Performing Arts
Spectacular Work!
The VCE Theatre Studies class welcomed guests from across the Haileybury campuses to watch their student led production of The Brother’s Grim Spectacularthon. Each year the Unit 3 Theatre Studies students participate in a 10-week production process that starts in Term 1a and culminates in the final weeks of term. Their job is to take responsibility for two areas of the production (acting, directing, sound, make-up, costume, set, props) and work through the planning, development and presentation of the play. This is from reading an assortment of plays, selecting and casting, to pitching ideas, researching their responsibilities, production meetings, designs, budgeting and so much more. This area of study aligns with professional practice and provides real world skill development.
This year’s production team, ‘Shot in the Dark Entertainment’ (their chosen production company name), produced this high-paced, hilarious and comedic re-telling of 209 Brothers Grimm stories. Conceived as a touring production that could take this children’s show around Australia, the team worked together to create a vision for the work that captured the joy, chaos and heart of a child’s imagination.
The audience laughed along and cheered enthusiastically for this hard-working group.
Nick Waxman
Head of Drama and Theatre Studies
I hope all music students and their families were able to enjoy a restful time throughout the recent Easter break. A chance for students to have time with family away from their busy school schedules is vital. For music students, a pause from music lessons and ensemble rehearsal provides an opportunity to mentally recharge before a busy season of concerts and events commence across the school for Term 2.
Anzac Day performance
For brass students the term begins with participating in the official Melbourne Anzac City Street Parade to be held this Thursday.
The Haileybury Bugle Corps is led by our brass tutor David Robinson. A Corporal in the Army Reserve, Mr Robinson has performed the Last Post and Reveille at the Melbourne Shrine Dawn Service in the past. He can also be regularly seen and heard performing at AFL and A League Anzac services on game day. Look out for Mr Robinson at the Richmond v Melbourne game this weekend.
I know our amazing musicians will march with pride and reverence on Thursday, so look out for them on the Melbourne TV broadcast!
Staff prepare for exciting The Addams Family musical
For a number of music department staff, the Easter break was a timely chance to prepare for involvement in The Addams Family ‘pit orchestra’. In line with tradition in leading Independent Schools, Haileybury hired the professional orchestral scores that are used worldwide for any professional production of The Addams Family.
While staff enjoy the opportunity to work together as an orchestral team, these scores provide a professional challenge that is relished by the group.

The Addams Family is set to open at the end of this week with a Friday night show and a Saturday matinee. Next week there will be four additional shows.
Tickets are selling fast, and the show is expected to be a sellout. It would be great to see as many musical families in the audience as possible. You can buy tickets here.
Staff performing in The Addams Family orchestra are:
Musical Director/Conductor
Robert Latham (Head of Choral Music)
David Dower (piano tutor)
Anthony Spicer (guitar tutor)
Greg Ryan (Head of Co-curricular Music – Senior School)
Stephen Falk (percussion tutor)
Bernadette Baker and Irene Doucas (violin tutors)
Myfanwy Bramble (Head of Strings)
Reed 1
Caroline Marsden, Joel Hands-Otte and Dominique Chaseling (woodwind tutors)
Reed 2
Lionel Bailey (Head of Woodwind)
Trumpet 1
Tristan Rebien (Head of Brass)
Trumpet 2
Rod Marshall (Director of Performing Arts)
Rod Marshall
Director of Performing Arts & Head of Haileybury Music
Visual Arts
Units 3 and 4 Media students visit Top Designs
Our Units 3 and 4 Media students recently embarked on an inspiring excursion to the Top Designs Exhibition at the Melbourne Museum. Top Designs showcases the best work from the 2023 Media students across the state, inspiring our students to achieve their best as they begin their own Media projects this year. What made this experience truly exceptional was the unity of our student body, with students present from all four Melbourne campuses and Pangea. Our students were able to benefit from being a part of the One Haileybury community.
Beyond the artworks themselves, the experience of exploring the exhibition together fostered bonds among our students, sparking lively discussions and mutual inspiration. As educators, we are proud to witness our students engaging so passionately with each other and eagerly anticipate the impact of their newfound inspiration on their own projects this year as they strive to achieve their best.
Ngaire Thomson
Head of Visual Arts Senior School
Pipes & Drums
Haileybury P&D Success at the National Level
Australian Pipe Band Championships were held in Maryborough on Saturday April 13. The P&D once again had a good showing, this time with both A and B bands having their moments on the podium — a first for Haileybury!
The A Band were runners up in the Novice Juvenile A category with Scotch College Melbourne coming in third and Scots College Sydney clinching the victory. The Haileybury A Band drummers won the drumming title and are now officially Australia’s top under-18 drum corp. The success continued with the B Band’s first time on the national podium, taking 3rd place in Novice Juvenile B. These are tremendous results all-round and a great way to wrap up the 2024 season. We look forward to attending the 2026 Australian Pipe Band Championships in sunny Perth, Western Australia. Go Haileybury!
Lincoln Hilton
Director, Pipes & Drums