Campus News
A New Beginning…
Term 1A has commenced and our Years 7 and 8 students have moved up a year. The Year 8 Graduation Assemblies were wonderful and celebrated the amazing cohort of students who have completed their time in the Middle School and now begin their journey through Senior School.
Year 8 students Kayla Johnstone and Monty Wright spoke to their fellow students and recalled fond memories of the many events and friendships they’ve enjoyed together. They also gave heartfelt thanks to their teachers.
What an incredible leadership team we had in 2021, led so impressively by Kayla and Monty. We wish all our Year 8 students much success over the next few weeks.
Celebrations and Speeches
Award recipients will be centre stage when we record our Castlefield Speech Night on Monday, 29 November. Photographers will be on campus to capture images of students with their certificates and these will be forwarded to parents. This special event will also be recorded and made available to families to share together. Families will be updated via the myHaileybury app when the recording is ready to view.
The Only Way is Up
On Friday, 3 December, all students entering Years 1 to 7 in 2022 enjoy the Haileybury tradition of Up Day. Students meet their new teachers and take part in the classes that will be part of their school week in 2022. All students are invited to wear casual sport clothes and runners.
Some new staff members will join us for the day, although arrangements for Up Day won’t necessarily reflect the final staffing line-up for 2022.
Early Learning Centre
All Change!
The ELC students have been excited to explore and spend time in their new learning environments for 2022. Reception children have been getting to know the Pre-Prep spaces and educators and the Pre-Prep children enjoyed spending time in the Junior School during visits to the Prep classrooms. This is an exciting time as children build new relationships and enhance their sense of belonging as they take the next steps of their learning journey.

We look forward to
welcoming all 2022 Reception and Pre-Prep students to our ELC Orientation Day
on Saturday, 27 November when they will meet their educators and explore their
new learning environments.
Scintillating Science
After last term’s STEM week, the students’ interest in Science is still burning bright and recently the Pre-Preps spent an exciting morning with the Middle School Science teachers who visited the ELC to conduct some mind-boggling experiments!
Celebrating Growth
As the year draws to a close, we are spending time consolidating learning and celebrating each child’s growth and development. Children and educators are being mindful and making the most of every moment to share joy and relationships together for the remainder of Term 4.
Each class looks forward to getting together during our end-of-year virtual celebrations that will take place via Zoom on Tuesday, 7 December.
Junior School
Business as Usual
It’s wonderful to see events and our community coming together again. The canteen is open and students always love running the Eskies there in the morning. The Prep and Year 1 Swimming Program, overseen by Mrs Natalie Lath and Mr James Ashby, began after the long weekend and the children have loved using the pool again.
Staff have been so impressed with the level of independence and organisation students have shown. Strings teachers have adapted to capacity restrictions to offer our fabulous Year 2 Strings Program once again. House Leaders are loving leading their clubs at recess and lunch, too. Sandpit creations are overseen by Year 4 students John and Finlay
and the sandpit is always well attended!
Leading Up to the Final Events
Students and staff are working hard to make our final whole-school events memorable for all. Our Term 4 Presentation Assembly will see all Junior School students come together for the first time in a long time—and we can’t wait!
The Year 4 Graduation is shaping up to be a beautiful event to farewell our students as they move into Middle School.
In lieu of our annual Christmas Concert, we will hold a Christmas Party for students with lots of singing and dancing. Mrs Tracey Jacob has great ideas for our children to mark this exceptional year. Stay tuned for more information!
Middle School
Marking a Memorable Moment
It was with great pride, much joy and a tinge of sadness that we graduated our Year 8 Middle School cohort. Walking across the stage of Dickinson Hall for the last time, supported and applauded by their peers, this was a true moment of significance and reflection. The next time they will all assemble in this space will be at their ‘Back to Brighton Assembly’, as part of their Year 12 Graduation.
As our parents were not able to attend this year, we warmly issue you all a standing invitation for this celebration—albeit in 2025!
The graduating Year 8s are undoubtedly the most resilient, agile and ‘prepared to pivot’ collection of students in the history of the School. What they have lived through and experienced first-hand over the past two years, will be written and talked about for decades to come. Many aspects of their lives may seem boring in comparison—but I think we can agree that we now all deserve something a little boring and predictable in our lives!
The Middle School has served its purpose and completed its role and we hand this impressive collection of young men and women to the Senior School who will embrace them, challenge them and support them along their journey.
Congratulations Year 8! We are so proud of you and wish you every success in the future. The Castlefield Middle School remembers you fondly and holds you in the highest regard.
Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield (HPFC)
Can You Spare Some Time?
The end of the term is rapidly approaching and we are still on the lookout for volunteers to join our committee to help deliver our community events next year.
If you are interested in joining, please reach out via email to
Ian Green
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield