label items, please let us know.
Term 3 Family Night
We are planning a special Middle School family night (yes, bring the kids), for Friday, 8 September! Pop the date in the calendar and keep an eye out for details on the myHaileybury app. Hint: you will need your ‘smarts’ for the evening!
All the best to the students who are competing in Adelaide at the National Dance and Aerobics Competition at the weekend.
Have a wonderful long weekend, stay warm, and enjoy the start of Semester 2!
Melissa Fisher
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends City