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Term 4

As we commence our holiday period, it is a great time to rest and rejuvenate ready for a busy, fun-filled and productive Term 4 ahead. Our Year 7 and 8 students commence preparations for their exams which take place in Week 5 and 6. There are several major events, graduations, concerts and our Middle School Speech Night all lined up for Term 4. The date for the Castlefield Speech Night is Tuesday, 3 December, at Aikman Hall, Keysborough. This is a significant celebration of the School year and Middle School students are expected to attend.


When we return in Term 4, students resume wearing their summer uniform. There is a two-week grace period to allow for variations in the weather and organisation of uniforms. All students should be in their Summer Uniform for the week commencing Monday, 21 October.

Please note that Middle School students will be required to wear their full School (winter) uniform for Speech Night, so please keep this accessible until the end of the year.

Our Second-Hand uniform shop, run by the HPFC is a fabulous source of uniforms, so drop into their space near the Rouen Street gate Wednesdays between 8.15 am - 10.15 am and Thursdays between 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm.

Traffic and parking reminder

We have a fabulous roundabout system within our gates and encourage parents to utilise the South Road entrance for drop off and pick up. Some congestion is created when families are attempting to pick up along South Road, rather than at the roundabout within the School.

I remind families to avoid blocking both lanes on South Road when attempting to join the queue entering the School property and to please avoid double parking along South Road waiting for your child/ren to appear. There is a bike lane that is being blocked when this happens.

We thank our families for being considerate of the parking signs in our surrounding streets and respectful of our neighbours’ properties. The safety of our students is paramount and when they are unable to be picked up at the curb, as cars are parked, it can be dangerous.

The front of the School on South Road is a two-minute ‘kiss and go’ zone, hence parents should not be leaving their cars unattended.

Early Learning Centre

Community joy

The ELC children, teachers and families have been part of some wonderful community events recently.

National Science Week was part of the ELC curriculum, with children enjoying being scientists — researching, observing and hypothesising with various learning experiences and experiments.

The ELC celebrated a love of reading, language and literacy with Children’s Book Week. The children enjoyed sharing their favourite books, taking part in the Great Book Swap to support the Indigenous Literacy Foundation, and joining the Junior School in a dress up day and parade.

We welcomed dads and special guests to a ‘stay and play’ morning to celebrate Father’s Day. The children were so excited and proud to share their learning spaces with their dads and present them with special handmade gifts.

We held a Footy and Sports Day as part of our end of term fun. Thank you to those who were able to join us for skills, speckies and smiles. The children were so excited to share the morning with you.

We enjoyed welcoming parents to share their knowledge and family traditions with the Mid-Autumn festival, also known as the Moon or Mooncake festival. Children shared and made lanterns, and tasted mooncakes.

Junior School

Forest Edge

There is nothing quite like your first camp experience! The unknown, the excitement and the independence all woven together to create amazing memories. Our Year 3 students headed off to Neerim South with students from City campus for their three-day, two-night camp towards the end of the term. Camp is like attending six birthday parties on one day with a sleepover either side. It’s full on! Archery, crate climb, bush walk, ropes course and flying fox were just some of the activities on offer, not to mention being in a duty group for meal set-ups and pack-ups, cabin organisation and time management. There was the odd blood nose, splinter and even a leech bite, but mostly it was laughs, dance moves and mateship. Staff do a tremendous job supporting the students who feel a little out of their comfort zone and need some extra care.

Farm to Table

The Prep Inquiry unit this term has been learning about food production and how it makes its way from the farm and into our homes. They have collaborated to share and present their ideas using flow charts, Venn diagrams and posters. Preps headed to Myuna Farm on their first school excursion and experienced farm life, including milking a goat and feeding the baby animals.

Middle School

Term 3 wrap

Term 3 in Middle School has been eventful, challenging, fun and very rewarding. From our wonderful musical, to many incursions and excursions and the change in Sport season, our students have been able to participate in many opportunities to further add skills and learnings through experience. Our West Quad was buzzing with activities, bacon and egg rolls, and most importantly, our dads and special friends. We love having our community on campus, and events like these always fill everyone’s cup as we consistently showcase why community matters at Castlefield. We wish all our students and families a well-deserved restful and safe holiday and look forward to all that awaits us in Term 4.

Term 4 beginnings

In anticipation of Term 4 beginning, our students can look forward to thriving all throughout their last term of the 2024 school year. Our Years 7 and 8 students will sit exams, where they can undertake and practice the routines of revision strategies, organisation and doing their best in assessment conditions. Our Years 5 and 6 students will experience a new sport, continue to practise and exhibit all the responsibilities that are expected for their next year level and feel proud of their start in the Middle School journey.

Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)