As we move through to the end of the year, our transition programs are commencing across the campus. We have many opportunities for our families and students to find out more about the next stage of schooling they are entering.
The Middle School Heads and Deputy Heads of Year 7 hosted our current Year 6 families on Tuesday, 13 August to discuss what the second stage of Middle School looks like for our students.
Our Pre-prep families had the opportunity on Wednesday, 14 August to meet the Head of Junior School, Ms Jodie McInnes and visit the Prep classrooms. They were able to see the explicit model of teaching and our impressive Prep students in action.
Thank you to the families who joined us at each of these two events.
As part of the transition into Middle School, our Year 4 students meet with staff in Year 5 and spend time in the spaces they will move into. The Middle School Heads and Deputy Heads of Year 5 will also host a parent session on Tuesday, 15 October at 4.00 pm to discuss that move between Junior School to Middle School for our current families.
The ELC students will commence their orientation program for Prep in Term 4 and families will be advised of dates as they draw closer.
Our ELC Orientation Day for those students entering Reception or Pre-prep classes in 2025 is being held on Saturday, 23 October. Parents and children are invited to spend time in their new environment with staff.
We will host a Middle School information session on Monday, 18 November for all families to hear about the Middle School journey.
UpDay for all students is set for Tuesday, 19 November. Students from Prep through to Year 8, 2025, spend the day in their new year level meeting new faces, familiarising themselves with new spaces, and in some cases being introduced to new subjects and teachers.
Traffic and parking reminder
We have a fabulous roundabout system within our gates and encourage parents to utilise the South Road entrance for drop off and pick up. Some congestion is created when families are attempting to pick up along South Road, rather than at the roundabout within the School.
I remind families to avoid blocking both lanes on South Road when attempting to join the queue entering the School property and to please avoid double parking along South Road waiting for your child/ren to appear. There is a bike lane that is being blocked when this happens.
We thank our families for being considerate of the parking signs in our surrounding streets and respectful of our neighbours’ properties. The safety of our students is paramount and when they are unable to be picked up at the curb, as cars are parked, it can be dangerous.
The front of the School on South Road is a two-minute ‘kiss and go’ zone, hence parents should not be leaving their cars unattended.
Early Learning Centre
Tea with Ms V
The Pre-prep children have been invited to share a special afternoon tea in small groups with Ms Veale each week in her office. This is a lovely opportunity for conversation and connection to build language skills and relationships. Ms Veale is capturing the child’s voice to gather ideas and suggestions about the ELC learning spaces and experiences.

“Ms Veale wants to have afternoon tea with us because we’re good kids, we’re special, and she loves us.”
“We drink real life tea and talk. It makes me happy.”
“We had lemon myrtle tea – it was yummy.”
“The best part was having the tea. It made me feel lucky.”
“It was fun because there was music, and we talked.”
Reception have commenced their literacy program, focusing on individual sounds and letters, with many opportunities for intentional and incidental learning experiences to assist the children with phonics, aural discrimination, phonemic awareness, oral language and writing.
Pre-prep finished the end of Semester 1 with Milo’s birthday party, celebrating the completion of all sounds, letters and some diagraphs. They have recently been looking at golden words, revisiting sounds and letters, and exploring blending.

“We learn new letters and diagraphs. Diagraphs are two letters that make a sound, like th and ph. I like learning things that start with diagraphs and letters, so we can learn to write, learn to make words and learn to read.”
Junior School
New leaders
The Junior School inducted their Semester 2 House Leaders in an assembly steeped in tradition. Welcomed by the Pipes & Drums band, the next round of young leaders accepted their badges and committed to the pledge given by current Middle School captains, Levi and Tilly. Part of their leadership journey is giving back to the Junior School community by running recess and lunchtime clubs. Posters can be found in classrooms with the schedule. There is something for everyone, from sandcastle building to basketball games.
“As a House Captain, I’m mostly looking forward to running clubs and helping others if they fall.”Atlanta
“I’m looking forward to speaking at assembly because I haven’t done it before, and I can’t wait to stand at the lectern and speak into the microphone.”Stirling
“As a House Captain, I can’t wait to run assemblies so I can work on my confidence to speak in front of a crowd.”Scarlett
“I can’t wait to speak at assemblies, I think that will be quite fun.”Pippa
“I’m running the Sandcastle Club and I’m hoping to see new and exciting designs of sandcastles. I’m also doing the Oval Ball Games, and my goal is to see children improving their ball skills.”Oscar
100 days brighter
The 100th day of formal education is a huge milestone to hit for the child, the parent and the teacher. We celebrated this year with the theme ‘100 Days Brighter’ and started the day with a parade through East Quad to the clapping and cheering of the Junior School. The day was filled with activities and celebrations. Our Preps have become great carers, awesome players and proficient learners. Their writing books, especially, are testament to just how far these children have progressed with their learning this year. From tracing letters at the beginning of the year to now writing paragraphs detailing their weekends, these Preps have worked hard and played hard.

Middle School
Shrek Jnr the Musical
Our Co-curricular Program here at Castlefield offers a diverse range of opportunities for our students to thrive in, be challenged and chase their passions with vigour. Our upcoming musical, Shrek Jnr, is a testament of this, with many of our Middle School students dedicating themselves to a wonderful stage performance. Their commitment to their craft and their willingness to keep on improving, under guidance from their amazing staff team, is a fantastic trait to have. We continue to encourage all our students to explore the numerous activities, opportunities and experiences that Middle School has to offer. As we always say: try new things, work hard and be kind.
Book Week!
Book Week is coming up, and we are excited to have a lineup of visiting artists who will share their passion for reading and writing with our students. Throughout the week, these amazing authors will engage with our middle schoolers, offering inspiring insights into the creative process and the magic of storytelling. This event is a wonderful opportunity for all students to immerse themselves in the world of literature and enhance their appreciation for writing as we continue to promote literacy. Book Week is another fantastic addition to the term’s rich schedule of incursions designed to enrich our students’ educational experiences in Middle School.
Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield (HPFC)
Farewell Monique Chapman!
Our incredible HPFC president, Monique, has completed her tenure with us. We want to extend our heartfelt thanks for all her hard work and dedication to the Castlefield community.
As the HPFC undergoes restructuring, the Castlefield office will be coordinating events with the help of our parent volunteers. If you can support an event or if you are interested in becoming part of the HPFC, please complete the associated form below or send us an email.
Join the HPFC
I am interested in getting involved in the Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield. HERE
Shrek Jr – Pre-show sales
Sign up to help assist with the pre-show sales of food and beverages. HERE
Castlefield Father’s Day Stall
Sign up to assist with the sale of gifts to our students across the campus at the Father’s Day Stall. HERE