Performing Arts
After school dance
At each campus, Haileybury offers a wonderful after school dance program as an option for Prep to Grade 6 students. Weekly classes are filled with different activities, warm ups, learning, refining choreography and fun. Students build their technique and are exposed to different genres of dance. Grades 5 and 6 students also create routines for competition and for the end of year Dance Gala in November.
Please visit myDance on the myHaileybury app (within Performing Arts) to read about the program including class times, locations and fees.
Enrolments for the 2023 After School Dance Program open on Wednesday, 25 January 2023 for Prep to Grade 6 classes at all campuses. Enrolments will close on Friday, 17 February. To enrol your child in the program please:
- Click on the myHaileybury app
- Click on the Performing Arts tab
- Click on myDance
- Click on Join Co-curricular Dance.
Once you have submitted your enrolment form, your campus dance coordinator will be in touch with you via email to confirm they have received the form and they will give you details of the first lesson.
Please note that even if you enrolled in the program in 2022, you will need to re-enrol for the new year.
If you have any queries, please contact Teri Batis and Cassie Peele, After School Dance Coordinators, via email
Congratulations SpongeBob cast!
In the final weeks of 2022 auditions were held for SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical. After a successful afternoon of auditions with Years 9 to 12 students, and an impressive series of call-backs, we have a great cast of 70 ready to take on this larger-than-life extravaganza.
Congratulations to the whole cast for going above and beyond throughout the audition process.
Below is a photo of some of our lead cast members in their signature character colours.

Nick Waxman
Head of Drama and Theatre Studies
Happy New Year to all. I know the Haileybury music community will be looking forward to a full schedule of concerts, workshops, rehearsals and instrumental lessons beginning next week. Haileybury can now boast that over 1,000 students will receive a weekly music lesson in 2023!
Outstanding VCE results
In exciting news from the end of last year, I am proud to recognise Year 12 Music student Harry Marshall who achieved the maximum score of 50 for his work in Music Investigation.
Harry, who plays electric bass and acoustic bass, was supported during his studies by bass tutor, Kim May, and classroom teacher, Greg Ryan. He was accompanied by Sean McLeod (drums), Daragh Rodrigues (saxophone), Marcus Beyer (keyboards), Ethan Myers (vibraphone), Joshua Reed (guitar), Emily Marshall (saxophone), Ruby Nuttall (saxophone), Felix King (saxophone), Nirujan Vijayarajan (drums) and David Dower (keyboard).
Well done, Harry.
Many other students also achieved outstanding results including Samuel Koh (47), Daragh Rodrigues (46), Joshua Reed (45), Ethan Myers (42), India Buntman-Bryant (41), Nathan Su (41), Tom Caspers (41) and James Dong (40).
Scores 40 and above place these students in the top eight per cent of the state.
It was an absolute privilege to observe and to be part of the development of these outstanding Haileyburians throughout 2022. I must also acknowledge the outstanding contribution of instrumental staff who played a key role in the planning, preparation and delivery of these students’ programs — and indeed, the programs of all VCE music students.
Special thanks must also go to Greg Ryan, Head of Co-curricular Music: Senior School, for his outstanding work with all VCE Music students across the year.
Well done to all students who participated in VCE music in 2022 — it was a fantastic year. All involved did extremely well and held themselves with poise, grace and determination.
To the VCE Music students of 2023, good luck and let’s get started!
Concert calendar begins
While each individual campus will have a local calendar of music events that I recommend all parents investigate, I would like to draw your attention to the Twilight Concert on Thursday, 16 March.
A relaxed outdoor event, the Twilight Concert takes place in the Senior School Quadrangle in front of Wings Café at Senior School Keysborough. It is suitable for all ages and I particularly encourage families of Middle School students to attend. The concert will feature Senior School ensembles performing a pop-inspired repertoire.
The evening will begin at approximately 6.00 pm and will end around 7.30 pm and light refreshments will be provided.
Rod Marshall
Director of Performing Arts & Head of Haileybury Music
Visual Arts
Congratulations Class of 2022
We couldn’t be prouder of the Class of 2022 for their outstanding VCE results. The talent, effort, perseverance and dedication of last year’s cohort was rewarded with some of the strongest Visual Arts results in the School’s history.
There were incredible, unprecedented average study scores in Studio Arts of 40 and Media of 44, with two students achieving a study score of 49.
As only eight per cent of all students studying these VCE courses receive a study score of 40 or above, and only two per cent receive a score of 45 or above, these outstanding results celebrate the wonderful partnerships of staff and students in the department.
We wish the 2022 Visual Arts alumni all the best with their tertiary offers and endeavours in 2023 and know their efforts will inspire this year’s classes.
Welcome back
We are looking forward to welcoming back students fresh from the summer break with new memories of family celebrations, fun with friends, and time away from school routine. This rich experiential fodder assists students to expand their thinking and encourages new concepts to percolate and develop.
As we prepare to return to classes, we encourage students to reflect on how their holiday break has shaped their perspectives, and what they can bring to their classes as potential creative solutions to inspire a new year of studies.
Visual Arts Captains
In the early weeks of Term 1, students studying Units 3 and 4 classes will have the opportunity to apply for the Visual Arts Captain leadership and committee roles. Keep an eye out on class announcements for further details.
We look forward to reviewing applications and working with the new team who will lead the development of competitions, exhibitions and opportunities for all students to get creative!
Rachelle Rae
Head of Visual Arts Senior School
Pipes & Drums
Let the preparations begin
The Pipes & Drums students from competition bands have officially begun their preparations for the 2023 Pipes & Drums season and the excitement is palpable. We are particularly excited to introduce a third junior competition band to the program this year.
Students have been working hard to perfect their craft, honing their skills on the practice chanter and drums in preparation for upcoming competitions and performances. They are determined to build on their past successes and push themselves to new heights.
They have regularly taken part in individual practice and group rehearsals and have focused on technical proficiency and the dynamics and phrasing of the music to bring out the emotion and expression of the pieces they will play. Students have also been working on their marching and drill techniques to improve their presentation on the field.
This has also been a time for students to bond as a group and to recognise the importance of teamwork and camaraderie in making a successful performance.
The Pipes & Drums students are determined to put on an outstanding performance for 2023. With hard work, dedication and team spirit, they are sure to make a lasting impression in the Pipes & Drums community.
The students, staff and parent association look forward to seeing them showcase their talents throughout the year. The 2023 season promises to be one to remember!
Lincoln Hilton
Director, Pipes & Drums