Welcome back
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter break and the chance to relax and enjoy time with family and friends. A reminder that students may wear either summer or winter uniform for the first three weeks of term. From Monday, 6 May all students are required to wear their full school uniform (winter) which requires a blazer to be worn.
Parent Webinar
We are excited to announce a series of webinars, brought to you by the Cyber Safety Project. These webinars are designed to empower parents and carers on a range of wellbeing topics.
How to Participate:
Watch live online via Zoom or rewatch on-demand at your convenience.
Parents and Guardians, please register for each webinar individually here.
Password: Haileybury
Please see the Cyber Safety Project brochure here, which includes registration details and a QR code for easy access.
We look forward to having you join us as we navigate the digital world safely together!
Traffic and parking reminder
The roundabout system within our gates is an efficient way to bring and collect your children from school. South Road is the preferred drop off and pick up for all students. We ask, when utilising South Road, that families are considerate of both the bike lane and other traffic that may be attempting to journey past the school. Please do not block both lanes on South Road as you attempt to enter the school. This is a safety concern.
A reminder that Years 10–12 students are not to enter/exit the school via Villeroy Street.
Student Head Injury and Concussion Procedure
Haileybury is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of its students. As part of this commitment, the School has recently updated its Student Head Injury and Concussion Procedure to provide the highest level of care for students who have experienced head injuries that may have resulted in concussions.
Please read the letter here or via the myHaileybury app.
Early Learning Centre
Some bilby fun!
A fun way to celebrate the end of an amazing Term 1 was with a whole ELC community event. The Bilby Hunt encouraged the children to work together, follow clues, explore the school grounds and organise all the puzzle pieces to make a bilby. It was lovely to see and feel the magic and fun these events create for the child.
Filling our buckets with kindness
Kindness in the early years lays the foundation for a child’s social and emotional development, shaping attitudes and behaviours towards others as they grow. Our curriculum cultivates kindness to foster empathy, compassion and positive relationships.
Storybooks, songs and educational materials have provided valuable opportunities for the children to practice kindness, navigate relationships, support collaborative play and resolve conflicts. The children enjoyed the storybook titled How Full Is Your Bucket, which is about filling someone’s imaginary bucket by doing kind things. It also addresses how we empty people’s buckets by unkind words or actions. You could encourage your child to put a drop in their invisible bucket or someone else’s!

Junior School
Art and Music
Across the week, our Junior School children attend specialist lessons with dedicated teachers. In the spotlight for this edition of Insight are art and music. Our Year 4 students traced their image onto a foam sheet, and then painted, rolled and printed their image, creating awesome self-portraits. Our Preps used a stencil to trace a crown and then drew themselves as kings and queens using watercolour paints. They looked into table mirrors to examine all the details in their face to add to their work. In music classes, students clapped and identified rhythms. They then wrote their own and worked together to clap the beats.
Year 4 Camp
One major highlight of the year is camp! Our Year 4 students visited The Portsea Camp for two nights in March and loved every minute. The weather was perfect for snorkelling, boogie boarding, kayaking and swimming. Teachers were impressed by the ‘give it a go’ energy of the children as they stepped out of their comfort zone and soared on the giant swing and flying fox.
Mee-Joo: “My highlight was the giant swing because the G-force was terrific, and I loved the adrenaline rush.”
Sam: “I loved having my birthday camp because it was fun, and my special cake was delicious!”
Sophie: “I loved the giant swing. Everyone pulls you up to the level you want, and I nearly did a back flip, my legs were shaking!”
Austin: “My favourite thing was the snorkelling because I enjoyed seeing all the sea life and even though the water was cold, I still really enjoyed it.”
Charlotte: “I like the surf live-saving games, it was fun being in the water with friends.”
Roger: “The snorkelling was my highlight. It was a new experience for me.”

Middle School
A fine end to Term 1
In the last week of Term 1, our Years 7 and 8 students headed off on their eagerly awaited camp experience — in beautiful weather! The Year 7’s embarked on an immersive experience to Camp Jungai, trying their hand at ropes courses, learning about bush foods and canoeing in the Rubicon Valley. Not too far down the road in Marysville, our Year 8 students built on their skills developed at Year 7 camp the prior year and tackled new challenges of hiking and activities that saw them connecting and embracing the beautiful outdoors and landscape around them.
Our Middle School Musical rehearsals are up and running, with the production of Shrek Jnr, set to be a sell out in Term 3! The cast, made up of Years 5–8 students, collaborates alongside each other and are led by our wonderful Creative Arts team, as they learn, fine tune and master their roles. We are so excited to see their progress throughout the term.
Winter Uniform
As the seasons change, so does our uniform in the Middle School. For the first three weeks of Term, students may wear either the summer or winter uniform. From the beginning of Week 4 (6 May), all students are required to be in winter uniform until the beginning of Term 4.
Middle School expectations
In addition to our uniform expectations, as we begin Term 2, our expectations of our students begin on day one. We consistently talk about the importance of routine, attitude and effort to assist our students to get the best out of themselves and positively contribute to our community at Castlefield. The first step for all our students to start the day in the best way is to arrive at school on time, aiming for an arrival time of 8.20 am, so they are prepared and ready to dive into the day ahead.
Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield (HPFC)
Welcome back
Thank you to all of you who attended the HPF Lunar Park event. It was amazing to see students from all campuses having a wonderful, shared experience.
Mother’s Day events
Please ensure you stay up to date with all the wonderful events this term. We have the Mother’s Day stall as well as the HPFC Mother’s Day Lunch.
Please visit the myHaileybury app for more details.
Monique Chapman
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield