Campus News
New school year
It is with much enthusiasm that we welcome all Castlefield families to the 2023 school year. I extend an especially warm welcome to the new students joining us this year.
The School looks splendid and staff have prepared the grounds and learning spaces for the first day on Monday, 30 January.
Information about student arrivals on the first day is available on the myHaileybury app, under myNews. Parking will be available on the oval for the morning, so parents can help children carry their book boxes to their classrooms. We ask that all items are brought into school on day one.
New Student Afternoon
Students in Years 1 – 8 joining us for the first time this week will have received an invitation about our New Student Afternoon. We welcome new students to join us on Friday, 27 January at 3.30 pm to re-familiarise themselves with the layout of the school, their classrooms and teachers before their first day.
School uniform
Summer uniform is to be worn for Term 1 and the link detailing Uniform Student Expectations can be found on myHaileybury here. Please note, Junior School students don’t wear the blazer with the summer uniform. However, as a SunSmart school, the School cap or bucket hat is compulsory for all outdoor activities during Terms 1 and 4.
Early Learning Centre
Welcome to the ELC
Wominjeka – welcome.

It was lovely to see so many of our 2023 ELC children and families at our information and orientation sessions at the end of last year. We hope you enjoyed receiving your letter in the post from your educators. We are very much looking forward to our first day together and to greeting new and existing children and families.
We can’t wait to begin our 2023 learning journey together. Beautiful, stimulating learning environments have been created to spark excitement, joy and belonging, and to support each child to be a capable, confident and competent learner.
Don’t forget the Haileybury ELC app
As well as the whole school Haileybury app, myHaileybury, we ask families to download the Haileybury ELC app before the term begins. This is the main communication tool for educators and parents. It provides updates on ELC specific events and our class curriculum and there are opportunities to share the magical moments your child experiences in the ELC.
Monday, 30 January
Students commence
Wednesday, 1 February
School photos
Monday, 13 February
Parent teacher Interviews 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm
Wednesday, 15 February
Parent Teacher Interviews 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm
Tuesday, 7 March
Clean up Australia Day in the ELC
Wednesday, 8 March
Jaeden Williams visit and Welcome to Country
Wednesday, 5 April
Easter Bilby Hunt and Picnic
Thursday, 6 April
Castlefield Coin Trail
Junior School
Ready to go!
Junior School staff have been preparing classrooms and the curriculum and are raring to go!
Ready for the first day of school, please label all items of uniform and your child’s lunchbox and drink bottle. At the end of last year we had 48 unnamed items that couldn’t be returned to their owners!
Remember our sun smart policy and ensure your child has their school sun hat ready for day 1. We encourage you to apply their sunscreen in the morning and to include a roll-on sunscreen in your child’s bag so they can reapply throughout the day.
On Up Day, teachers sent home book covers and instructions so booklist items are ready on the first day of school. If you’ve misplaced these covers, please ask your child’s Homeroom teacher for replacements.
New faces
Castlefield Junior School is unique in that we have a one third intake of families coming into Prep who join us from outside our ELC. If you are a current family, please introduce yourself to our new students and families and make them welcome. A number of new students across the year levels are joining us and we know their classmates will look after them. A big welcome to all our new faces this year.
House spirit
All our students belong to one of four Houses — they’re like an extended family outside Homeroom! We look forward to inducting our 2023 House Leaders early in the term and these students will host assemblies, run recess and lunch time clubs and help manage Junior School events. One such event was the Term 4 House Athletics last year when a great time was had by all.
Middle School
Welcome to Middle School
On behalf of the Haileybury Middle School team, we would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to our new and returning families. During the holiday, we hope you were able to relax, unwind and reflect on the highlights of 2022 while beginning to plan for a successful 2023. We hope all our families were able to spend quality time together, doing the things they like with the people they love.
The first day of school is nearly upon us and, in our experience, establishing a consistent routine is vital to a good transition, whether starting school for the first time or moving up a year level. Now is the time to get up early, to prepare your books, school bag and uniform and to get your desk and bedroom ready for study.
Summer uniform must be worn in Term 1, including the school blazer that should be worn to and from school each day. If the temperature reaches 30 degrees, a message will be sent to students informing them that their blazer may be removed. This is known as a Blue Flag Day.
For year levels attending camp in Term 1, we ask parents to please review and complete the required online documentation through Consent2Go.
Once again, we welcome our students, parents and families to the 2023 school year and to our wonderful Castlefield community.
Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield (HPFC)
Happy New Year everybody. We hope you all had a good break with your families — the summer holidays have passed very quickly. I hope everyone is ready to start a new school year.
We have a few events coming up including Prep and Years 5 and 7 parent meeting nights, coffee mornings and we are bringing back Movie Night.
The Second-Hand Uniform Shop is also open for business on Tuesday, 24 and Wednesday, 25 January from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm.
Keep an eye out on the myHaileybury app for dates and information. See you at school!
Monique Chapman
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield