Campus News
STEM Week makes an impression
From Rubik’s cube contests to liquid nitrogen ice cream, National Science Week was celebrated across Haileybury last week with a range of activities that all focused on STEM — Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.
Students were observers, creators and solvers of challenges and experiments that included edible water bottles, chess competitions, Rubik’s Cube contests, experiments with exploding glass and liquid nitrogen ice cream, and they explored invisibility shield ‘magic’ and eSport trials.
Get in character for Book Week
Excitement is building for our annual Junior School Book Week Parade on Friday, 25 August. We will see you there at 2.45 pm in East Quad and can’t wait to see the characters from our favourite books. Across the course of the week, each year level will visit the library where the brilliant staff, coordinated by Lizzy McBride, have organised for a variety of authors to present to the students.
Traffic and parking reminder
South Road is the preferred pick up and drop off location for students in Junior and Middle School, with the roundabout being an efficient way to collect your child. Staff are on duty before and after school to help children remain safe within our school gates.
For Senior School students, South Road is the only drop off and pick up area for parents who drive their child to school. We encourage our older students to walk, ride or take public transport as an alternative to being driven to school.
Early Learning Centre
Caring for Mother Earth
The ELC recently participated in a waste-free snack and lunch box challenge. The children spent a week collecting the rubbish typically produced during lunch and snack time and they were amazed at the amount of waste, mostly yoghurt pouches, soft plastic packets and lunch order packaging. We then set out to reduce the amount of waste brought to the ELC each day.
The families and children have done an amazing job in reducing rubbish. The children have been so proud about their ‘nude food’ morning tea and lunch. Let’s keep up the great work and continue to reduce and reuse!
The children are continuing to demonstrate their enthusiasm and knowledge about how to take care of Mother Earth:
- I love Mother Earth’s beautiful plants
- Take care of the trees
- Water the plants so Mother Earth can be happy
- Don’t put rubbish on Mother Earth because she will feel sad
- Mother Earth is not happy when there is rubbish on the floor
- Put the rubbish in the bin
- Pick up the rubbish so no animals get caught
- Mother Earth gets cranky when you leave stuff on it
- Turn off the lights so it doesn’t run out of battery
- Maybe stop wasting stuff
- We need to look after Mother Earth and take care of her, and she looks after us
- Children can take care of Mother Earth.
Junior School
Transition begins
The beauty of Haileybury is that we are a large school with incredible resources, beautiful facilities and amazing student opportunities, and because we are managed in smaller sub-schools, we offer students a high level of care and attention.
Heads of School manage the transition to, and from, each area with varied events and experiences. Recently, Pre-Prep parents were invited to tour the Prep classrooms and see our program in action, in readiness for 2024.
Soon, our Year 3 students will begin visits to the ELC to build rapport with the Pre-Prep students who will be their buddies next year. The ELC will also attend the Book Week Parade and be part of wider Junior School events. Year 4 students will become audience members at Middle School assemblies and visit the Year 5 spaces in preparation for the next step in their journey later in the year.
The power of play
‘Basically, our children learn almost everything they need to know about life through play — from physical coordination, decision-making and problem solving to empathy and social and emotional skills.’ Maggie Dent, educator and parenting expert
Every day the children in our Junior School play during recess and their lunch break. They have access to the beautiful East Quad, Clarke Oval, downball courts, the basketball ring and the play space behind our Prep and Year 1 classrooms. They can access directed play with our Year 4 leaders and new House Captains have introduced their recess and lunchtime clubs for the term.
Should a problem arise, there are always three roving teachers on duty who are easily spotted in their high-visibility vests. Over the next term break, our playground in East Quad will be upgraded and we look forward to watching how our children will use their imaginations in the new space!
Middle School
Performing Arts is in full stride
Performing Arts is an essential part of the Middle School and we have always showcased talent, expertise and students giving it a go! Haileybury’s ‘H Factor’ was brought to life by Amelia Hammill and Jack Tzikas, when students were invited to audition and show their skills in music, dance, performance and presenting magic tricks.
In front of a student audience and a judging panel, they brought their ideas to life in an inspiring and wonderful afternoon of talent. We congratulate all the students who put up their hand to be involved and our student audience for cheering on their peers.
Moana Jr – book now
Disney’s Moana Jr is coming to Dickinson Hall! Our Middle School students have been working tirelessly around the clock to get ready to perform and they are very excited to present three shows to full audiences. You better get in early to get your tickets! The cast has been preparing for two terms during after school rehearsals, and they have also given students a taste of some of the hit songs at assembly.
Purchase tickets here.

Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield (HPFC)
Flying through the third term
Please take note of a few key dates and some exciting HPFC events for your calendar:
- Father’s Day stall on Wednesday, 30 August for ELC
- Thursday, 31 August for the rest of the school.
Also, our HPFC Father’s Day event will be held on Friday, 1 September at Drummond Golf Cheltenham and will include virtual golf, food and drinks.
Keep an eye on the myHaileybury app for details and opportunities to get involved.
The HPFC will be selling snacks at the school production of Disney’s Moana Jr.
Finally, don’t forget the SHUS for all your uniform needs.
Monique Chapman
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield